I'm so right. The atmospheric temperature now is 35 degrees Celsius! Believe it or not! Actually it's not unbelieveable, cos it's extremely hot now. And I do mean HOT.
Ahh, I thought today will rain, since it didn't rain for the past 2 days, and it's the 'winter' season now.
Anyway, I just read from Asiaone that the Top PSLE student this year is from Qifa Primary. Whoo, a neighbourhood school man! Take that, all the top schools! HAHAHA. Not that I'm from that school (Vithika is), but I just want people to know that their kids can also strive very well in neighbourhood schools, and not just the top and ming xiao are always the best in everything.
Mankind must put an end to war, if not war will put an end to mankind.
- John F. Kennedy
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Let's start from yesterday, shall we?
Yesterday in the morning I went for the Inter-Unit Initiative (Guides) at Ngee Ann Sec. Well, there were supposed to be 27 people turning up, but instead half turned up. Anyway, we did Napkin Folding, Towel Animal, Balloon Sculpting and Gel Candle. I was so hungry in the midst of the activities! We only had refreshments/lunch break at 12.40. But nvm, after it ended I went straight to Downtown East.
Which is the next segment that I'm about to say. I went to Downtown East (hmm, or more like Escape Theme Park) with Sabrina, Wei Ting, Jing Wen, Natalie, Jasveen, Regina and Vithika. Cos now the adult ticket only costs $9 each. This promotion lasts from now till the end of the year. And since I haven't been to ETP for 3-4 years, I thought I'd just give it a try.
Escape, the place itself, is very small, and there's really little rides. Nowonder they can afford to give such great discounts, cos I think they have not much business, even though it's the holidays already. I heard from my friends that many rides have already been done away with, and yes, I also think so too. Even though I haven't been there for a long time, I remember sitting rides that I don't see now anymore.
Well, I shall just fast forward to the highlight of the day: the VIKING SHIP! :D Can you believe this, I have never sat on an actual Viking Ship before. Yes, I only sat on the small, mini, pasar malam kind. Haha! Cos I was scared, you know. Haha, but now I think I'm more brave (braver?), so I just went to try. And it paid off, man! I mean, one has to be more adventurous right? ;) I sat on the third-last row, together with Sabbie and Jasveen. Oh my, it was so cool! Exciting! Exhilarating! :D:D You just feel like you're going to fall off your seat when you're at the highest point, or some where that's very high. Hahs, it was so funnn! I was screaming and screaming until my mouth went dry after the ride! Oh, not to mention that Sabbie's screaming was awesome! Haha, awesome? Yeah, kinda awesome, cos she was screaming more than me, practically every time the boat goes up she screams, even when it's not that scary, in my opinion. Haha. And she screams the high-pitched one. Hah, leave it to your imagination to visualise it!
After some breaks of going to other rides, like the Wet&Wild, which was not bad, quite thrilling too, we went for the Viking Ship again. Yay! Actually some of them went for a second time first, then I joined in later, cos my stomach was still a bit full after eating. So when I went again, I sat at the row that's closest to the middle, to avoid any discomfort during and/or after the ride.
Guess what happened? There were 3 boys who sat opposite us, but facing us, and they were acting so foolishly. When the ride just started, a girl who was sitting right at the back shouted/screamed, then one of them said "Diam lah!" Ho, I was like, people want to scream then let them scream! Lol! Then they themselves just started shouting and screaming (err, wait, I don't think boys scream) unneccessarily. Oh well, then Sabbie suddenly said, "I feel challenged." HAHA! DON'T YOU THINK IT'S SO FUNNY? Haha, ok, probably it doesn't sound funny here. Anyway, then when the ride started getting intense, Sabbie and I started screaming, then the boys opposite us were asking us to shut up. Soon, Sabbie got pissed, haha, and purposely did the contrary of their requests - scream louder! HAHAHAH, when the boy opposite us ask us to "Diam", Sabbie opened her mouth wide and screamed at them! Right in his face! LOL! Especially when it's not the scary part, she still screamed at them! HAHAHAHAHAH!
Alright, we now name Sabbie the 'Leader of the Screams', when sitting on the Viking Ship! Haha! So funny! Well, I guess it's just this last ride on the Viking Ship that was the highlight of the trip. The others like the Wet&Wild, which I mentioned already, was very good, and the Family Coaster is not bad too. We went twice. Just that it seemed like they haven't oiled the tracks or sthg for years. I didn't go into the Haunted House, cos I was scared. Yes, haha, for this I'm not ready to go for it yet. :P
All in all, I think ETP is going downhill, cos there's so little rides left. And for those rides, less than half are actually enjoyable, in my opinion. So, when the Resorts World Sentosa (RTS) opens next year, they'll surely have no business. Haiii, so sad. But it's not as if I have a liking for that place. :/
Alrightalright, enough about ETP. Let's progress to today. In the morning and half of the afternoon, we had the New Leaders Welcome. The games were quite fun, yes, and I feel that this whole session really bonded CPB a lot! Previously I didn't feel bonded or attached to this board, but today, everyone made an effort to get to know one another better, and bonded together! Yeah, that's cool. :)
Aiyo, I didn't get wet during the water balloon game! So sad, I was looking forward to getting wet, you know, have some fun. But apparently, we weren't agressive in 'attacking' each other, so not many got wet.
Lunch was delicious! They catered food for us! How nice. :) Then after lunch at about 1.30, when the sun was burning hot, we had to walk out off school and walk on the Homecoming Day route! The entire thing, not just one side of it! The full, two routes combined! First we walked through Wan Tho Ave, then walked along Upper Serangoon Rd on the hill top, then walked along Upper Aljunied Rd, and back to Willow Ave outside Cedar Primary, then back into our school. I'm telling you, it's not easy ok. I mean, with the scorching hot sun? I bet it's 34 or 35 degrees Celsius then man! I was hot and thirsty! But anyway, there's always a purpose and motive for doing such things.
Ok, have to go eat now. See ya. ;)
Yesterday in the morning I went for the Inter-Unit Initiative (Guides) at Ngee Ann Sec. Well, there were supposed to be 27 people turning up, but instead half turned up. Anyway, we did Napkin Folding, Towel Animal, Balloon Sculpting and Gel Candle. I was so hungry in the midst of the activities! We only had refreshments/lunch break at 12.40. But nvm, after it ended I went straight to Downtown East.
Which is the next segment that I'm about to say. I went to Downtown East (hmm, or more like Escape Theme Park) with Sabrina, Wei Ting, Jing Wen, Natalie, Jasveen, Regina and Vithika. Cos now the adult ticket only costs $9 each. This promotion lasts from now till the end of the year. And since I haven't been to ETP for 3-4 years, I thought I'd just give it a try.
