YAY! TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY! YAYYY! I enjoyed myself very much, especially in school. 1I was so sweet! They bought a birthday cake for me! Oh my gosh. So touching... We celebrated during recess and everybody gathered in the classroom to sing a birthday song for me! Wow~ So sweet! <3 Haha, okay. Even though the cake was small and could not feed 38 mouths, it was the thoughts of everybody --- who wanted to celebrate my birthday together as a class --- that's important. :) So, I'm gonna thank everybody who contributed in one way or another.
I really appreciate what everybody has done for me today. :) Thank you very much once again!
At home, the celecration was simple, yet nice. :) I just feel very fortunate to have my friends and family to celebrate my birthday with. :) Birthdays are only ONCE every year. So I must treasure that 24 hours and make full use of it. :D
Countdown to the end of my birthday 2008 (nooo...) : 2 hours and 15 minutes :(
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
OH MY GOD! TMR IS THE HISTORY AND SCIENCE COMMON TESTS ALREADY! AHHHH...! Which, in other words, is my birthday. But I don't see the point in celebrating your birthday on the same day as your Science and History CT, especially when you have lots of things to memorise for those subjects and that you have to WRITE 2 ESSAYS IN 45 minutes. Brrr... it's cold. Haha. Just being random. Anyway, I hope that I'll be able to write at least 3 quarters of each essay within the time limit. :D
Countdown to my birthday (in other words, the terrifying Sci and Hist tests [haha. :)] ) : 3 hours (!!!) and 13 hours 20 minutes (!!!!) respectively
Countdown to my birthday (in other words, the terrifying Sci and Hist tests [haha. :)] ) : 3 hours (!!!) and 13 hours 20 minutes (!!!!) respectively
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Hi, I'm finally back after having 6 days of rest from updating this blog. Obviously, I was revising! Haha. Lit and Maths CT are over and EL Oral is over too. Am I relieved? NOT ONE BIT. I'm taking a break from revising History. Wow, it sure was tiring. Haha! Can you imagine? I only have 3 days (including today) for revision of the History and Science CT! History is gonna be the worst. WE HAVE TO WRITE 2 ESSAYS IN 45 MINUTES! That means 1 essay has to be within 20 minutes! I'm a slow writer so I predict I won't have enough time to complete the whole essay... Haiz, how sad. Anyway, I shall cut short this post and carry on revising now. :)
Countdown to my birthday (in other words, the Sci and Hist tests) : 3 days!
Countdown to my birthday (in other words, the Sci and Hist tests) : 3 days!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Today was our first ever Cedar Pasar Malam. Guess what? IT WAS A HUGE SUCCESS! 1I RAISED OVER $200! WOOHOO~! I'm so excited. We did a very brillant job as everyone of us contributed in one way or another. :D WELL DONE, 1I, I'm so proud of ourselves! :) We should celebrate all our success after our EYE. :)
At about 9.35am, we brought all our stuff to the empty classroom beside the Humanities Staffroom. Everything (the time) was quite crammed, as most of our classmates did not know the prices of the goods that we're selling. We actually had 3 working shifts. BUT, in the end, everything was so messy and confusing that nobody followed the shifts that we set. -_- Haha! I stayed throughout the whole one hour so I didn't get to see what other stalls were selling. :( How sad... But it's ok, as I helped in 'advertising' our DELICIOUS COOKIES, BROWNIES AND CORNFLAKE COOKIES! :) It sure tasted heavenly! Our posters were fine. Some were sold out very fast, while some were still left on the shelves. :( Haha, anyway, our magazines were not really very sellable. I thought that it would sell quite well... Oh well, it's ok. At least we raised a lot of money for the school! :D In general, our Cedar Pasar Malam was a GREAT SUCCESS! I love it! :D
Oh no, there's Lit test and EL Oral tmr! I'm quite confident for Lit already but I don't know what I should do for the oral! Brrr... Never mind, I shan't talk so much about tests anymore. Just wish me luck! :)
Countdown to my birthday (in other words, the Sci and Hist tests) : 9 days
