Friday, May 30, 2008
Holidays and holidays. Is June holidays really a holiday? It seems like there's simply 永远作不完的功课。Anyway, it's GOOD FOR US so we must do it. -_-
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
For today's meeting at Hougang Mall, I requested to take the MRT instead of the bus. Gee, this is the first time I took a train down from BISHAN to HOUGANG all alone. Haha. As you know, I need to change at Dhoby Ghaut station. I heard from some ppl that it's a long walk to the other line but I just decided to give it a try. After all, there's always a first try to everything. :) Everything went very smoothly. I didn't get lost, miss my stop, or blah blah blah. It was very fast and the whole journey took about 30 to 35 minutes. I didn't expect it to be that fast, frankly speaking. Haha! BUT I SAW MY PATROL SENIOR WITH HER FRIENDS AT HOUGANG MRT! I don't know whether she saw me or not though...
When I alighted at Hougang MRT, I saw Yuan Hui waiting and waiting. Haha! She was waiting for me and Wong Lei. She reached at about 12.45pm while our meeting starts at 1.30pm. =.= Haha! Due to a wrong estimation of time, I reached there early too, at about 1pm. The both of us chatted and played handphone games until Wong Lei arrived.
Cheng San Library was colddd. Luckily, I brought my sweater. :D Unfortunately, there wasn't enough space in that library so we went down to McDonalds.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
This is my GUIDES TEE. :D Nice right? Haha...

You see this picture above? Can you guess what this is? Hehe... This is the amount of DUST that was hidden under the carpet in our classroom! AHHH! The four of us who went back to clean up the classroom took out the carpet and this was the amount of dust underneath it. -_- This goes to show how dusty our classroom is. Haha.
I FINALLY BOUGHT MY BILLABONG PENCIL CASE! YEEEEEEEEEEE~ I'M SO EXCITED! Haha, I know I'm being =.= but I'm really very excited that I got my ideal pencil case already. :D It's SUPER NICE, just like what I thought it should be. I bought it yesterday at Ngee Ann City and that's my birthday present already. Haiz... So early get birthday present already. Then on the actual day, I won't have much presents already... HAHA! Just kidding. :) I actually have the photo of it but I don't wish to 'show it off'. Hehe. P/S: Thanks mum for buying it for me! :D
Friday, May 23, 2008
Today was Cedar's Annual Cross Country. It was very fun. Though we had to run 3.5 to 3.8 km around Bedok Reservoir, it was quite breezy along the way and I thought that I had quite a good time. Haha. But I'm very proud of myself cos I RAN THE WHOLE JOURNEY! I RAN THE WHOLE 3.5 TO 3.8 km! WHOOHOO~ OH YEAH! Sorry if I seem to be boasting... But I just feel very happy and that's another achievement for today. :D However, I missed the top 100 positions by a few placings. (Maybe about 5? I don't know.) Hais, otherwise I could have gotten a collar pin. :) But it's ok. It's just a fun run, not a competitive run for me. Haha...
After that, me, Raykal, Sarah and Regina went back to Cedar to clean up our classroom. We didn't really cleaned the whole class thoroughly cos we lack of manpower. In the end, we just sweeped the floor, wiped the desk tops and chairs and re-taped the carpet. Wow, you should have seen that. Under the carpet was thick layers of dust! I didn't know that at first but later I saw it for myself and I was quite shocked. :/ I have never seen so much dust before. Haha! Anyway, so I think that at least the floor is cleaner and oh ya! Me and Regina 'bathed' one of the rubbish bins. We scrubed the inside of the rubbish bin and oh my, was it dirty and smelly! But after the 'bath', the dustbin was much cleaner. :D And it's all thanks to me and Regina! Haha, just kidding. :) Later, both of us had cup noodles for lunch on the blue benches outside 7-Eleven. Boy, were we hungry! We were not full yet after eating the cup noodles and so we went to 7-Eleven to find something else to eat. Whoa, their products are quite expensive! I think that I'd better not buy anything from them unless it's necessary. :) Haha!
I've got my GUIDES TEE already. Yay, it's purple in colour and it's the same design, as always. The shirt is quite nice and finally we have ours. Other CCAs have theirs about 2 to 3 months ago already.
Let's talk about the JUNE HOLIDAYS now. I'm so excited that it's the June hols already. I know that I've said this part for about 3 times but I want to repeat it again. (Rebenrachelsarahpetition is the emphasis on something to show the importance of it. :D) We have tons and tons of homework to complete and of course, not to forget, projects too! I've calculated already, I have 14 pieces of homework altogether plus 2 projects to complete within this holidays. Wait. Should I say 3 projects? Anyway, it seems like the no. for the projects is very little but it's the AMOUNT OF PREPARATION that is important. So far, I have not fully completed any homework but I have done History except for the last question. The English test paper is done too EXCEPT (once again) the summary at the end. So there, I still have about 13 homework and 2 to 3 projects to deal with. =.= Is 4 weeks enough to finish so many things? I know that some other schools give more homework than Cedar's but that's because their students are capable of completing all of them. (No offence though.)
