Right, I suddenly realised that today is the last day of 2009. Oh gosh. So fast. I woke up today very early cos I was at camp. It was only after breakfast that I suddenly realised that today is 31 December 2009. I can't believe it. One year has passed. It's just too scary that my Sec 2 life is over. And I have already spent half of my time in Cedar.
Sec 3 next year will be... exciting, terrifying, hectic, etc. My class next year, 3C, is going to be very, very smart and intelligent. Sigh. I hope I don't get too pressurized. Especially with Guides and PC next year.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Hello, I'm back from my Guides Annual Camp! It was... indescribable. It was quite hectic for me especially cos the PCs and PSLs had to go for Sec 1 Orientation Camp (which is exactly on both days of the Guides one), then when it ends, join the Guides and stay over. Which means, in the day, I'm involved in Orientation, then in the evening till night it's Guides.
I was so, so sad when told that I had to go for Orientation Camp over Guides camp. As in miss all those day activities happening over at Guides... Not that I don't like to go for Orientation, I like to, but I'd very much prefer going for Guides.
So basically I can't tell you what went on during the day for Guides, but on the first night was the campfire. VROOM VROOM POW's campfire item went so smoothly! It was fantastic! Awesome! I'm so proud of our patrol, for executing such a great campfire performance. :D This won us the title of the 'Best Campfire Item'! :DDD
Second night was the night walk. You know before the camp I was so scared for it? Cos all the Sec 3s said it was going to be very scary. I didn't know how true it was, haha, but just before the segment, I sort of felt excited. I was one of the first few to go, because I wanted to get it over and be done with. They (Guiders and Sec 3s) shortened the route, and they cut quite a lot of parts for the night walk, cos the Guiders felt it was too scary or dangerous...
But otherwise, even with this improvised route and everything, it successfully frightened quite a number of us! But I was a bit disappointed at the individual part; it could have been longer. After the individual part, I paired up with Carin, and from then on I wasn't really scared anymore, haha, cos you have someone with you! The stations were good, but throughout the whole thing, I wanted to laugh at the stations/Sec 3s! Sorry, no offence, but I just felt like laughing... But in general, the acting was very convincing!
Today we didn't do much (for Guides) cos there was Homecoming. There was supposed to be Patrol Challenge after lunch, but then it was cancelled cos the school was going to close at 2pm. So sad right! I thought that would be my first time playing games/having activities with my patrol (excluding campfire), and got so excited. Hah, who knows that the school had to close early despite us already informing them that we'll break camp at 3 plus.
Manito was good. :) Both my manito and angel are CLs! Haha! Carin pointed that out. I know I was very obvious, given my informal tone and leaking off so much stuff about me. Kaushi guessed it right from the first letter! :/ She recognised my handwriting. Haha.
I want to say this again. I was very sad and disappointed that I couldn't join the rest of the Guides for the day activities. For both days you know. (The camp was 3D2N btw.) Last year I had to leave halfway, this year I couldn't attend the day part. What about next year? It'd better be a full, 100% one. Seeing how the rest of my patrol and Guides went out to East Coast to do many different interesting yet tiring activities, I was so jealous and envious and sad that I couldn't go! ): I really wanted to part of it, part of the things, activities! I don't want to be so isolated from my patrol, especially since we're bonded and enthusiastic during the camp!
Anyway, Vroom Vroom Pow is a really great patrol, I love you guys, thanks for being enthusiastic and cooperative, especially during our campfire item. It was so great! I really feel sorry that I can't join you guys for 90% of the time in Annual Camp, just wanted to let you know that I also didn't want to have it this way. But anyway, great great job people, it's really alright if we didn't win the Best Patrol Award, even though me and the other Sec 2s thought we were in a good place for it... Well done, Vroom Vroom Pow!
To the Sec 3s, thank you so much for organising, planning etc for this camp, of course together with the help of the Guiders. Thank you for the amazing night walk that you guys planned so hard for it. :) It was great!
We are the Vroom Vroom Pow,
So cool and so wow,
We're gonna rock the house
And bring you down.
We got that cool cool look,
Awesome identity,
We got that Vroom Vroom Vroom,
That smashing Vroom Vroom Vroom!
I was so, so sad when told that I had to go for Orientation Camp over Guides camp. As in miss all those day activities happening over at Guides... Not that I don't like to go for Orientation, I like to, but I'd very much prefer going for Guides.
So basically I can't tell you what went on during the day for Guides, but on the first night was the campfire. VROOM VROOM POW's campfire item went so smoothly! It was fantastic! Awesome! I'm so proud of our patrol, for executing such a great campfire performance. :D This won us the title of the 'Best Campfire Item'! :DDD
Second night was the night walk. You know before the camp I was so scared for it? Cos all the Sec 3s said it was going to be very scary. I didn't know how true it was, haha, but just before the segment, I sort of felt excited. I was one of the first few to go, because I wanted to get it over and be done with. They (Guiders and Sec 3s) shortened the route, and they cut quite a lot of parts for the night walk, cos the Guiders felt it was too scary or dangerous...