Escape, the place itself, is very small, and there's really little rides. Nowonder they can afford to give such great discounts, cos I think they have not much business, even though it's the holidays already. I heard from my friends that many rides have already been done away with, and yes, I also think so too. Even though I haven't been there for a long time, I remember sitting rides that I don't see now anymore.
Well, I shall just fast forward to the highlight of the day: the VIKING SHIP! :D Can you believe this, I have never sat on an actual Viking Ship before. Yes, I only sat on the small, mini, pasar malam kind. Haha! Cos I was scared, you know. Haha, but now I think I'm more brave (braver?), so I just went to try. And it paid off, man! I mean, one has to be more adventurous right? ;) I sat on the third-last row, together with Sabbie and Jasveen. Oh my, it was so cool! Exciting! Exhilarating! :D:D You just feel like you're going to fall off your seat when you're at the highest point, or some where that's very high. Hahs, it was so funnn! I was screaming and screaming until my mouth went dry after the ride! Oh, not to mention that Sabbie's screaming was awesome! Haha, awesome? Yeah, kinda awesome, cos she was screaming more than me, practically every time the boat goes up she screams, even when it's not that scary, in my opinion. Haha. And she screams the high-pitched one. Hah, leave it to your imagination to visualise it!
After some breaks of going to other rides, like the Wet&Wild, which was not bad, quite thrilling too, we went for the Viking Ship again. Yay! Actually some of them went for a second time first, then I joined in later, cos my stomach was still a bit full after eating. So when I went again, I sat at the row that's closest to the middle, to avoid any discomfort during and/or after the ride.
Guess what happened? There were 3 boys who sat opposite us, but facing us, and they were acting so foolishly. When the ride just started, a girl who was sitting right at the back shouted/screamed, then one of them said "Diam lah!" Ho, I was like, people want to scream then let them scream! Lol! Then they themselves just started shouting and screaming (err, wait, I don't think boys scream) unneccessarily. Oh well, then Sabbie suddenly said, "I feel challenged." HAHA! DON'T YOU THINK IT'S SO FUNNY? Haha, ok, probably it doesn't sound funny here. Anyway, then when the ride started getting intense, Sabbie and I started screaming, then the boys opposite us were asking us to shut up. Soon, Sabbie got pissed, haha, and purposely did the contrary of their requests - scream louder! HAHAHAH, when the boy opposite us ask us to "Diam", Sabbie opened her mouth wide and screamed at them! Right in his face! LOL! Especially when it's not the scary part, she still screamed at them! HAHAHAHAHAH!
Alright, we now name Sabbie the 'Leader of the Screams', when sitting on the Viking Ship! Haha! So funny! Well, I guess it's just this last ride on the Viking Ship that was the highlight of the trip. The others like the Wet&Wild, which I mentioned already, was very good, and the Family Coaster is not bad too. We went twice. Just that it seemed like they haven't oiled the tracks or sthg for years. I didn't go into the Haunted House, cos I was scared. Yes, haha, for this I'm not ready to go for it yet. :P
All in all, I think ETP is going downhill, cos there's so little rides left. And for those rides, less than half are actually enjoyable, in my opinion. So, when the Resorts World Sentosa (RTS) opens next year, they'll surely have no business. Haiii, so sad. But it's not as if I have a liking for that place. :/
Alrightalright, enough about ETP. Let's progress to today. In the morning and half of the afternoon, we had the New Leaders Welcome. The games were quite fun, yes, and I feel that this whole session really bonded CPB a lot! Previously I didn't feel bonded or attached to this board, but today, everyone made an effort to get to know one another better, and bonded together! Yeah, that's cool. :)
Aiyo, I didn't get wet during the water balloon game! So sad, I was looking forward to getting wet, you know, have some fun. But apparently, we weren't agressive in 'attacking' each other, so not many got wet.
Lunch was delicious! They catered food for us! How nice. :) Then after lunch at about 1.30, when the sun was burning hot, we had to walk out off school and walk on the Homecoming Day route! The entire thing, not just one side of it! The full, two routes combined! First we walked through Wan Tho Ave, then walked along Upper Serangoon Rd on the hill top, then walked along Upper Aljunied Rd, and back to Willow Ave outside Cedar Primary, then back into our school. I'm telling you, it's not easy ok. I mean, with the scorching hot sun? I bet it's 34 or 35 degrees Celsius then man! I was hot and thirsty! But anyway, there's always a purpose and motive for doing such things.
Ok, have to go eat now. See ya. ;)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I've changed my blogskin!

Haha, I've enlarged it so that maybe you can appreciate this photo too! LOL! xD
Hoho, actually it's the same one as Orchid Patrol's blogskin, but since I was the one who found it, HAHA, I think it's alright to use it as mine too.
I feel it's time for a change, even though I liked the old one too.
Ahhh, I'm really missing Perak trip! :/
I shall post the same picture that I posted a few days back one more time, to reinstate how much I love that photo! :D
Haha, I've enlarged it so that maybe you can appreciate this photo too! LOL! xD
Friday, November 20, 2009
Ahh geesh, today I felt like some... totally distracted person! I said sthg that was weird and nonsensical!
What did I say? When she asked us whether we were tired, I said, "Ermm, no, cos the pizza was... very... energising!" ?!?!?! Haha, come to think of it, I also don't know what and why I said that! I was trying to say that "I feel energised after eating the pizza, so I'm not tired!" ARGH! Thanks a lot man!
But I'm sure she did understand what I was trying to say. =.= Sigh.
Today I went back to school at Cedar Ave for Guides store unpacking. Hoho, yes, that was when the incident above happened. =.= When we were about to go home after eating the pizza that Mdm Faridah treated us. :D
First time back to Cedar Ave after it was renovated. Hmm, I would have to say that it's very classy, haha, very nice. :) I think the campus is quite big, hearing from my friends who already more or less walked around the school. But I haven't, so I have to wait till other times. :)
Our Guides store was alright. It turned out pretty messy at first, when I first reported there. Haha. But then as more people came to help out, the mess gradually cleared up! :) Yay, the efficiency of us, Guides! :D But I'm sure now it's a bit different, cos we just put the stuff that we placed outside the door inside. Haha. Still, I'm sure we'll do a good job packing it. :) The next packing session is next week, done by Sec 3s only. Haiii, I want to go and help...! Haha, really, I want to do sthg good. Help out. Cos I'm so bored at home! :/:/:/
Alright. GAHHH stop brooding over the blunder that you made! Anyway, for those who haven't read my Perak trip post yet, scroll down yeah? ;D
Thanks for making me realise
that it will not end here.
