My first swimming lesson just now was quite fun. We attended the lesson together with 1C, H, A and M. So, there were about 25 people in my group (Gold) and the instructor can't possibly attend to everyone of us. Thus we were required to swim 2 laps of the pool each time and boy, the swimmin pool seemed so long! The one that I usually swim in is not that long. So in the first lap, I felt okay, but when I was swimming back to the starting point, I was getting more and more tired. AND MY ARMS AND LIMBS WERE ACHING! I could really feel the ache as I have never swam that long a distance for a few months. (I know people claim that they haven't swam for 5 years.) But luckily the instructor 'gave us some time to rest' so by the time I swim again, I won't feel that exhausted.
When the lesson ended, the toilet was already fully booked! It was big, actually, but definitely not big enough to let all 5 classes of 40 students in to each cubicle! People were already queueing up for the cubicles to shower and we only had about 15 minutes left to wash up! Foreseeing that we would have no time to shower in the cubicles, me and Jeslyn went outside to the 'children's toilet' to just rinse ourselves WITHOUT taking out our swimming costume, of course. I mean, there are no doors and the walls are so low, because it caters for young children. Even the shower head is so short! I just simply scrubed my head under the running water of the shower head without my shampoo or whatever cos THERE WAS NO TIME! So later, we dried ourselves and put on our P.E. shirt with the swimming costume still inside. Everything was so rush yet some people still could apply conditioner on their hair WHILE INSIDE THE CUBICLES! I mean, there are many people who don't even get the chance to ENTER the cubicles yet... Okay, I'm not mentioning names, nor am I referring to anybody. I just know that there are some people out there who were doing what I just described. But no offence, still. :) On the whole, I think that the swimming lesson was fun and I saw many different types of swimming costumes too! Haha. :D
I'm so happy cos I only have to stay back once this week! There'll be no MSP cos there's the 'O' Level MT Oral Examination to be conducted after school so the MT teachers will not be free. It's not that I don't like Malay, it's just that I can have more time for revision of teh upcoming CTs. Ahhhhh, I feel so threatnened by the CTs. Hey! I seem to be talking more and more about the CTs right? Ok then, I shall try to talk less about it. :)
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I have some very late posts here. Talking about my June Holidays now... Anyway, in the hols, I went to watch KUNG FUUUUUU PANDA with my siblings and younger cousins. It's nice and very comical. :) Just that the more interesting part is at the back, of course, especially the 'special effects' when Po and Tai Lung were fighting. Then the Master Wu Gui said sthg which I think is very inspirational: "Yesterday was HISTORY, tomorrow is a MYSTERY and today is a GIFT, that's why it's called 'present'!" OH MY GOSH, I found that statement so niceee! I don't know why, but it all sort of links together and makes sense. :)
Oh ya, TMR IS MY FIRST SWIMMING LESSON in school! Yayyy! I'm so excited. Just that I don't really look forward to wearing my swimming costume there... =.= I hope there are more people wearing the type of swimming costume that I wear though... The people who went already said that it's fun. :) I really hope it is, since this time you get to attend the lesson with your friends. But we're only given 1 minute to rinse ourselves and that is totally not enough! Tmr, just taking off my swimming costume will probably cost me 30 seconds. You know, it's wet and kinda sticks to your body. Then the rest of the 30 seconds is barely enough for me to put on my school uniform. -_- Cos my body will still be a bit wet and then everyone will be so anxious to keep within the time limit that somehow, we tend to take a longer time. So I hope tmr I will be able to do things faster and hopefully, not get scolded by anyone... Haha, just kidding. :)
I just finished a project meeting with Xin Yu, Jeslyn, Jing Wen and Wong Lei. They came to my house! :D Haha, finally I don't need to travel here and there... But I sort of pity Xin Yu... Cos she has to travel the longest distance. We have never been to her house for a project work before so she's the one that's travelling the most. But I'm also quite tired of going to Boon Keng or Hougang already and I want to stay within Bishan! Haha, I know I sound very selfish. XD I'm gonna post some photos that we took. Haha, it's very silly.
The first one.