But otherwise, even with this improvised route and everything, it successfully frightened quite a number of us! But I was a bit disappointed at the individual part; it could have been longer. After the individual part, I paired up with Carin, and from then on I wasn't really scared anymore, haha, cos you have someone with you! The stations were good, but throughout the whole thing, I wanted to laugh at the stations/Sec 3s! Sorry, no offence, but I just felt like laughing... But in general, the acting was very convincing!
Today we didn't do much (for Guides) cos there was Homecoming. There was supposed to be Patrol Challenge after lunch, but then it was cancelled cos the school was going to close at 2pm. So sad right! I thought that would be my first time playing games/having activities with my patrol (excluding campfire), and got so excited. Hah, who knows that the school had to close early despite us already informing them that we'll break camp at 3 plus.
Manito was good. :) Both my manito and angel are CLs! Haha! Carin pointed that out. I know I was very obvious, given my informal tone and leaking off so much stuff about me. Kaushi guessed it right from the first letter! :/ She recognised my handwriting. Haha.
I want to say this again. I was very sad and disappointed that I couldn't join the rest of the Guides for the day activities. For both days you know. (The camp was 3D2N btw.) Last year I had to leave halfway, this year I couldn't attend the day part. What about next year? It'd better be a full, 100% one. Seeing how the rest of my patrol and Guides went out to East Coast to do many different interesting yet tiring activities, I was so jealous and envious and sad that I couldn't go! ): I really wanted to part of it, part of the things, activities! I don't want to be so isolated from my patrol, especially since we're bonded and enthusiastic during the camp!
Anyway, Vroom Vroom Pow is a really great patrol, I love you guys, thanks for being enthusiastic and cooperative, especially during our campfire item. It was so great! I really feel sorry that I can't join you guys for 90% of the time in Annual Camp, just wanted to let you know that I also didn't want to have it this way. But anyway, great great job people, it's really alright if we didn't win the Best Patrol Award, even though me and the other Sec 2s thought we were in a good place for it... Well done, Vroom Vroom Pow!
To the Sec 3s, thank you so much for organising, planning etc for this camp, of course together with the help of the Guiders. Thank you for the amazing night walk that you guys planned so hard for it. :) It was great!
We are the Vroom Vroom Pow,
So cool and so wow,
We're gonna rock the house
And bring you down.
We got that cool cool look,
Awesome identity,
We got that Vroom Vroom Vroom,
That smashing Vroom Vroom Vroom!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Oh no, oh no, I'm going crazy! Stop worrying, Rachel! So irritating! How I wish I can just relax, and stop worrying and fretting over what's going to happen over the next few days! SHUT YOUR MIND, LIKE HOW SEVERUS SNAPE AND ALBUS DUMBLEDORE TOLD HARRY POTTER TO! OCCLUMENCY!
Haha, ok, just joking. Missing Harry Potter already! :/
Anyway, continuing from the first part, yes, gosh, I shouldn't have listened to what the Sec 3s were saying about the camp...! Gosh. Ok, now, a Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties. So I must think positive! Yes! That's the way!
AHHHHH. Never mind. I shall talk about the more positive stuff. It's great to be in Vroom Vroom Pow! :) Enthusiastic Sec 2s! :D Whee, but sadly, the Sec 1s aren't as enthu as us, but it's ok, hopefully they'll be influenced by us during the camp! Hahaha.
Our campfire item is going quite well. I really hope that it will be executed out rather smoothly tmr night. Yes. Our campfire is tmr night. The first night of the camp. Haha, I know it's weird, but what can I say? AND NIGHT WALK IS SECOND NIGHT. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Why must it be the other way round? I'd rather get it over and done with! Anddd so that I have Orientation the next day to distract myself...
Now, switching the topic back to SINGAPORE IDOL, I personally want Sylvia to win, cos she's like, the full package! Hahaha, and we want a Female Singapore Idol! Oh well, I am sad and disappointed that Sylvia didn't win, but then again, it's all dependant on the voters, which is us, the public. Haha, anyway, what's done can't be undone. I'm sure both Finalists will be successful in their own ways. :)
Haha, ok, just joking. Missing Harry Potter already! :/
Anyway, continuing from the first part, yes, gosh, I shouldn't have listened to what the Sec 3s were saying about the camp...! Gosh. Ok, now, a Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties. So I must think positive! Yes! That's the way!
AHHHHH. Never mind. I shall talk about the more positive stuff. It's great to be in Vroom Vroom Pow! :) Enthusiastic Sec 2s! :D Whee, but sadly, the Sec 1s aren't as enthu as us, but it's ok, hopefully they'll be influenced by us during the camp! Hahaha.