Or now.
It's just goodnight,
andnot never not goodbye.
How I wish that it'll never be goodbye...
What did I say? When she asked us whether we were tired, I said, "Ermm, no, cos the pizza was... very... energising!" ?!?!?! Haha, come to think of it, I also don't know what and why I said that! I was trying to say that "I feel energised after eating the pizza, so I'm not tired!" ARGH! Thanks a lot man!
But I'm sure she did understand what I was trying to say. =.= Sigh.
Today I went back to school at Cedar Ave for Guides store unpacking. Hoho, yes, that was when the incident above happened. =.= When we were about to go home after eating the pizza that Mdm Faridah treated us. :D
First time back to Cedar Ave after it was renovated. Hmm, I would have to say that it's very classy, haha, very nice. :) I think the campus is quite big, hearing from my friends who already more or less walked around the school. But I haven't, so I have to wait till other times. :)
Our Guides store was alright. It turned out pretty messy at first, when I first reported there. Haha. But then as more people came to help out, the mess gradually cleared up! :) Yay, the efficiency of us, Guides! :D But I'm sure now it's a bit different, cos we just put the stuff that we placed outside the door inside. Haha. Still, I'm sure we'll do a good job packing it. :) The next packing session is next week, done by Sec 3s only. Haiii, I want to go and help...! Haha, really, I want to do sthg good. Help out. Cos I'm so bored at home! :/:/:/
Alright. GAHHH stop brooding over the blunder that you made! Anyway, for those who haven't read my Perak trip post yet, scroll down yeah? ;D
Thanks for making me realise
that it will not end here.
Or now.
It's just goodnight,
How I wish that it'll never be goodbye...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Ok, now for the detailed account of the Peral trip! :D
Day 1, Saturday
It's a long, long journey ride there! :/ Ahh well, but no one can help it, cos Perak is so far north. It's above the state of Selangor, where KL is situated. It's about 3-4 hours longer than the journey to KL from Singapore.
Do I have to describe what we did in the bus? Haha, sleep, listen to music, read (a bit), practise blowing the bubble of the bubblegum, and taking unglam photos of Teo with her gum. But actually it's not unglam, since she doesn't mind it at all. And she always does these kinda things, so, yeah. Haha.
We were supposed to go to Kellie's Castle in the evening, but when we reached Perak, it was too late to go there cos it'll be dark already, and it's not advisible to go there at night, cos that place is reputed to be haunted... :/:/:/ Instead, we had 40 minutes to walk at a shopping centre. Yes, I know, so short right? But anyway, it doesn't matter, cos I didn't go to Perak with the intention of shopping. It's an adventure trip, my dear. Haha, the fact that they let us stop by the shopping centre was good enough. I didn't buy anything, cos of the time constraint and cos I didn't see anything that I liked.
The hotel was very nice, just like other standard hotels. I love the atmosphere! It's very grand, and there was someone playing the grand piano downstairs, so there's this very... special feeling. Not like some quiet hotel. Anyway, we had quite a lot of time, so we camwhored, not really camwhore, just take random shots. Hahaha.
Day 2, Sunday
I was so excited for this day! It's like, WHITE WATER RAFTING and WATERFALL ABSEILING! :DDD We sat off to the Riverbug place via bus and van. There was a change in plans, erm, well, not really plans, but you know the day before the teachers told us to bring extra clothes, sandals whatever stuff we want to change into, then on the day itself it seems like whatever you bring along to the place will be whatever you will carry to the white water rafting itself. No place to put your whatsoever stuff. So I kinda brought so many things till my small bag wanted to burst, then in the end it was quite good that we didn't actually have to bring anything with us.
Thankfully, there were no leeches! :D Actually I don't understand where the leech can strike you. As in bite. Cos it's not really a forest. Ohkay, then the briefing was so funnyyyy! The guide was speaking in a really cute and funny accent! And he loves to crack lame jokes, maybe not jokes, but then he will always pause a while, then say, "Kidding onlehh!" HAHAHA. Can you imagine that? Ohk, at first we didn't see it as sthg special or funny, but then after the 2nd time it became like a new joke of the century! HAHA. Then we just kept laughing over "Kidding onlehh"!
Fast forward to when we were carrying our rafts to the river. Hoho, so cool! You could see that the water was fast flowing, and there were rocks, so it's very exciting and thrilling! :) When we got in, I thought we could 'take off' already, but the guide just kept circling us around and around that same area, I think to get us warmed up, or to wait for the other rafts to go first. During this period of time, it was quite boring, cos we haven't actually travelled through the rapids yet.
Then finally, we set off, and there comes the bumpy rides! The rocks and rapids were so fun! The command, "Boomboom" is to signal that we get into the raft, meaning sit on the bottom of it. Cos we were only sitting on the edge of the raft, with our legs inside, that's all. So when it's time to boomboom, it means that there's a huge rapid or some 'dangerous' (in my opinion, exciting) part. Hehe. So at the first part of the journey, there were many of these nice rapids and boomboom-s, hah, so we were enjoying ourselves! HAHA, then that Sabrina and Charlene, who ask them to sit together, whenever there's a boomboom, they keep crashing into each other, and always have a hard time getting up again. Oh yes, and they kept laughing as if it's their last chance to laugh. =.= Gosh! Laugh within your own territory man, Sabbie! You always make laughter seem so contagious, yes, even though I know it is! Haha, that's why I say it's a mistake to make you and Charlene sit together!
Ahhhh, the boomboom is always so fun! Seriously, I want to go again! Haha. Oh, did I mention that it's tiring too? Yeah, it is, cos you have to keep pedalling. Even though there were breaks, like we rowed to one side and rested for a few minutes, your arm can't help but get tired.
Ohh, and then during this longest break, we all got down from our rafts and just, get completely wet! Haha, oh, I guess I was smart enough not to get my whole head wet by submerging it, haha, or falling with the others to the ground! But still, I don't mind getting wet, cos it was so fun! Haha, we sang a lot of songs and cheers together as Cedar Guides! :D:D:D So funnnn! I want it again, man!