And the second one. (:
Anyway, how do you guys find my new blogskin? I find it very colourful. My friend noticed that all my blogskins are colourful or has sthg to do with rainbow. Because I like colourful things, such as rainbow! Hehe...
Gotta go and pack my swimming stuff for tmr! See ya! :D
Oh ya, TMR IS MY FIRST SWIMMING LESSON in school! Yayyy! I'm so excited. Just that I don't really look forward to wearing my swimming costume there... =.= I hope there are more people wearing the type of swimming costume that I wear though... The people who went already said that it's fun. :) I really hope it is, since this time you get to attend the lesson with your friends. But we're only given 1 minute to rinse ourselves and that is totally not enough! Tmr, just taking off my swimming costume will probably cost me 30 seconds. You know, it's wet and kinda sticks to your body. Then the rest of the 30 seconds is barely enough for me to put on my school uniform. -_- Cos my body will still be a bit wet and then everyone will be so anxious to keep within the time limit that somehow, we tend to take a longer time. So I hope tmr I will be able to do things faster and hopefully, not get scolded by anyone... Haha, just kidding. :)
I just finished a project meeting with Xin Yu, Jeslyn, Jing Wen and Wong Lei. They came to my house! :D Haha, finally I don't need to travel here and there... But I sort of pity Xin Yu... Cos she has to travel the longest distance. We have never been to her house for a project work before so she's the one that's travelling the most. But I'm also quite tired of going to Boon Keng or Hougang already and I want to stay within Bishan! Haha, I know I sound very selfish. XD I'm gonna post some photos that we took. Haha, it's very silly.

Anyway, how do you guys find my new blogskin? I find it very colourful. My friend noticed that all my blogskins are colourful or has sthg to do with rainbow. Because I like colourful things, such as rainbow! Hehe...
Gotta go and pack my swimming stuff for tmr! See ya! :D
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I CHANGE MY BLOGSKIN AGAIN! YAY! This blogskin is so much better! So much more colourful and vibrant. :) Hope you guys like it too!
There's not much homework this weekend so I have the time to revise for History and Literature. I'm so proud of myself! Haha, cos I tried out the History SEQ - Judgemental and the Lit essay. :D Yay, now I know roughly how much I must write. :) I hope I'll still have the time to revise for Maths tomorrow. :D
Alright, I'll just end here. Will update if I have the time! :)
There's not much homework this weekend so I have the time to revise for History and Literature. I'm so proud of myself! Haha, cos I tried out the History SEQ - Judgemental and the Lit essay. :D Yay, now I know roughly how much I must write. :) I hope I'll still have the time to revise for Maths tomorrow. :D
Alright, I'll just end here. Will update if I have the time! :)
Friday, June 27, 2008
Right. It's already a week since I last posted. And it's also one week since the June holidays ended. Time really flies... Soon, I'm gonna 'complain' about how much I have to revise for the Common Tests which is in week 5. Week 1 is already over. That means we only have 4 more weeks left for revision... OH NO!
Anyway, school was okay for this week. I sort of missed my classmates. XD Hehe... Coming back to school means that I'm 'inviting more homework and assignments' to complete. But it's ok. I shall bear with it and STUDY HARD. :D
Cedar Express Yourself Day (CEYD) is next Friday. I'm so happy that we, as a class, are participating in the event! :DDD YAY! I'm so excited! But I hope that everything will turn out fine. :) Actually, I haven't got the chance to wear home clothes to school before cos in TVPS, we have to dress up to the theme given e.g. superheroes. So of course, I still wore school uniform. Now that should explain why I'm that excited... =.= Haha.
I don't think I'll have the time to update my blog that often for the time being as I have to revise for the upcoming CT. So don't expect many posts here in the coming days or weeks. :)
Anyway, school was okay for this week. I sort of missed my classmates. XD Hehe... Coming back to school means that I'm 'inviting more homework and assignments' to complete. But it's ok. I shall bear with it and STUDY HARD. :D
Cedar Express Yourself Day (CEYD) is next Friday. I'm so happy that we, as a class, are participating in the event! :DDD YAY! I'm so excited! But I hope that everything will turn out fine. :) Actually, I haven't got the chance to wear home clothes to school before cos in TVPS, we have to dress up to the theme given e.g. superheroes. So of course, I still wore school uniform. Now that should explain why I'm that excited... =.= Haha.