Our campfire item is going quite well. I really hope that it will be executed out rather smoothly tmr night. Yes. Our campfire is tmr night. The first night of the camp. Haha, I know it's weird, but what can I say? AND NIGHT WALK IS SECOND NIGHT. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Why must it be the other way round? I'd rather get it over and done with! Anddd so that I have Orientation the next day to distract myself...
Now, switching the topic back to SINGAPORE IDOL, I personally want Sylvia to win, cos she's like, the full package! Hahaha, and we want a Female Singapore Idol! Oh well, I am sad and disappointed that Sylvia didn't win, but then again, it's all dependant on the voters, which is us, the public. Haha, anyway, what's done can't be undone. I'm sure both Finalists will be successful in their own ways. :)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
I really hope to have a Female Singapore Idol!
Sylvia is really the full package, and she has such a nice voice!
I hope Tabitha's fans will support Sylvia! :D
Tonight's gonna be a spectacular night of performances! Hearing from summerr, there'll be many interesting performances by both contestants and Idol Alumni!
Great, I just can't wait now! :D
Sylvia is really the full package, and she has such a nice voice!
I hope Tabitha's fans will support Sylvia! :D
Tonight's gonna be a spectacular night of performances! Hearing from summerr, there'll be many interesting performances by both contestants and Idol Alumni!
Great, I just can't wait now! :D
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Brrrrr. It's been a tiring and busy 4 days for me. Well, at least I had sufficient sleep and good meals. Anyway, hahaha, it's not that bad, I'm not saying that I'm really, really, exhausted till I can't walk or anything. Don't take it too serious, just having some repetition. :D
Registration today was quite a success! Yay. Ok, shan't elaborate anymore!
Then after regist today, me and Chelsea went from Cedar to Tampines to join the rest of our camp patrol members to buy more stuff for the camp. Whoa, I tell you, from Cedar, go to Tampines Mall, then Tampines 1, then Tampines Mall, and back to Tampines 1, finally, back to Potong Pasir! >!<
Brrrrr. It's been a tiring and busy 4 days for me. Well, at least I had sufficient sleep and good meals. Anyway, hahaha, it's not that bad, I'm not saying that I'm really, really, exhausted till I can't walk or anything. Don't take it too serious, just having some repetition. :D
Registration today was quite a success! Yay. Ok, shan't elaborate anymore!
Then after regist today, me and Chelsea went from Cedar to Tampines to join the rest of our camp patrol members to buy more stuff for the camp. Whoa, I tell you, from Cedar, go to Tampines Mall, then Tampines 1, then Tampines Mall, and back to Tampines 1, finally, back to Potong Pasir! >!<
Monday, December 21, 2009
Ok, I need to update one more time here. It's going to be very busy for me this week! :/ Yeah, oh well, at least for these three days. Hardly have time to read my HARRY POTTER!
I think Sylvia should totally win Singapore Idol! She's has everything, the voice, the looks, the popularity! You go, girl! Go on and do us girls proud! HAHAHA. Show Singapore that the men should step aside, and let girls like Sylvia dominate! Haha! Hmm, ok, maybe not 'dominate', but 'be the ultimate star'. I'm definitely looking forward to this Sunday's Grand Finale! It's going to be so exciting, with so many artistes and Idol Alumni singing! Of course, not to mention the Battle of the Sexes. :D I shall be fair, and wish all the best, to both contestants! :)
I think Sylvia should totally win Singapore Idol! She's has everything, the voice, the looks, the popularity! You go, girl! Go on and do us girls proud! HAHAHA. Show Singapore that the men should step aside, and let girls like Sylvia dominate! Haha! Hmm, ok, maybe not 'dominate', but 'be the ultimate star'. I'm definitely looking forward to this Sunday's Grand Finale! It's going to be so exciting, with so many artistes and Idol Alumni singing! Of course, not to mention the Battle of the Sexes. :D I shall be fair, and wish all the best, to both contestants! :)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
It's time I updated, right? Hahaha. This week has been pretty boring for me. The only two interesting events that happened were on Tues and Wed.