Oh, then the next half of the journey gradually became more and more dull. There were no more rapids, and it was really just, nothing. Haiyo, just when we were hoping for more boomboom-s, there came none. I think there was only one after that, but that one wasn't fun at all. Haha, never mind, at least I'm glad that I got to experience such a fun activity! :D
Then after lunch, the weather turned awry! D: Boo. When we got to the waterfall abseil venue, the sky began to turn dark, and then after the instructor briefed us about the safety precautions, it started to pour. :(:(:( I was so angry! And disappointed! I was so looking forward to the waterfall abseiling! Not only was the activity thrilling, I have not abseiled before, so I'm positive it will be a refreshing experience! :( Boo. Speaking of this, I'm so fumed ok. During P6 camp, I was next to go for the abseiling (normal one), then suddenly the instructor said that there's no more time, and that we had to go for dinner. My friend and I were begging the instructor like mad, yet he didn't budge at all. =.= Then when we got to the dining hall, we were the first group there, and had to wait for half an hour for the rest to come. =.==.= Super pissing can? Haizzzz. But anyway, that was during my P6 camp. Yesyes, so I was really looking forward to the waterfall abseiling, but unfortunately the weather spoiled it all. And did I tell you that I was shivering in the cold? Yes, I was, but I recovered soon enough. Thankfully. :) Sigh, so of course, I wasn't the only one who was disappointed. My friends and other people were equally disappointed. Oh well, I guess we can't have control over the weather. It's just my fate that I have to wait till OAC next year to get to abseil.
So then we had our tea break, which there was hot tea! Yay, not that I like tea, in fact I don't drink tea, but for survival purposes, it was hot, and I do mean hot, so it was great for warming myself up! After having a nice shower, we had dinner. :) And I really mean that the shower was nice and refreshing ok. Everyone was so recharged after the shower! After dinner we played Truth or Dare. Whoa, I tell you, that was the best Truth or Dare game I've ever played in my whole life! Hahaha, we played as Sec 2s to 4s man! Haha, I don't know whether it's my fortune or unluckiness to not get picked. Haha.
Night game was so, so fun! It was hilarious I tell you! Hahaha. The games were alright, all played before in Singapore. But it's the team that made everything so enjoyable! All the Sec 2s and Deryn and Melissa. :) Haha, our group name was called 'Orange Juice 20 cents', cos we were all wearing the orange-coloured Farewell tee, and who knows where did that extra '2o cents' come from! I think that instructor just added it there without telling us! Anyway, CHARLENE TEO WAS HILARIOUS! SO COMICAL! She as the paper doll was indeed very suitable! So funny! HAHAHA. And she did not take any advantage of you, okay, Charlene! HAHAHAHAHAA! Alright, yay, because our group was so coordinated and thoughtful, we won the champion prize!Hahaha, for all three games combined together! :D Good job Orange Juice 20 cents, I will miss you guys! ;)
Day 3, Monday
After eating breakfast, we went around the place/resort to take photos. :) The scenery is really nice. :) Then after that we stood at the back of the lorry and they drove us to Gua Tempurung. :) Oh gosh, it got me so excited to be standing on the back of the lorry man! Haha, this really shows how suaku we were. Sigh. It was really relaxing and cooling, haha, our lorry was like, shouting and making a lot of sound effects along the way!
Gua Tempurung was fine, not bad, but not what I expected to be. I thought we had to climb through holes, 'battle' with bats etc. Haha, it turns out that I just had to climb the stairs, and enjoy the view, that's all! No bats! Haha! The shapes formed by the stallectites and stallecmites were really a wonder, from animals to humans to other weird creatures, like cats, goats, horse, woman, batman?! Haha. Cool. :) But the climb was kinda tiring.
After lunch we went to Kellie's Castle. Ho, the ghost stories that the teacher narrated to us were indeed freaky! :/ The castle was alright. I think Mr Chai was kinda right, it reminded me of the tragedy of WWII, where the Japanese bombed part of the place... Anyway, the rooftop was really nice! A bit dangerous, cos there's totally no railings at the side and anyone who goes too near the edge of the roof will just fall. Four storeys, I think. But still very dangerous. But anyway, it's a nice phototaking place! :D
After that we went to the Mangrove place. Haha, I shall fast forward that one cos I don't have anything to say about that. Then we went to the Charcoal Factory. Very interesting! The boss was very enthusiastic, and kept thanking us for visiting his factory. Oh, I finally learnt hor charcoal was made, and it really taught me to use charcoal wisely! It takes one whole month (and slightly more than that) to make charcoal, from the mangrove trees etc! Very long! And the hands on activities were fun. :) Ohh, the sweet potato that was cooked by the charcoal way was very sweet! Nice. :)
Then it was dinner. Hahaha, sthg weird and kinda extraordinary, or so they call it, happened to Sabrina and Charlene! Hohoho. Shall not elaborate. They were in pain, yet they still could laugh. =.= Laughing in pain! HAHAHA! I think that night, everyone seemed to go crazy or sthg, cos the Sec 3s were laughing like mad too, and I think the Sec 4s were also laughing a little more than usual... Or is it my imagination? Oh well, you can't deny the fact that laughing is contagious! :D
The hotel was alright, I would say very modern, but it's very small, so I definitely prefer the Ipoh hotel from the first night to this one. It's small, not kidding onlehh!
Day Four, Tuesday
We went to Taiping Lake Gardens in the morning. Not bad, quite scenic, especially since the sky was very blue! :) Took some photos there. :)
Then after that was just travelling, travelling, all the way.
All in all, I loved Perak trip very much. Ahhahaha, just blogging about this makes me feel all I-miss-Perak-trip!
Till we meet again.
Day 1, Saturday
It's a long, long journey ride there! :/ Ahh well, but no one can help it, cos Perak is so far north. It's above the state of Selangor, where KL is situated. It's about 3-4 hours longer than the journey to KL from Singapore.
Do I have to describe what we did in the bus? Haha, sleep, listen to music, read (a bit), practise blowing the bubble of the bubblegum, and taking unglam photos of Teo with her gum. But actually it's not unglam, since she doesn't mind it at all. And she always does these kinda things, so, yeah. Haha.
We were supposed to go to Kellie's Castle in the evening, but when we reached Perak, it was too late to go there cos it'll be dark already, and it's not advisible to go there at night, cos that place is reputed to be haunted... :/:/:/ Instead, we had 40 minutes to walk at a shopping centre. Yes, I know, so short right? But anyway, it doesn't matter, cos I didn't go to Perak with the intention of shopping. It's an adventure trip, my dear. Haha, the fact that they let us stop by the shopping centre was good enough. I didn't buy anything, cos of the time constraint and cos I didn't see anything that I liked.
The hotel was very nice, just like other standard hotels. I love the atmosphere! It's very grand, and there was someone playing the grand piano downstairs, so there's this very... special feeling. Not like some quiet hotel. Anyway, we had quite a lot of time, so we camwhored, not really camwhore, just take random shots. Hahaha.