To conclude, June holidays, HERE I COME! :D
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Speaking about the class stuff, our Home Econs Dinner for our Parents was so enjoyable! Last night, quite a lot of parents came to attend this dinner that we'll specially cook for them. Though I wasn't with the class in the afternoon, I think that the class did pretty well on the whole. :D WELL DONE 1I, I'M VERY PROUD OF YOU GUYS! Surprisingly, they remembered to bring their attire for the dinner! Haha, I thought that some people will forget totally about the dinner then this never bring, that never bring. Haha, I guess I have underestimated how well my classmates' memories are! :) However, not everything is perfect. There has to be some blemishes here and there. Last night, we were a bit disorganized as all of a sudden, we were ahead of time by 30 min or so! I was thinking whether we should delay the time by serving the dessert much later. But in the end, everything just went as 'per planned' and thankfully, all was fine. It's just that one parent 'complained' that the dinner was so short! Haha, I guessed he was kinda hoping for more. :P When we went around collecting for more donations, every table donated and the amount was good. I'm not going to reveal how much we earned cos we haven't calculated it out yet. (Haha!) In general, I think that our dinner was very successful and that 1i cooperated with us at the end to make this dinner a success. (A round of applause for yourselves, 1i! :D) I learned a lot from this event e.g. time management, dealing with stress etc. At least, I'm glad that it's over so that I can relax more. Haha! :)
Tomorrow is Cedar's Annual Cross Country Championships. This will be my first tiem participating in such an event. I'm quite excited as we'll be running 3.5 km! I'm quite threatened by the long distance but I think that it's gonna be fun. We'll be running as a class, I think. Anyway, that's what I think so, although it's quite impossible to. We'll be running around Bedok Reservoir. That'll certainly be interesting. Haha!
Anyway, today is the last day of school. I'M SO HAPPY! YAY! NO MORE GOING TO SCHOOL FOR STUDYING (until the end of June)! Phew, am I relieved! Of course, a holiday is incomplete without projects and homework, which have already been assigned to us. Man, we have so many projects and homework to do during 4 weeks! Brrr, what can we do? Let's just make the best out of this June holidays 2008. There! :D
Monday, May 12, 2008
Projects, projects, projects. Assignments, assignments, assignments. *sigh* When is it EVER going to end? Can't you just give us a break and let us enjoy our June holidays? It seems like all teachers give us during the hols is projects, projects, projects. *sigh* (again)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Anyway, today's Mummy Day! :) I did something which I have never did in my whole life this morning. I made breakfast for my mother and family! Haha, I know that making breakfast for your family is no big deal to some of you. But I made French Toast! Yay! Haha, it was a success. I did it during Home Econs two weeks ago and it was very deilicious. Yes, and it was equally delicious this morning, just that I used less oil. I'm very proud of myself today cos I think this year, I gave a real 'unique' present to my mother. :) Happy Mothers' Day, mum! :)
I enjoyed myself this weekend. I raelly had a good break this time round. For the previous weeks, I have been staying at home doing homework and meeting with my friends to do projects. It was SO BORING. Projects, homework, projects, homework. There's nothing much I could do. But this weekend, it was a CHANGE. :) I went to NGEE ANN CITY yesterday! Ooooh, I love going there! I love going to Kinokuniya! I love it, I love it, I love it! (Repetition: to emphasize on something.) Just sitting in Kinokuniya to read my favourite books and satisfy me already. :) I have been looking forward to a 'visit' to Kino for the past few weeks, since my common tests are over. And this time, my 'wish' finally came true! Haha, let's not beat about the bush anymore. I read there for about one and a half hours? I don't know. Anyway, that's enough to satisfy me, again. :D I bought a book from there and used up all my vouchers (cos my brother bought something too) that I 'won' from a quiz that was conducted in school a few weeks ago. Then when I went for a tea break, there was a shop nearby so I went in to see. And that shop sells Billabong stuff! A lot, also. :) Yeeeeeee! I like Billabong products, although they are quite expensive. So far I haven't got any yet but I'd love to have one simple one like a pencil case. But don't get it wrong. I don't like the type of blackish and the fonts spiky and looks very 'evil' products. Anyway, back to the point. I SAW THIS VERY NICE BLUE BILLABONG PENCIL CASE. I saw it! I finally saw a pencil case that's suitable for me! YAY! I know I'm overacting but I just got 'attracted' to it once I saw it. I don't wish to describe it cos I might receive some 'unwanted comments' about my taste. Haha! But the thing is, I really want that pencil case cos it's really very nice... I hope I can get it for my birhtday present this year. Hopefully the shop will continue selling it until July. Haha, maybe not though. :)
*yawn yawn* It's back to school tmr and I have things to settle with 1I. 1I, you'd better listen up tmr! :D Bye, gtg!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Right now, as you can see, I finally posted pictures on my blog! YAY! Haha. I'm already into the fifth month of blogging and there has yet no pictures. =.= Yup, I know that that's the reason why my blog is boring so now I finally post some pictures to liven up the blog! YAY! :)