On Tuesday I held this 'movie marathon' at my house with XY, WT and Nat. Actually, it wasn't exactly like an MM, cos we only watched 2 movies! But what can we do, we only had 4 hours! Watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and She's the Man. I love both movies! The former is one that I've always enjoyed, of course, because Harry Potter is just so amazing, and I love Chamber of Secrets! Hohoho, She's the Man is so hilarious! Yes, it's my first time to really sit down and watch the whole movie. Previously I only caught snippets of it, but this time, I watched the entire movie. Boy, the movie's great! A real laugh. Haha, it's a chick flick, for those who do not know. :)
On Wednesday, I had patrol outing! :D Yay, finally, a patrol outing outside school. :) However, the turn up wasn't very ideal. Less than half the patrol came. But it's alright, we still proceeded with the plans. Went to Iluma to watch The Princess and the Frog. Well, it's quite a ncie movie. The twist in the story is very nice, somewhat unexpected! I think the movie is also a bit similiar to that of a musical. Because sometimes there will be songs, and the characters will sing and dance etc. Hahaha, but what surprised me the most was that I was kind of freaked out (a bit) by the evil parts. As in the parts that showed the evil character... :X
After the movie, we walked around Bugis Street for a while. Then after that was goodbye. :)
I really hope more people can turn up next time. Sigh. But I guess there's still plenty of chances. :)
On Tuesday I held this 'movie marathon' at my house with XY, WT and Nat. Actually, it wasn't exactly like an MM, cos we only watched 2 movies! But what can we do, we only had 4 hours! Watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and She's the Man. I love both movies! The former is one that I've always enjoyed, of course, because Harry Potter is just so amazing, and I love Chamber of Secrets! Hohoho, She's the Man is so hilarious! Yes, it's my first time to really sit down and watch the whole movie. Previously I only caught snippets of it, but this time, I watched the entire movie. Boy, the movie's great! A real laugh. Haha, it's a chick flick, for those who do not know. :)
On Wednesday, I had patrol outing! :D Yay, finally, a patrol outing outside school. :) However, the turn up wasn't very ideal. Less than half the patrol came. But it's alright, we still proceeded with the plans. Went to Iluma to watch The Princess and the Frog. Well, it's quite a ncie movie. The twist in the story is very nice, somewhat unexpected! I think the movie is also a bit similiar to that of a musical. Because sometimes there will be songs, and the characters will sing and dance etc. Hahaha, but what surprised me the most was that I was kind of freaked out (a bit) by the evil parts. As in the parts that showed the evil character... :X
After the movie, we walked around Bugis Street for a while. Then after that was goodbye. :)
I really hope more people can turn up next time. Sigh. But I guess there's still plenty of chances. :)
Monday, December 14, 2009
I'm back, and I have to say, that New Zealand is beautiful. :)
I still need more time to rest, yes, I don't have the mood to post about my trip, but don't expect much, I won't in detail, just talk about the country and the itinerary.
OK FINE SINCE I'M HERE I might as well talk about it now.
At first when I went there, I wasn't really keen about it, cos I don't really feel anything towards New Zealand, like, 'it's such a less-interesting place, no shopping' this kinda thoughts, haha. But then soon after I arrived, I was quite soaked up in the beautiful scenery. :) Yeah, so I told myself just enjoy! It's really rare that I can travel all the way down under to NZ! Great opportunity. :)
I saw lots and lots of farm animals, such as sheep, horses, goats, deer. Lots and lots of sheep! There are about 45 MILLION sheep in NZ! Wow. There used to be about 80 million of them about 50 years ago.
The first day we didn't really do anything, besides going to the International Antartic Centre, we went to Hanmer Springs to soak in the hot springs. Haha, it wasn't really hot, but quite a nice sensation. :)
The second day had lots of travelling. We went from the centre of South Island to the West, and all the way down South. Saw the Punakaiki Pancake Rocks. A nice natural formation! But I still don't understand about the blowholes part. =.= We passed by many townships like Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika, Haast etc. Stayed at the Fox Glacier hotel.
The third day was a rainy day. :( We were supposed to walk to view the Fox Glacier, but due to the bad weather, we couldn't do that, but only take the bus and view it from afar. Only caught a part of it. :( After that we travelled towards Queenstown.
Queenstown is a tourist place, tourist attraction, and the houses there are very nice! Lake Wakatipu is just beside, so there are many houses just at the front of the lake! Very nice. :) THe hotel there was also fantastic. Very modern and the facilities were good and new!
The fourth day was actually a free-and-easy day, which means you can choose what you want to do for the day. We chose to go to Milford Sound, the fjords place, where most other people from the tour are going there too. On the journey, we passed by many nice places, very camera-worthy. The creeks, mountains, they're all very nice. We got down the coach and took many nice pictures. :)
Milford Sound was very nice, haha, what can I say? Basically NZ is all about nice scenery! Ther water was not turquoise, haha, but then I saw nice waterfalls and moutains. (Were they mountains?)
The fifth day was the day to leave Queenstown. Sigh, I really like Queenstown, because I quite like their shopping street, haha! But of course, it's such a peaceful place, even though it's a tourist attraction. It gives you a very relaxing feeling. :)
Ok, so we left for a few places. I couldn't really remember where we went to, but this was the day when we stopped by many places. But in the end, we headed to Lake Tekapo, where we would be staying overnight in a hotel/extremely nice chalet nearby. Oh, Lake Tekapo is very beautiful! The water is really turquoise! And the Lupins (flowers) are really nice too! At night, we were supposed to go star-gazing, but then the weather was not ideal. Firstly, the wind is much too strong to go uphill, into the open air, and the guide said that the wind speed then was 100 km/h! Haha, anyway, I believe that we can be blown away if we really went up there to the hill, where it's completely open, no shelter what-so-ever. It's a pity, yes, because the star-gazing is one the highlights of the tour! Secondly, the sky was full of clouds. Even from our hotel/chalet, we could only see two stars! So we just had to succumb to our fate our not being able to go star-gazing.