At about 9.35am, we brought all our stuff to the empty classroom beside the Humanities Staffroom. Everything (the time) was quite crammed, as most of our classmates did not know the prices of the goods that we're selling. We actually had 3 working shifts. BUT, in the end, everything was so messy and confusing that nobody followed the shifts that we set. -_- Haha! I stayed throughout the whole one hour so I didn't get to see what other stalls were selling. :( How sad... But it's ok, as I helped in 'advertising' our DELICIOUS COOKIES, BROWNIES AND CORNFLAKE COOKIES! :) It sure tasted heavenly! Our posters were fine. Some were sold out very fast, while some were still left on the shelves. :( Haha, anyway, our magazines were not really very sellable. I thought that it would sell quite well... Oh well, it's ok. At least we raised a lot of money for the school! :D In general, our Cedar Pasar Malam was a GREAT SUCCESS! I love it! :D
Oh no, there's Lit test and EL Oral tmr! I'm quite confident for Lit already but I don't know what I should do for the oral! Brrr... Never mind, I shan't talk so much about tests anymore. Just wish me luck! :)
Countdown to my birthday (in other words, the Sci and Hist tests) : 9 days
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Monday is Racial Harmony Day. And also the Cedar Pasar Malam. I suddenly realised that we're not quite prepared. Cos I don't know whether everybody will bring what they're supposed to bring or not. Although the prices has been decided, who-is-going-to-bring-what is not really decided... Anyway, I'm just going to write down on a piece of paper all the things that still need to be done. :) And all the 1i-ballers out there reading this, PLS RMB TO BRING ALL THE THINGS THAT YOU NEED TO BRING! Thanks. :)
Countdown to my birthday (in other words, the Sci and Hist tests) : 11 days
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Hello. I'm very tired. Very, very, tired.
I have to admit that what you say is true. It's quite slack, but I can't say that because I take pride in it! I love it! Although it can't really be compared to others, I just know that it has its good points too.
I will never allow anybody to say that of it anymore.
Countdown to my birthday (in other words, the Sci and Hist tests) : 13 days
I have to admit that what you say is true. It's quite slack, but I can't say that because I take pride in it! I love it! Although it can't really be compared to others, I just know that it has its good points too.
I will never allow anybody to say that of it anymore.
Countdown to my birthday (in other words, the Sci and Hist tests) : 13 days
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
There's Guides tmr. We're doing knots and lashings. :D Gee, I'm quite excited. :) (Thankfully there isn't any Health Profi Badge tmr. Or not?) Anyway, should I finish my Log Book? But how am I supposed to present it? In a file? Like a small notebook? I DON'T KNOW!
Countdown to my bithday (in other words, the Sci and Hist tests) : 15 days
Saturday, July 12, 2008
It's a Saturday. The weekends. And what have I been doing? WORK, of course! So far, I've only annotated the whole of 'Lamb to the Slaughter' (YAY!) and that's definitely not enough. =.= So, this are the things that I aim to complete by this weekend:
- Read up 'External and Internal Threats' from the History testbook
- Practise Maths (graphs)
Ok, I know it sounds little but I'm sure there's a lot of time that needs to be put in. And I also have to practise my piano!
Oh ya, yesterday was Leaders' Investiture. It was so fun! I love it! Although I felt a bit nervous going up on stage in front of almost the whole school, everything turned out well in the end. :D And I got my badge! Yay! However, I have not even took it out from the plastic cover yet! Haha. Also, I didn't get to see the whole programme as I was one of the people involved. But during the rehearsals, I saw the 'going up on stage' part for all the other boards and I especially love the CCA Leaders - UG! Instead of bowing, they saluted, turned, and checked! And would you believe it, it was so cool! Everyone of them were so neat and uniformed, not to mention Girl Guides! :D I hope I can march as well as the seniors next time. :)
Countdown to my birthday (in other words, the Sci and Hist tests) : 18 days
- Read up 'External and Internal Threats' from the History testbook
- Practise Maths (graphs)
Ok, I know it sounds little but I'm sure there's a lot of time that needs to be put in. And I also have to practise my piano!