Day 2, Sunday
I was so excited for this day! It's like, WHITE WATER RAFTING and WATERFALL ABSEILING! :DDD We sat off to the Riverbug place via bus and van. There was a change in plans, erm, well, not really plans, but you know the day before the teachers told us to bring extra clothes, sandals whatever stuff we want to change into, then on the day itself it seems like whatever you bring along to the place will be whatever you will carry to the white water rafting itself. No place to put your whatsoever stuff. So I kinda brought so many things till my small bag wanted to burst, then in the end it was quite good that we didn't actually have to bring anything with us.
Thankfully, there were no leeches! :D Actually I don't understand where the leech can strike you. As in bite. Cos it's not really a forest. Ohkay, then the briefing was so funnyyyy! The guide was speaking in a really cute and funny accent! And he loves to crack lame jokes, maybe not jokes, but then he will always pause a while, then say, "Kidding onlehh!" HAHAHA. Can you imagine that? Ohk, at first we didn't see it as sthg special or funny, but then after the 2nd time it became like a new joke of the century! HAHA. Then we just kept laughing over "Kidding onlehh"!
Fast forward to when we were carrying our rafts to the river. Hoho, so cool! You could see that the water was fast flowing, and there were rocks, so it's very exciting and thrilling! :) When we got in, I thought we could 'take off' already, but the guide just kept circling us around and around that same area, I think to get us warmed up, or to wait for the other rafts to go first. During this period of time, it was quite boring, cos we haven't actually travelled through the rapids yet.
Then finally, we set off, and there comes the bumpy rides! The rocks and rapids were so fun! The command, "Boomboom" is to signal that we get into the raft, meaning sit on the bottom of it. Cos we were only sitting on the edge of the raft, with our legs inside, that's all. So when it's time to boomboom, it means that there's a huge rapid or some 'dangerous' (in my opinion, exciting) part. Hehe. So at the first part of the journey, there were many of these nice rapids and boomboom-s, hah, so we were enjoying ourselves! HAHA, then that Sabrina and Charlene, who ask them to sit together, whenever there's a boomboom, they keep crashing into each other, and always have a hard time getting up again. Oh yes, and they kept laughing as if it's their last chance to laugh. =.= Gosh! Laugh within your own territory man, Sabbie! You always make laughter seem so contagious, yes, even though I know it is! Haha, that's why I say it's a mistake to make you and Charlene sit together!
Ahhhh, the boomboom is always so fun! Seriously, I want to go again! Haha. Oh, did I mention that it's tiring too? Yeah, it is, cos you have to keep pedalling. Even though there were breaks, like we rowed to one side and rested for a few minutes, your arm can't help but get tired.
Ohh, and then during this longest break, we all got down from our rafts and just, get completely wet! Haha, oh, I guess I was smart enough not to get my whole head wet by submerging it, haha, or falling with the others to the ground! But still, I don't mind getting wet, cos it was so fun! Haha, we sang a lot of songs and cheers together as Cedar Guides! :D:D:D So funnnn! I want it again, man!
Oh, then the next half of the journey gradually became more and more dull. There were no more rapids, and it was really just, nothing. Haiyo, just when we were hoping for more boomboom-s, there came none. I think there was only one after that, but that one wasn't fun at all. Haha, never mind, at least I'm glad that I got to experience such a fun activity! :D
Then after lunch, the weather turned awry! D: Boo. When we got to the waterfall abseil venue, the sky began to turn dark, and then after the instructor briefed us about the safety precautions, it started to pour. :(:(:( I was so angry! And disappointed! I was so looking forward to the waterfall abseiling! Not only was the activity thrilling, I have not abseiled before, so I'm positive it will be a refreshing experience! :( Boo. Speaking of this, I'm so fumed ok. During P6 camp, I was next to go for the abseiling (normal one), then suddenly the instructor said that there's no more time, and that we had to go for dinner. My friend and I were begging the instructor like mad, yet he didn't budge at all. =.= Then when we got to the dining hall, we were the first group there, and had to wait for half an hour for the rest to come. =.==.= Super pissing can? Haizzzz. But anyway, that was during my P6 camp. Yesyes, so I was really looking forward to the waterfall abseiling, but unfortunately the weather spoiled it all. And did I tell you that I was shivering in the cold? Yes, I was, but I recovered soon enough. Thankfully. :) Sigh, so of course, I wasn't the only one who was disappointed. My friends and other people were equally disappointed. Oh well, I guess we can't have control over the weather. It's just my fate that I have to wait till OAC next year to get to abseil.
So then we had our tea break, which there was hot tea! Yay, not that I like tea, in fact I don't drink tea, but for survival purposes, it was hot, and I do mean hot, so it was great for warming myself up! After having a nice shower, we had dinner. :) And I really mean that the shower was nice and refreshing ok. Everyone was so recharged after the shower! After dinner we played Truth or Dare. Whoa, I tell you, that was the best Truth or Dare game I've ever played in my whole life! Hahaha, we played as Sec 2s to 4s man! Haha, I don't know whether it's my fortune or unluckiness to not get picked. Haha.
Night game was so, so fun! It was hilarious I tell you! Hahaha. The games were alright, all played before in Singapore. But it's the team that made everything so enjoyable! All the Sec 2s and Deryn and Melissa. :) Haha, our group name was called 'Orange Juice 20 cents', cos we were all wearing the orange-coloured Farewell tee, and who knows where did that extra '2o cents' come from! I think that instructor just added it there without telling us! Anyway, CHARLENE TEO WAS HILARIOUS! SO COMICAL! She as the paper doll was indeed very suitable! So funny! HAHAHA. And she did not take any advantage of you, okay, Charlene! HAHAHAHAHAA! Alright, yay, because our group was so coordinated and thoughtful, we won the champion prize!Hahaha, for all three games combined together! :D Good job Orange Juice 20 cents, I will miss you guys! ;)
Day 3, Monday
After eating breakfast, we went around the place/resort to take photos. :) The scenery is really nice. :) Then after that we stood at the back of the lorry and they drove us to Gua Tempurung. :) Oh gosh, it got me so excited to be standing on the back of the lorry man! Haha, this really shows how suaku we were. Sigh. It was really relaxing and cooling, haha, our lorry was like, shouting and making a lot of sound effects along the way!
Gua Tempurung was fine, not bad, but not what I expected to be. I thought we had to climb through holes, 'battle' with bats etc. Haha, it turns out that I just had to climb the stairs, and enjoy the view, that's all! No bats! Haha! The shapes formed by the stallectites and stallecmites were really a wonder, from animals to humans to other weird creatures, like cats, goats, horse, woman, batman?! Haha. Cool. :) But the climb was kinda tiring.