The sixth day was heading towards Christchurch again. Actually, today was quite a boring day... As far as I could rmb (and referring to the map), we were sitting in the coach most of the time. We didn't visit any special place... OH YES WE DID! Haha, I forgot. In the morning, we were to go to the bank of Lake Tekapo to take some nice pictures, unfortunately, it was raining! And the wind was very, very strong! But then, suddenly, the tides were turned around, and the sun started coming out! Whee! To our right, the sun was there, but to our left, it was still cloudy, and both sides were still raining. So guess what, a beautiful rainbow appeared! :D And I'm telling you, it's the best, nicest, loveliest rainbow that I have ever seen! It was amazing! I could see the whole of it, from one end till the other. So after about 10min, the rain subsided, and we got down the coach and snapped a few pictures with the lovely rainbow and Lake Tekapo in the background. :)
We went to the Willowbank National Park where we saw some birds and animals of NZ, and of course, the endangered Kiwi bird, which I was so longing to see! ;) It's so sad, these animals/birds are all endangered! Man'd better learn how to cherish them!
Then we went to Monaville, which is some nice garden, with many lovely flowers there. To me it was alright, not say very fantastic, haha! But we saw the Singapore flag outside one of the houses facing the river in Monaville! :D
After that we visited the famous Cathedral Square in Christchurch. So that is the one that's always shown/featured in those fridge magnets/souvenirs!
And the next day was just spending time in the aeroplane going back to Singapore. I realised that there are many, many souvenir shops in NZ. Anywhere you go, be it a shopping street, cafe, restaurant, there's always a souvenir shop nearby. Even for those cafes or bars that we stopped by for toilet breaks, there's always a souvenir shop in it. Wow. So there were plenty of chances to buy souvenirs. Just depends on how much you want to buy.
The people there are very friendly and spontaneous. Unlike Singapore, haha, sad to say. The country is very clean, toilets are clean, roads are very neat and properly aligned. :)
Needless to say, the scenery was wonderful. Amazing. Yes, that's what you go there for. Pay for the scenery there. Haha.
I know my vocab is not good, cos throughout this post, the only adjectives I use to describe things are 'nice', 'beautiful', 'wonderful' and 'amazing'. =.=
I'm just glad that I can go to NZ at such a young age. Very fortunate indeed. :)
I still need more time to rest, yes, I don't have the mood to post about my trip, but don't expect much, I won't in detail, just talk about the country and the itinerary.
OK FINE SINCE I'M HERE I might as well talk about it now.
At first when I went there, I wasn't really keen about it, cos I don't really feel anything towards New Zealand, like, 'it's such a less-interesting place, no shopping' this kinda thoughts, haha. But then soon after I arrived, I was quite soaked up in the beautiful scenery. :) Yeah, so I told myself just enjoy! It's really rare that I can travel all the way down under to NZ! Great opportunity. :)
I saw lots and lots of farm animals, such as sheep, horses, goats, deer. Lots and lots of sheep! There are about 45 MILLION sheep in NZ! Wow. There used to be about 80 million of them about 50 years ago.
The first day we didn't really do anything, besides going to the International Antartic Centre, we went to Hanmer Springs to soak in the hot springs. Haha, it wasn't really hot, but quite a nice sensation. :)
The second day had lots of travelling. We went from the centre of South Island to the West, and all the way down South. Saw the Punakaiki Pancake Rocks. A nice natural formation! But I still don't understand about the blowholes part. =.= We passed by many townships like Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika, Haast etc. Stayed at the Fox Glacier hotel.
The third day was a rainy day. :( We were supposed to walk to view the Fox Glacier, but due to the bad weather, we couldn't do that, but only take the bus and view it from afar. Only caught a part of it. :( After that we travelled towards Queenstown.
Queenstown is a tourist place, tourist attraction, and the houses there are very nice! Lake Wakatipu is just beside, so there are many houses just at the front of the lake! Very nice. :) THe hotel there was also fantastic. Very modern and the facilities were good and new!
The fourth day was actually a free-and-easy day, which means you can choose what you want to do for the day. We chose to go to Milford Sound, the fjords place, where most other people from the tour are going there too. On the journey, we passed by many nice places, very camera-worthy. The creeks, mountains, they're all very nice. We got down the coach and took many nice pictures. :)
Milford Sound was very nice, haha, what can I say? Basically NZ is all about nice scenery! Ther water was not turquoise, haha, but then I saw nice waterfalls and moutains. (Were they mountains?)