I don't think I'll have the time to update my blog that often for the time being as I have to revise for the upcoming CT. So don't expect many posts here in the coming days or weeks. :)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I just came back from a GROUP STUDY. :D This is my first time doing group study and I felt that we were productive. Me, Xin Yu and Wong Lei met at Bugis MRT first before proceeding to the National Library. Boy, was it quiet! It was really very quiet and I had to practically whisper. Everybody was reading or sleeping and the atmosphere was so quiet --- too quiet that I felt very uncomfortable... Haha! We began work at about 1.50pm, at one side of the library --- near a corner. Then we started on History, Maths, Geography and finally Science. We didn't do the work there as that'll be too time-consuming. We went through our answers for Maths and Science. I read Xin Yu's version of her History SBQ and man, was it brillant! It was very well written and I was thinking: how nice it would be if I was the one who wrote that... Hahaha! So I finally understood how to do History already. :) Yay! Later, we saw one another's newspaper articles about the weather and climate thing. I saw most of the articles that Xin Yu and Wong Lei had but I didn't take them cos it's mostly about the same content: floods. And I grew so tired of floods! I mean, I don't know what to say for the reflections already! Anyway, I then borrowed one of Xin Yu's article (sthg related to FLOODS again...) to photocopy. Fortunately for me, I HAVE ALREADY COLLECTED ALL 8 ARTICLES! YAY! I can finally stop complaining that I can't find 8 articles. Hehe.
Ok, gtg. Hope everyone who's reading can tag at my blog! (Otherwise my tagboard will seem so deaddd... Haha.)
Ok, gtg. Hope everyone who's reading can tag at my blog! (Otherwise my tagboard will seem so deaddd... Haha.)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Yesterday, I went to Mindcafe for patrol outing together with Morning Glory and Kingfisher. It was quite fun cos we can eat and play board games at the same time. XD Unfortunately, me and Si Min were the only Sec 1s from all the three patrols! :/ And it was so embarrassing to go out with your seniors, especially when they ask you questions then you answer wrongly or sthg like that. Then they will sort of like, laugh at you (hahaha). And you'd have make a big fool out of yourself. =.= We played mostly games like Taboo and Cherades (don't really know how to spell). I wanted to order chicken wings! And share with one of my friends. But she didn't want. :( (But it's ok.) Anyway, just as well I didn't eat chicken wings. Cos it's very heaty... Haha. The worst part is that I didn't pay! I forgot to pay! Oh my god! Help! I scared the seniors think wrongly of me... I was new to this kinda thing so I didn't know their 'version' of footing the bills. As I left early, I didn't know who helped me pay... Oh gosh, I'm so 'scared' now...
School is gonna reopen very soon! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I still have history to do! And I don't know how to do it... Man, how am I going to hand that piece of assignment up to Ms Ng? And that Geography newspaper article thing is still incomplete! I still have 3 more articles to go! Actually, I found about 2 more articles about flooding and I SO DIDN'T WANT TO TAKE THOSE. Cos I've already had 3 out of 5 articles about flooding! Why can't there be articles like droughts, famines, or some snow-related 'disasters'? Okay, I'm not hoping that there'll be more natural disasters and all, but... OK FINE! TALKING ABOUT THIS JUST MAKES ME HAVE A BIGGER HEADACHE! I shall end my post here so as not to 'aggrevate my headache'. (haha.)
School is gonna reopen very soon! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I still have history to do! And I don't know how to do it... Man, how am I going to hand that piece of assignment up to Ms Ng? And that Geography newspaper article thing is still incomplete! I still have 3 more articles to go! Actually, I found about 2 more articles about flooding and I SO DIDN'T WANT TO TAKE THOSE. Cos I've already had 3 out of 5 articles about flooding! Why can't there be articles like droughts, famines, or some snow-related 'disasters'? Okay, I'm not hoping that there'll be more natural disasters and all, but... OK FINE! TALKING ABOUT THIS JUST MAKES ME HAVE A BIGGER HEADACHE! I shall end my post here so as not to 'aggrevate my headache'. (haha.)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Hi ppl! I'm so happy right now. For the first time, I managed to change my blogskin without any major problems! Yay! Hehe. I hope you guys won't find it too plain. I know it's quite, but I decided that a change would be better. Haha...