After lunch we went to Kellie's Castle. Ho, the ghost stories that the teacher narrated to us were indeed freaky! :/ The castle was alright. I think Mr Chai was kinda right, it reminded me of the tragedy of WWII, where the Japanese bombed part of the place... Anyway, the rooftop was really nice! A bit dangerous, cos there's totally no railings at the side and anyone who goes too near the edge of the roof will just fall. Four storeys, I think. But still very dangerous. But anyway, it's a nice phototaking place! :D
After that we went to the Mangrove place. Haha, I shall fast forward that one cos I don't have anything to say about that. Then we went to the Charcoal Factory. Very interesting! The boss was very enthusiastic, and kept thanking us for visiting his factory. Oh, I finally learnt hor charcoal was made, and it really taught me to use charcoal wisely! It takes one whole month (and slightly more than that) to make charcoal, from the mangrove trees etc! Very long! And the hands on activities were fun. :) Ohh, the sweet potato that was cooked by the charcoal way was very sweet! Nice. :)
Then it was dinner. Hahaha, sthg weird and kinda extraordinary, or so they call it, happened to Sabrina and Charlene! Hohoho. Shall not elaborate. They were in pain, yet they still could laugh. =.= Laughing in pain! HAHAHA! I think that night, everyone seemed to go crazy or sthg, cos the Sec 3s were laughing like mad too, and I think the Sec 4s were also laughing a little more than usual... Or is it my imagination? Oh well, you can't deny the fact that laughing is contagious! :D
The hotel was alright, I would say very modern, but it's very small, so I definitely prefer the Ipoh hotel from the first night to this one. It's small, not kidding onlehh!
Day Four, Tuesday
We went to Taiping Lake Gardens in the morning. Not bad, quite scenic, especially since the sky was very blue! :) Took some photos there. :)
Then after that was just travelling, travelling, all the way.
All in all, I loved Perak trip very much. Ahhahaha, just blogging about this makes me feel all I-miss-Perak-trip!
Till we meet again.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Perak trip was indescribably awesome! The activities, the instructors and guides, the teachers, and msot of all, the COMPANY!
The trip was priceless. The experience gained, and the feelings and thoughts that went through my mind was just... priceless! Yes!
Well, I'll explain about the details another day. Right now I just want to say something to my fellow guidemates who went along with me to this trip.
Sec 1s, even though I didn't really talk or did anything with you guys, I think you guys also enjoyed this trip very much right? I can see that you guys were also having a fun time between your level mates. :)
Sec 2s, you guys were awesome too! :DDD Haha, we really bonded a lot through this trip, haha, mostly because of our clown, Charlene Teo, haha, and many other things that happened. :) Be it during the activities, in the hotel/lodge, mealtimes, or anything that happened in the bus. :) Cool. :) I enjoyed myself during this trip, cos you guys were so funny! We rock man!
Sec 3s, haha, you guys were also very comical, I loved Abigail's and Melinda's quirky outbreaks of laughter! (I don't mean anything bad.) Vidhya's singing, Charlotte's coolness + quietness? Haha, sorry, and Beaunice's photography. :) Thanks a lot. :)
Sec 4s, I don't know what to say. You're just wonderful as usual, caring for us, not that the Sec 3s didn't, haha, but yeah. This will be your last overseas trip with Cedar Guides, and probably the last time that we'll meet? Oh ho, I don't think so now. Thanks a lot for everything that you've done for us. All the best. :)

You make me crazier,
Watched from a distance as you,
Made life your own.
Every sky was your own kinda blue.
The trip was priceless. The experience gained, and the feelings and thoughts that went through my mind was just... priceless! Yes!
Well, I'll explain about the details another day. Right now I just want to say something to my fellow guidemates who went along with me to this trip.
Sec 1s, even though I didn't really talk or did anything with you guys, I think you guys also enjoyed this trip very much right? I can see that you guys were also having a fun time between your level mates. :)
Sec 2s, you guys were awesome too! :DDD Haha, we really bonded a lot through this trip, haha, mostly because of our clown, Charlene Teo, haha, and many other things that happened. :) Be it during the activities, in the hotel/lodge, mealtimes, or anything that happened in the bus. :) Cool. :) I enjoyed myself during this trip, cos you guys were so funny! We rock man!
Sec 3s, haha, you guys were also very comical, I loved Abigail's and Melinda's quirky outbreaks of laughter! (I don't mean anything bad.) Vidhya's singing, Charlotte's coolness + quietness? Haha, sorry, and Beaunice's photography. :) Thanks a lot. :)
Sec 4s, I don't know what to say. You're just wonderful as usual, caring for us, not that the Sec 3s didn't, haha, but yeah. This will be your last overseas trip with Cedar Guides, and probably the last time that we'll meet? Oh ho, I don't think so now. Thanks a lot for everything that you've done for us. All the best. :)
You make me crazier,
Watched from a distance as you,
Made life your own.
Every sky was your own kinda blue.
Friday, November 13, 2009
I'm so excited! Hehehe. TOMORROW! :O
Alright. I've finally finished Maths homework, ahh, I'm so slow, can't stand it, it's the only homework that I've accomplished. :(
I've got into Triple Science. Hmm, I would be lying if I said I was surprised, but I was indeed surprised that there are many, many people who also got in there, so there should be 4 Trip Sci classes.
Alright. I've finally finished Maths homework, ahh, I'm so slow, can't stand it, it's the only homework that I've accomplished. :(
I've got into Triple Science. Hmm, I would be lying if I said I was surprised, but I was indeed surprised that there are many, many people who also got in there, so there should be 4 Trip Sci classes.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Oh no, right now I'm so confused about Harry Potter! I just read finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince... Aiyo, it's so sad that Dumbledore died... Haha, anyway, I refuse to carry on reading the last book, if not I'm determined that I'll keep feeling like I'm living in the wizarding world...! Information overload, I say!
Anyway, I'm so bored in the holidays, I know it's kinda expected to say this, but if I'm not reading HP then I'm practising piano, if not I'll just linger around in the house...? Oh well, I notice I've been using a lot of 'dot-dot-dot'! :/ See, see how bored I am, even to anaylse how I write my post?!
There's nothing much to update about, only that I've visited the exhibition 'Vignettes in Time' in the National Library. Hmm, I think it's a little bit too profound for my liking. It's about maps in Singapore's history, from the pre-1819 till today. I've been wanting to go there for quite some time, but I guess I didn't really appreciate the stuff there as much as I thought I would...