Oh ya, yesterday was Leaders' Investiture. It was so fun! I love it! Although I felt a bit nervous going up on stage in front of almost the whole school, everything turned out well in the end. :D And I got my badge! Yay! However, I have not even took it out from the plastic cover yet! Haha. Also, I didn't get to see the whole programme as I was one of the people involved. But during the rehearsals, I saw the 'going up on stage' part for all the other boards and I especially love the CCA Leaders - UG! Instead of bowing, they saluted, turned, and checked! And would you believe it, it was so cool! Everyone of them were so neat and uniformed, not to mention Girl Guides! :D I hope I can march as well as the seniors next time. :)
Countdown to my birthday (in other words, the Sci and Hist tests) : 18 days
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I'm so sad... Grace has left Cedar and transfered to Anderson yesterday! Wahhh... Anyway, it's ok. It's her decision. We have no right to stop her. But everybody misses her... Apparently the whole class! Just hope she will do well in Anderson and that the school will be as good as what she expected. :)
I'M STILL FOREVER NERVOUS ABOUT THE COMMON TESTS AND EL ORAL! I always say that I'm nervous, scared etc. But it's because I'm afraid on whether I have the time to revise! Okay, I know that right now I should be revising... Ok, Rachel, COOL DOWN.
Right, and I'm going to do some homework now.
Countdown to my birthday (in other words, the Sci and Hist tests) : 20 days
(P/S: I'm still in school right now... Waiting for Leaders' Investiture Full Dress Rehearsal to start at 5 pm?!)
I'M STILL FOREVER NERVOUS ABOUT THE COMMON TESTS AND EL ORAL! I always say that I'm nervous, scared etc. But it's because I'm afraid on whether I have the time to revise! Okay, I know that right now I should be revising... Ok, Rachel, COOL DOWN.
Right, and I'm going to do some homework now.
Countdown to my birthday (in other words, the Sci and Hist tests) : 20 days
(P/S: I'm still in school right now... Waiting for Leaders' Investiture Full Dress Rehearsal to start at 5 pm?!)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Haiz... What a tiring week it'll be for me ahead. I'm supposed to revise Science, History and EL ORAL now but --- LOOK WHAT I'M DOING?! Ok, I know. After doing about 2 hours of Maths and Art, I think I probably could have some 'rest and relaxation'. But sometimes I don't feel very good coming here... So, I'll have to put in double efforts to DO WELL in the COMMON TESTS and ORAL! AHHHHHHHHHHHH. I really don't like the fact that the CTs are coming. I feel very threatened by it.
Ok, gtg now. Having an early dinner so that I'll have more time for revision later. :D
Ok, gtg now. Having an early dinner so that I'll have more time for revision later. :D
Saturday, July 5, 2008
This is a continued from the previous post.
Yesterday was CEYD. It was organised by Cedar Connect (Cedar's Youth Alumni) and some of the pupil leaders. We can wear anything we like, and we mean ANYTHING. You can even dye your hair temporarily and paint your fingernails or put on make-up or anything you like. That's why it's caled 'Express Yourself Day' - express your personality or whatever. As usual, I wore a simple tee and shorts while some others also wore the dress code as me. However, I was very surprised by many of the Cedarians 'costume'. One Sec 4 class even wore pyjamas to school! It was very fun, especially the assembly programme. Some teachers also wore 'different outfits' and some female teachers wore the Cedar school uniform! Hahaha! They look a bit weird but comical. For a moment, I thought that one of them was a Sec 4 Cedarian! Hahaha... My History teacher and Literature teacher wore out school uniform and they look very 'studdent-like'. Some of the male teachers also wore sthg similar, like some kind of uniform (but I don't know what's that exactly). Oh ya, Ms Chin, one of the Guides teacher-in-charge, wore her Nanyang Girls' school uniform! I didn't know that she's from NYGH! But she looked very cute in that. :) Mr Ong, my ex-Science teacher, wore his Judo suit, sthg like a Taekwondo suit. Hahaha! Everything was just so weird and wacky! But I just love it. I think this is the best school event so far.