The fifth day was the day to leave Queenstown. Sigh, I really like Queenstown, because I quite like their shopping street, haha! But of course, it's such a peaceful place, even though it's a tourist attraction. It gives you a very relaxing feeling. :)
Ok, so we left for a few places. I couldn't really remember where we went to, but this was the day when we stopped by many places. But in the end, we headed to Lake Tekapo, where we would be staying overnight in a hotel/extremely nice chalet nearby. Oh, Lake Tekapo is very beautiful! The water is really turquoise! And the Lupins (flowers) are really nice too! At night, we were supposed to go star-gazing, but then the weather was not ideal. Firstly, the wind is much too strong to go uphill, into the open air, and the guide said that the wind speed then was 100 km/h! Haha, anyway, I believe that we can be blown away if we really went up there to the hill, where it's completely open, no shelter what-so-ever. It's a pity, yes, because the star-gazing is one the highlights of the tour! Secondly, the sky was full of clouds. Even from our hotel/chalet, we could only see two stars! So we just had to succumb to our fate our not being able to go star-gazing.
The sixth day was heading towards Christchurch again. Actually, today was quite a boring day... As far as I could rmb (and referring to the map), we were sitting in the coach most of the time. We didn't visit any special place... OH YES WE DID! Haha, I forgot. In the morning, we were to go to the bank of Lake Tekapo to take some nice pictures, unfortunately, it was raining! And the wind was very, very strong! But then, suddenly, the tides were turned around, and the sun started coming out! Whee! To our right, the sun was there, but to our left, it was still cloudy, and both sides were still raining. So guess what, a beautiful rainbow appeared! :D And I'm telling you, it's the best, nicest, loveliest rainbow that I have ever seen! It was amazing! I could see the whole of it, from one end till the other. So after about 10min, the rain subsided, and we got down the coach and snapped a few pictures with the lovely rainbow and Lake Tekapo in the background. :)
We went to the Willowbank National Park where we saw some birds and animals of NZ, and of course, the endangered Kiwi bird, which I was so longing to see! ;) It's so sad, these animals/birds are all endangered! Man'd better learn how to cherish them!
Then we went to Monaville, which is some nice garden, with many lovely flowers there. To me it was alright, not say very fantastic, haha! But we saw the Singapore flag outside one of the houses facing the river in Monaville! :D
After that we visited the famous Cathedral Square in Christchurch. So that is the one that's always shown/featured in those fridge magnets/souvenirs!
And the next day was just spending time in the aeroplane going back to Singapore. I realised that there are many, many souvenir shops in NZ. Anywhere you go, be it a shopping street, cafe, restaurant, there's always a souvenir shop nearby. Even for those cafes or bars that we stopped by for toilet breaks, there's always a souvenir shop in it. Wow. So there were plenty of chances to buy souvenirs. Just depends on how much you want to buy.
The people there are very friendly and spontaneous. Unlike Singapore, haha, sad to say. The country is very clean, toilets are clean, roads are very neat and properly aligned. :)
Needless to say, the scenery was wonderful. Amazing. Yes, that's what you go there for. Pay for the scenery there. Haha.
I know my vocab is not good, cos throughout this post, the only adjectives I use to describe things are 'nice', 'beautiful', 'wonderful' and 'amazing'. =.=
I'm just glad that I can go to NZ at such a young age. Very fortunate indeed. :)
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I'm feeling quite excited now man. :) What's going to happen in the future... Well, we can only wait and see! But I'm feeling excited about what lays ahead, for the next few days. :]
I really want to have a female Singapore Idol. I think both Tabitha and Sylvia deserves the title. But I think more people are hoping for Sylvia to win. Hmm, I'm really alright with either of the girls. Just that I hope Singapore will vote wisely! The Grand Finals is on the 27th Dec, Sunday, at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Yay! I'm looking forward to that date. :)
Nownow, I'm running out of words to say.
Anyway, since there's nothing else left for me to say/type, I shall end of here.
I'm glad I can 'let go', at least for now. :)
I really want to have a female Singapore Idol. I think both Tabitha and Sylvia deserves the title. But I think more people are hoping for Sylvia to win. Hmm, I'm really alright with either of the girls. Just that I hope Singapore will vote wisely! The Grand Finals is on the 27th Dec, Sunday, at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Yay! I'm looking forward to that date. :)
Nownow, I'm running out of words to say.
Anyway, since there's nothing else left for me to say/type, I shall end of here.
I'm glad I can 'let go', at least for now. :)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Yay, my pimple is ready to be squeezed! HAHA! Actually it's already been squeezed. Lol. Thank goodness, just before the holiday. :)

I realise that nowadays there are nice patterns in the sky! Hoho. I have a lot of nice sky patterns in my thumbdrive and the camera. They're still waiting for me to be uploaded. But I won't upload everything though. But just one nice one here. :)
Oh no, one moment, I feel so cheated, and then suddenly the next, I feel... shocked! Yeah. Shocked. Surprised.
Whoa, everything seems so weird! Is everything just so connected? Ahh, I see it can be a good, and a bad thing.