Shopping at FEP was alright. Bought some stuff.
Ok, that's all for now. :)
Anyway, I'm so bored in the holidays, I know it's kinda expected to say this, but if I'm not reading HP then I'm practising piano, if not I'll just linger around in the house...? Oh well, I notice I've been using a lot of 'dot-dot-dot'! :/ See, see how bored I am, even to anaylse how I write my post?!
There's nothing much to update about, only that I've visited the exhibition 'Vignettes in Time' in the National Library. Hmm, I think it's a little bit too profound for my liking. It's about maps in Singapore's history, from the pre-1819 till today. I've been wanting to go there for quite some time, but I guess I didn't really appreciate the stuff there as much as I thought I would...
Shopping at FEP was alright. Bought some stuff.
Ok, that's all for now. :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It's Thursday already. Almost a week into the holidays. I shall start from Monday.
On Monday, we (2I) had our long-awaited class outing! :D Yay, it was totally fun and memorable and enjoyable and all-other-more-bombastic-words-that-I-can-use! I'm so glad that more than half of the class could make it. I've counted, and 27 people went for the class outing. :) I see that's an advantage of holding your class outing on the first week of the holidays.
We said that we meet at 2pm at Jing Wen's house, but then in the end, by 3pm, not everyone was there. =.= I guess that's what happens when too many people are coming, and when it's such an informal event. So I just mingled around, then after that when more people came, we played Werewolf. Yup, remains me of AYG, cos when we were playing this game, we closed our eyes, and a Caucasian couple walked by and asked aloud, "Oh, it's praying session, erh?" Sthg like that. Hahaha. Played a little bit of Truth or Dare, then we all went down to prepare the BBQ. Good thing Jing Wen has a guitar. :) Hee, cos some of us know how to play the guitar, while the others were busy preparing the food, some people went one side to play the guitar. Sometimes I joined in too, and Jing Wen was telling me, "We provide the food, they provide the entertainment!" Hahaha.
Once the food started to BBQ, there became a constant increase in the amount of food, and some of us became full. So we just played at the playground, wading pool, or simply fooled around! Haha. Oh, did I mention that the food was great? Usually, the chicken wings would be the 'main course', and to me, it's the 'highlight of theday BBQ'! I would say that the chicken wings are very tasty, but this time round, I think it's the 2I cake that was the highlight of the BBQ! :D Xin Yu and Chiew Ling (and I think Jaime and Wong Lei too) went to buy a cake from some 'no-name' shop. Haha, it was cheap and good! Surprisingly, haha sorry, that a cake would taste nice despite not being baked from a renowned shop. xD
Yeah, when it was dark already, and some people did not want to eat the food anymore. We gathered around, sang a few 'Farewell' songs, blew the candles, and cut the cake. Haiiii, I think it was really sad that this would most probably be the last time that we're seeing our friends in 2I. Not that we won't meet each other in school anymore, but you know what I mean.
After that, I decided to wade in the wading pool. Oh, I also forget to mention that we had tons of fun playing at the playground! Oh gosh, the swing was funfunfun! Childhood memories! ;D As of Sabrina and Wei Ting, we were butt-toning on the see-saw! HAHAHAHA. And we were having the time of our lives balancing on the see-saw, having a mini rollarcoaster ride, and scaring each other (me and WT) with the act of Dementors! LOL!
Ahhh, on the whole, I enjoyed this class outing so, so, so much! It's going to be the one of the last times that we had so much fun as a class man. :( So sad... Anyway, many thanks to Jing Wen and her mother, for helping out so much in our class BBQ! So sorry we made such a din. :/:/ Haha, I cannot forget the part when Tan Si Min simply shouted out, "Sorry to those who're taking 'O' Levels!" And I was like ---?! Haha, she's such a clown!
Right, on to Tuesday. Nothing happened on Tuesday. Only went to Plaza Singapura at night to get my trackpants. And I saw this very nice and sweet heels (is it platform heels?) that is out of my budget for shoes. :( But it's very sweet, quiet comfy, and it's the type of heels that Ms Ong would wear! Hahaha!
Yesterday I also had fun during the Guides Urban Hike. Haha, actually, going to the Henderson Waves wasn't sthg new to me, but anyway, going with your friends is a different thing altogether. I wonder why my shoes can't stop me from sliding down! When we were leaning on the wave, I just kept sliding down, and I was struggling! Haha, weird.
After a break and rest because it rained, we set off for the Marang Trail, which brings us to Vivo City. We were so excited to go to Vivo, cos we were hot and sweaty and I think a bit tired. And hungry! We thought we could walkwalk over there cos we were 'supposed to be dismissed from Vivo', but it turned out that the bus would bring us back to school. =.=What a disappointment.
Anyway, we had this trail, sort of like The Amazing Race, but the questions/tasks are really random. Haha, thankfully, we kept to the time limit and solved every question/did every task to the best of our abilities! Hehehe. :) Good job Orchid, we came in first! FIRST! Yay! :D Thanks to our 'quick-wittedness'? Hah.
When we were released back in school, me, Sabrina, Charlene, Sonita, Claudia, Rou Hui and Hazirah went to Tampines 1/Mall. I was in a great shopping mood then, and I felt like spending money! LOL! But I knew I had to buy sandals for the Perak trip... We wanted to standardize, so we were looking around for any cheap Crocs. Of course it's the fake one. But in the end we came up with nothing, so we just decided to buy on our own. I'm so looking forward to the Perak trip! :D
Yesterday's Singapore Idol was clearly a Ladies' Night, as what Dick Lee mentioned. So why did Mae have to go out? Not that I really support her, but it's just that there are people who deserve (much more) to be ousted than her! This is so unfair. If there was no payment for voting, I would have voted a million times for the ladies to remain in this competition!
Today I went to school to help touch up the Homecoming Banner with Xin Yu. Unfortunately, due to some reasons that I cannot disclose, we still can't hand in the banner yet! ): Well, then it rained, and being typical Xin Yu, she didn't bring any umbrella, so she attempted to use one of the used cardboards to shelter herself. But of course, how can I leave her in the lurch? Haha, LOL, it sounds so drama. Both of us didn't get really wet, thanks to my umbrella! Went to Hougang Mall to eat lunch. Then went to Popular to buy my SS TB and AB. It was still early to meet Rachel for her to pass me the Harry Potter movies, so I went to the library, and lo and behold, I met her there! Haha, so after collecting them, I went straight home.