Anyway, just came back yesterday from a short getaway to Sentosa. It was very fun! :D I went there with my aunt, uncle and cousins. So fun! Although it's only for 2 nights, I enjoyed myself totally. Haha! It was so relaxing... So peaceful... Unlike the busy city life in mainland Singapore, where I face the pressure of HOMEWORK and PROJECTS. Hahaha. I went to 2 attractions: the Sentosa Luge and the Cineblast. Luge was okay, quite fun, as this wasn't the first time for me. But Cineblast is new and it's a cinema ride - a 'show' plus stimulators, sort of like a rollar coaster ride. It was thrilling and there was the excitement. :) The only thing is that it's a bit too short. It's only about 10 to 15 minutes. It should have been about 20 minutes. But it's ok. I enjoyed it nevertheless. :) The hotel room was quite relaxing. When you look out, you can see the sea and the swimming pool. Whoa... how nice if I was staying there for long term! Then I got this really don't-wanna-go-home feeling on Friday. I didn't feel like leaving that 'relaxing paradise' and face the reality of dealing with homework and projects again. However, I have to surrender and admit that life isn't fair. Sometimes things are just like that. There's a time to play but there'll always be a time to work. I know I'm sounding like an old grandmother though. *sigh*
I don't want holidays to end! I think everybody dreads the end of holidays. I want more time to do my own things such as READ BOOKS. I'm so 'behind time' and there are like, so many books that I would want to read! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Ok, this shows that I'm bored and don't know what to write anymore. Haha!
Anyway, just came back yesterday from a short getaway to Sentosa. It was very fun! :D I went there with my aunt, uncle and cousins. So fun! Although it's only for 2 nights, I enjoyed myself totally. Haha! It was so relaxing... So peaceful... Unlike the busy city life in mainland Singapore, where I face the pressure of HOMEWORK and PROJECTS. Hahaha. I went to 2 attractions: the Sentosa Luge and the Cineblast. Luge was okay, quite fun, as this wasn't the first time for me. But Cineblast is new and it's a cinema ride - a 'show' plus stimulators, sort of like a rollar coaster ride. It was thrilling and there was the excitement. :) The only thing is that it's a bit too short. It's only about 10 to 15 minutes. It should have been about 20 minutes. But it's ok. I enjoyed it nevertheless. :) The hotel room was quite relaxing. When you look out, you can see the sea and the swimming pool. Whoa... how nice if I was staying there for long term! Then I got this really don't-wanna-go-home feeling on Friday. I didn't feel like leaving that 'relaxing paradise' and face the reality of dealing with homework and projects again. However, I have to surrender and admit that life isn't fair. Sometimes things are just like that. There's a time to play but there'll always be a time to work. I know I'm sounding like an old grandmother though. *sigh*
I don't want holidays to end! I think everybody dreads the end of holidays. I want more time to do my own things such as READ BOOKS. I'm so 'behind time' and there are like, so many books that I would want to read! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Ok, this shows that I'm bored and don't know what to write anymore. Haha!
Hi all. Been quite busy lately. Haven't been posting this blog for about a week... Haha. Even my friend noticed me for not updating. Haha! This is gonna be a very short post just to tell ppl that my blog is not dead. =.=
I'll be changing my blogskin very soon. Be ready to say goodbye to this blogskin... Haha. But the newer one will not be as nice as this one. Haha! The new one is quite plain but I like it though. So I guess that's all that matters. :D
Ok, gtg. Will update some other time. (Got a lot to say! :))
I'll be changing my blogskin very soon. Be ready to say goodbye to this blogskin... Haha. But the newer one will not be as nice as this one. Haha! The new one is quite plain but I like it though. So I guess that's all that matters. :D
Ok, gtg. Will update some other time. (Got a lot to say! :))
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Yesterday we had our IPW at the library. We were supposed to HELP OUT with the 'Teens to Teens Programme' held at Tampines Regional Library. In the end, due to the lack of ppl participating, we became the participants. =.= No choice, as very ppl came. But there was these three sisters, one about 14 years old and the other 2 is about 6 or 7 years old. 6 to 7 years old! I was thinking in my heart that 6 to 7 years old is too young for this programme as they might not even know how to read the story... But it's ok. At least there were ppl joining this programme. Tampines Library was colddd. I wonder why the air-conditioners in libraries are always so colddd. Anyway, we weren't very participative. I'm sure the ppl from Xinmin Secondary hosting this programme would be quite disappointed. :( But it's ok. At least my group was there! Hahaha...