Right. I need to think. *chillchill*
Right. I need to think. *chillchill*
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Ok back to the PC chalet. Hmm, the day activities like Amazing Race was okay, quite fun. We went cycling, and I didn't know that Escape is so near! Oh, and we cycled all the way to the Pasir Ris playground. The bigbig one. Hoho, pardon me for my ignorance, anyway, Pasir Ris is not my territory. xD
The BBQ was fine. I have to thank the Sec 3s for doing everything for us! How nice, they started the fire, cooked the food, and cleared up the area. Sigh, thinking back, I feel guilty that we didn't offer much help...
The performance was... fine! Haha, I really love our song, and we could see that the Sec 4s kinda get the 'joke'. But the second part was a bit messy, but it's alright. :) Good job Sec 2s!
After that we went out to the beach. Hmm, we didn't actually go down to the sand or sea, just stayed on the pavement. Then we started forming a circle, and sat down, and guess what, told ghost stories. Sigh. I knew this would happen. Haha, so, being the usual scaredy cat (or maybe not that bad huh), I 'opted' out of the circle and joined some other friends who also didn't want to hear. Gee, I'm relieved that I didn't stay in that circle. So me and my friends just played some games to 'past time'. Haha.
Then it was the 'movie marathon'. Haha, watched some livelier movies. :) Like HSM and Shrek 2. Slightly past midnight, I went to bed, after a tiring day full of activities.
The next morning we woke up with an orchestra going on. Haha, shall not elaborate anymore. Since we woke up so early, we just decided to sit and talk. The end. :)
Yes, I am disappointed.
The BBQ was fine. I have to thank the Sec 3s for doing everything for us! How nice, they started the fire, cooked the food, and cleared up the area. Sigh, thinking back, I feel guilty that we didn't offer much help...
The performance was... fine! Haha, I really love our song, and we could see that the Sec 4s kinda get the 'joke'. But the second part was a bit messy, but it's alright. :) Good job Sec 2s!
After that we went out to the beach. Hmm, we didn't actually go down to the sand or sea, just stayed on the pavement. Then we started forming a circle, and sat down, and guess what, told ghost stories. Sigh. I knew this would happen. Haha, so, being the usual scaredy cat (or maybe not that bad huh), I 'opted' out of the circle and joined some other friends who also didn't want to hear. Gee, I'm relieved that I didn't stay in that circle. So me and my friends just played some games to 'past time'. Haha.
Then it was the 'movie marathon'. Haha, watched some livelier movies. :) Like HSM and Shrek 2. Slightly past midnight, I went to bed, after a tiring day full of activities.
The next morning we woke up with an orchestra going on. Haha, shall not elaborate anymore. Since we woke up so early, we just decided to sit and talk. The end. :)
Yes, I am disappointed.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Right, I'm back from the PC Chalet. Hahaha, it was very fun! But the attendance wasn't very ideal. For the day activities and BBQ, very little Sec 3s came... Oh well, are they very busy? Anyway, then after that, fewer people stayed overnight. There were only 14 people staying overnight, and this chalet is for Sec 1s to 4s! In the end, Sec 4s only had 3, Sec 3s - 2, and Sec 1s - 1!
Haha, I'm quite tired to explain more. I'll blog again tmr or some time when I feel like to.
Haha, I'm quite tired to explain more. I'll blog again tmr or some time when I feel like to.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I'm so right. The atmospheric temperature now is 35 degrees Celsius! Believe it or not! Actually it's not unbelieveable, cos it's extremely hot now. And I do mean HOT.
Ahh, I thought today will rain, since it didn't rain for the past 2 days, and it's the 'winter' season now.
Anyway, I just read from Asiaone that the Top PSLE student this year is from Qifa Primary. Whoo, a neighbourhood school man! Take that, all the top schools! HAHAHA. Not that I'm from that school (Vithika is), but I just want people to know that their kids can also strive very well in neighbourhood schools, and not just the top and ming xiao are always the best in everything.
Mankind must put an end to war, if not war will put an end to mankind.
- John F. Kennedy
Ahh, I thought today will rain, since it didn't rain for the past 2 days, and it's the 'winter' season now.
Anyway, I just read from Asiaone that the Top PSLE student this year is from Qifa Primary. Whoo, a neighbourhood school man! Take that, all the top schools! HAHAHA. Not that I'm from that school (Vithika is), but I just want people to know that their kids can also strive very well in neighbourhood schools, and not just the top and ming xiao are always the best in everything.
Mankind must put an end to war, if not war will put an end to mankind.
- John F. Kennedy
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Let's start from yesterday, shall we?
Yesterday in the morning I went for the Inter-Unit Initiative (Guides) at Ngee Ann Sec. Well, there were supposed to be 27 people turning up, but instead half turned up. Anyway, we did Napkin Folding, Towel Animal, Balloon Sculpting and Gel Candle. I was so hungry in the midst of the activities! We only had refreshments/lunch break at 12.40. But nvm, after it ended I went straight to Downtown East.