I'm also looking forward to the Harry Potter movie marathon + sleepover! :D
On Monday, we (2I) had our long-awaited class outing! :D Yay, it was totally fun and memorable and enjoyable and all-other-more-bombastic-words-that-I-can-use! I'm so glad that more than half of the class could make it. I've counted, and 27 people went for the class outing. :) I see that's an advantage of holding your class outing on the first week of the holidays.
We said that we meet at 2pm at Jing Wen's house, but then in the end, by 3pm, not everyone was there. =.= I guess that's what happens when too many people are coming, and when it's such an informal event. So I just mingled around, then after that when more people came, we played Werewolf. Yup, remains me of AYG, cos when we were playing this game, we closed our eyes, and a Caucasian couple walked by and asked aloud, "Oh, it's praying session, erh?" Sthg like that. Hahaha. Played a little bit of Truth or Dare, then we all went down to prepare the BBQ. Good thing Jing Wen has a guitar. :) Hee, cos some of us know how to play the guitar, while the others were busy preparing the food, some people went one side to play the guitar. Sometimes I joined in too, and Jing Wen was telling me, "We provide the food, they provide the entertainment!" Hahaha.
Once the food started to BBQ, there became a constant increase in the amount of food, and some of us became full. So we just played at the playground, wading pool, or simply fooled around! Haha. Oh, did I mention that the food was great? Usually, the chicken wings would be the 'main course', and to me, it's the 'highlight of the
Yeah, when it was dark already, and some people did not want to eat the food anymore. We gathered around, sang a few 'Farewell' songs, blew the candles, and cut the cake. Haiiii, I think it was really sad that this would most probably be the last time that we're seeing our friends in 2I. Not that we won't meet each other in school anymore, but you know what I mean.
After that, I decided to wade in the wading pool. Oh, I also forget to mention that we had tons of fun playing at the playground! Oh gosh, the swing was funfunfun! Childhood memories! ;D As of Sabrina and Wei Ting, we were butt-toning on the see-saw! HAHAHAHA. And we were having the time of our lives balancing on the see-saw, having a mini rollarcoaster ride, and scaring each other (me and WT) with the act of Dementors! LOL!
Ahhh, on the whole, I enjoyed this class outing so, so, so much! It's going to be the one of the last times that we had so much fun as a class man. :( So sad... Anyway, many thanks to Jing Wen and her mother, for helping out so much in our class BBQ! So sorry we made such a din. :/:/ Haha, I cannot forget the part when Tan Si Min simply shouted out, "Sorry to those who're taking 'O' Levels!" And I was like ---?! Haha, she's such a clown!
Right, on to Tuesday. Nothing happened on Tuesday. Only went to Plaza Singapura at night to get my trackpants. And I saw this very nice and sweet heels (is it platform heels?) that is out of my budget for shoes. :( But it's very sweet, quiet comfy, and it's the type of heels that Ms Ong would wear! Hahaha!
Yesterday I also had fun during the Guides Urban Hike. Haha, actually, going to the Henderson Waves wasn't sthg new to me, but anyway, going with your friends is a different thing altogether. I wonder why my shoes can't stop me from sliding down! When we were leaning on the wave, I just kept sliding down, and I was struggling! Haha, weird.
After a break and rest because it rained, we set off for the Marang Trail, which brings us to Vivo City. We were so excited to go to Vivo, cos we were hot and sweaty and I think a bit tired. And hungry! We thought we could walkwalk over there cos we were 'supposed to be dismissed from Vivo', but it turned out that the bus would bring us back to school. =.=What a disappointment.
Anyway, we had this trail, sort of like The Amazing Race, but the questions/tasks are really random. Haha, thankfully, we kept to the time limit and solved every question/did every task to the best of our abilities! Hehehe. :) Good job Orchid, we came in first! FIRST! Yay! :D Thanks to our 'quick-wittedness'? Hah.
When we were released back in school, me, Sabrina, Charlene, Sonita, Claudia, Rou Hui and Hazirah went to Tampines 1/Mall. I was in a great shopping mood then, and I felt like spending money! LOL! But I knew I had to buy sandals for the Perak trip... We wanted to standardize, so we were looking around for any cheap Crocs. Of course it's the fake one. But in the end we came up with nothing, so we just decided to buy on our own. I'm so looking forward to the Perak trip! :D
Yesterday's Singapore Idol was clearly a Ladies' Night, as what Dick Lee mentioned. So why did Mae have to go out? Not that I really support her, but it's just that there are people who deserve (much more) to be ousted than her! This is so unfair. If there was no payment for voting, I would have voted a million times for the ladies to remain in this competition!
Today I went to school to help touch up the Homecoming Banner with Xin Yu. Unfortunately, due to some reasons that I cannot disclose, we still can't hand in the banner yet! ): Well, then it rained, and being typical Xin Yu, she didn't bring any umbrella, so she attempted to use one of the used cardboards to shelter herself. But of course, how can I leave her in the lurch? Haha, LOL, it sounds so drama. Both of us didn't get really wet, thanks to my umbrella! Went to Hougang Mall to eat lunch. Then went to Popular to buy my SS TB and AB. It was still early to meet Rachel for her to pass me the Harry Potter movies, so I went to the library, and lo and behold, I met her there! Haha, so after collecting them, I went straight home.
I'm also looking forward to the Harry Potter movie marathon + sleepover! :D
Monday, November 2, 2009
Aiyo, I feel so sad and sorry for other people. There are many people out there who are still stressing out about their subject combinations! While I'm really happy and relieved for myself that there's only one option that I can choose from and it's the best for me, I really pity those people who are still worrying about what to put for their subject combinations next year! Like XY, sigh. Yeah, most of my very good and best friends might not be in the same class as me anymore. How I wish it didn't need to happen. But I cannot deny the fact that not everyone can remain in the same subject combination, cos different people have different interests and abilities. E.g. me and Xin Yu, we're best friends but we cannot always stay together. Based on results, we'll definitely be going to different classes. ): I admit I don't like Sciences, of course I like Humanities much more, but I think the Science stream is obviously better for me, since I don't think I can score well for History, no matter how much I love the subject. See, it works differently for different people.
Haiz. What with this and that and everything, at least I have sthg to look forward to later. :) We shall sit in a circle and everyone shall say (and maybe explain?) the subject combinations that they chose.
I have a feeling this holiday is going to pass by very, very quickly. :/
Haiz. What with this and that and everything, at least I have sthg to look forward to later. :) We shall sit in a circle and everyone shall say (and maybe explain?) the subject combinations that they chose.
I have a feeling this holiday is going to pass by very, very quickly. :/
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