During the assembly programe, we pulled up those teachers wearing differently to go on stage and dance or catwalk for us! Haha, it was very hilarious. One of them danced until very funny man! (I shall not mention who that teacher is so as not to embarrass him/her.) EVERYTHING WAS JUST VERY FUNNY. So, now, I shall post soe pictures that I took yesterday. (There's not much though.)

This was at our class sofa. (:
Sorry, it's slanted. This is Mrs Menon wearing the Cedar school uniform. Haha! (:

Yesterday was CEYD. It was organised by Cedar Connect (Cedar's Youth Alumni) and some of the pupil leaders. We can wear anything we like, and we mean ANYTHING. You can even dye your hair temporarily and paint your fingernails or put on make-up or anything you like. That's why it's caled 'Express Yourself Day' - express your personality or whatever. As usual, I wore a simple tee and shorts while some others also wore the dress code as me. However, I was very surprised by many of the Cedarians 'costume'. One Sec 4 class even wore pyjamas to school! It was very fun, especially the assembly programme. Some teachers also wore 'different outfits' and some female teachers wore the Cedar school uniform! Hahaha! They look a bit weird but comical. For a moment, I thought that one of them was a Sec 4 Cedarian! Hahaha... My History teacher and Literature teacher wore out school uniform and they look very 'studdent-like'. Some of the male teachers also wore sthg similar, like some kind of uniform (but I don't know what's that exactly). Oh ya, Ms Chin, one of the Guides teacher-in-charge, wore her Nanyang Girls' school uniform! I didn't know that she's from NYGH! But she looked very cute in that. :) Mr Ong, my ex-Science teacher, wore his Judo suit, sthg like a Taekwondo suit. Hahaha! Everything was just so weird and wacky! But I just love it. I think this is the best school event so far.
During the assembly programe, we pulled up those teachers wearing differently to go on stage and dance or catwalk for us! Haha, it was very hilarious. One of them danced until very funny man! (I shall not mention who that teacher is so as not to embarrass him/her.) EVERYTHING WAS JUST VERY FUNNY. So, now, I shall post soe pictures that I took yesterday. (There's not much though.)

This was at our class sofa. (:

Oh no, even this is slanted. But anyway, I'm sure everybody knows that this is Ms Ng. (:
When me, Xin Yu and Sarine went to the T-shirt shop to order our class tee, we saw many, many designs on the computer. The man, Mr Patrick, showed us how to make it 'nice' on the computer. I love the dolls in front! They're so cute! Just that I think we have to change the eyes a bit. It looks like some kind of ghost... Haha! Anyway, I hope the tee will turn out very nice. It's $16 each but we have to pay the deposit of 40% (of the total) on Thursday. So each of us will have to pay about $5 for the deposit. (The deposit is $200 as Mr Patrick gave us a discount. :D) But the total amount of money will still remain the same. Please rmb to bring the money on Tuesday! Thanks. :) We'll get our shirts around week 5, which is our when our Common Tests starts. Haiz... Anyway, please pray that our class tees will turn out fabulous. :)
Friday, July 4, 2008
It's me again. Today was Cedar Express Yourself Day (CEYD). I enjoyed it a lot! Especially the assembly programme. Haha! I've not much time today so I'll elaborate another time.
Today me, Xin Yu and Sarine went to the shop to order our class tee. (Sarine was bored so we let her come with us. (: The more the merrier right?) The man was very kind and friendly to us. He gave us a discount! AND OUR CLASS TEE IS FABULOUS! It's a bit plain, but I just like it. The dolls in front are simply irresistable! THEY'RE SO CUTE! Oops, I have to go now. Will take again later. :)
Today me, Xin Yu and Sarine went to the shop to order our class tee. (Sarine was bored so we let her come with us. (: The more the merrier right?) The man was very kind and friendly to us. He gave us a discount! AND OUR CLASS TEE IS FABULOUS! It's a bit plain, but I just like it. The dolls in front are simply irresistable! THEY'RE SO CUTE! Oops, I have to go now. Will take again later. :)
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