Then when we were walking from the library to the MRT/bus interchange, all five of us were like, laughing and laughing because of a comment that Sarah said to me. =.= Actually, I don't really see why it's so funny. -_- Haha! If you wanna know more, you can go to Sarah's blog at Haha...
YAY! I ONLY LEFT 3 HOMEWORK! I left the Chinese Enjoyedu, the History source-based questions and the troublesome Geography newspaper articles. Humph. It's so difficult to find 8 articles about CLIMATE AND WEATHER PHENOMENA. Brrr. I'll just try my best nevertheless. :D
Then when we were walking from the library to the MRT/bus interchange, all five of us were like, laughing and laughing because of a comment that Sarah said to me. =.= Actually, I don't really see why it's so funny. -_- Haha! If you wanna know more, you can go to Sarah's blog at Haha...
YAY! I ONLY LEFT 3 HOMEWORK! I left the Chinese Enjoyedu, the History source-based questions and the troublesome Geography newspaper articles. Humph. It's so difficult to find 8 articles about CLIMATE AND WEATHER PHENOMENA. Brrr. I'll just try my best nevertheless. :D
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I watched Records Challenge last night on Channel 8. Sashimi told me that TOWNSVILLE was in that programme. :D (Thanks Sashimi for telling me! (: If you didn't inform me, I wouldn't have known. :D) At first, I didn't really have high hopes for Townsville, frankly speaking. But after I saw how they practised, I was confident that they would do well. All of the 30 people were girls as the teachers thought that girls would be better. All those girls are mostly the gymnastics and netballers. I could tell that they practised many times and practised very hard. In the end, Townsville managed to run through the whole 50m without any slips! THEY RAN THE WHOLE 50M SUCCESSFULLY! YAY! :D I'm so, very proud of Townsville, my primary school. :D It seems like their hard work had paid off! :) When Townsville ran the finished the distance successfully, Mrs Tan Chor Hiang was practically jumping for joy! Hahaha! I saw her on the television. :) She's so comical! Haha... Anyway, WELL DONE, TOWNSVILLE! HOPE YOU CAN KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND CONTINUE TO BRING GLORY TO TOWNSVILLE! :D
Monday, June 2, 2008
I'm bored... There's nothing to do in the holidays except dealing with a huge pile of homework. It's the start of the 2nd week of the holidays and how many homework have I finished? Hmm... let's see. I think I left 6 more. But the 6 are the more difficult ones cos I do the easy ones first. Haha. But we need to find 8 newspaper articles about climate and weather phenomena! ahhhhhhh! How am I going to find so many articles? Even with the help of the Internet, I seriously doubt I can find all 8. =.=
Today, I'm supposed to go for a training at one of the community libraries for IPW but it's cancelled. :( I'm afraid that we won't be able to help out there cos it's the JUNE HOLIDAYS already and this is the only time whereby we can go to organisations and help out there. But now, my IPW is at stake. :( I can only hope that we get this programme for our IPW.
*Here's my sincere apologies to someone whom I have hurt. I have already deleted that section about you. ^^ Hope you will forgive me.*
Today, I'm supposed to go for a training at one of the community libraries for IPW but it's cancelled. :( I'm afraid that we won't be able to help out there cos it's the JUNE HOLIDAYS already and this is the only time whereby we can go to organisations and help out there. But now, my IPW is at stake. :( I can only hope that we get this programme for our IPW.
*Here's my sincere apologies to someone whom I have hurt. I have already deleted that section about you. ^^ Hope you will forgive me.*
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