Which is the next segment that I'm about to say. I went to Downtown East (hmm, or more like Escape Theme Park) with Sabrina, Wei Ting, Jing Wen, Natalie, Jasveen, Regina and Vithika. Cos now the adult ticket only costs $9 each. This promotion lasts from now till the end of the year. And since I haven't been to ETP for 3-4 years, I thought I'd just give it a try.
Escape, the place itself, is very small, and there's really little rides. Nowonder they can afford to give such great discounts, cos I think they have not much business, even though it's the holidays already. I heard from my friends that many rides have already been done away with, and yes, I also think so too. Even though I haven't been there for a long time, I remember sitting rides that I don't see now anymore.
Well, I shall just fast forward to the highlight of the day: the VIKING SHIP! :D Can you believe this, I have never sat on an actual Viking Ship before. Yes, I only sat on the small, mini, pasar malam kind. Haha! Cos I was scared, you know. Haha, but now I think I'm more brave (braver?), so I just went to try. And it paid off, man! I mean, one has to be more adventurous right? ;) I sat on the third-last row, together with Sabbie and Jasveen. Oh my, it was so cool! Exciting! Exhilarating! :D:D You just feel like you're going to fall off your seat when you're at the highest point, or some where that's very high. Hahs, it was so funnn! I was screaming and screaming until my mouth went dry after the ride! Oh, not to mention that Sabbie's screaming was awesome! Haha, awesome? Yeah, kinda awesome, cos she was screaming more than me, practically every time the boat goes up she screams, even when it's not that scary, in my opinion. Haha. And she screams the high-pitched one. Hah, leave it to your imagination to visualise it!
After some breaks of going to other rides, like the Wet&Wild, which was not bad, quite thrilling too, we went for the Viking Ship again. Yay! Actually some of them went for a second time first, then I joined in later, cos my stomach was still a bit full after eating. So when I went again, I sat at the row that's closest to the middle, to avoid any discomfort during and/or after the ride.
Guess what happened? There were 3 boys who sat opposite us, but facing us, and they were acting so foolishly. When the ride just started, a girl who was sitting right at the back shouted/screamed, then one of them said "Diam lah!" Ho, I was like, people want to scream then let them scream! Lol! Then they themselves just started shouting and screaming (err, wait, I don't think boys scream) unneccessarily. Oh well, then Sabbie suddenly said, "I feel challenged." HAHA! DON'T YOU THINK IT'S SO FUNNY? Haha, ok, probably it doesn't sound funny here. Anyway, then when the ride started getting intense, Sabbie and I started screaming, then the boys opposite us were asking us to shut up. Soon, Sabbie got pissed, haha, and purposely did the contrary of their requests - scream louder! HAHAHAH, when the boy opposite us ask us to "Diam", Sabbie opened her mouth wide and screamed at them! Right in his face! LOL! Especially when it's not the scary part, she still screamed at them! HAHAHAHAHAH!
Alright, we now name Sabbie the 'Leader of the Screams', when sitting on the Viking Ship! Haha! So funny! Well, I guess it's just this last ride on the Viking Ship that was the highlight of the trip. The others like the Wet&Wild, which I mentioned already, was very good, and the Family Coaster is not bad too. We went twice. Just that it seemed like they haven't oiled the tracks or sthg for years. I didn't go into the Haunted House, cos I was scared. Yes, haha, for this I'm not ready to go for it yet. :P
All in all, I think ETP is going downhill, cos there's so little rides left. And for those rides, less than half are actually enjoyable, in my opinion. So, when the Resorts World Sentosa (RTS) opens next year, they'll surely have no business. Haiii, so sad. But it's not as if I have a liking for that place. :/
Alrightalright, enough about ETP. Let's progress to today. In the morning and half of the afternoon, we had the New Leaders Welcome. The games were quite fun, yes, and I feel that this whole session really bonded CPB a lot! Previously I didn't feel bonded or attached to this board, but today, everyone made an effort to get to know one another better, and bonded together! Yeah, that's cool. :)
Aiyo, I didn't get wet during the water balloon game! So sad, I was looking forward to getting wet, you know, have some fun. But apparently, we weren't agressive in 'attacking' each other, so not many got wet.
Lunch was delicious! They catered food for us! How nice. :) Then after lunch at about 1.30, when the sun was burning hot, we had to walk out off school and walk on the Homecoming Day route! The entire thing, not just one side of it! The full, two routes combined! First we walked through Wan Tho Ave, then walked along Upper Serangoon Rd on the hill top, then walked along Upper Aljunied Rd, and back to Willow Ave outside Cedar Primary, then back into our school. I'm telling you, it's not easy ok. I mean, with the scorching hot sun? I bet it's 34 or 35 degrees Celsius then man! I was hot and thirsty! But anyway, there's always a purpose and motive for doing such things.
Ok, have to go eat now. See ya. ;)
Yesterday in the morning I went for the Inter-Unit Initiative (Guides) at Ngee Ann Sec. Well, there were supposed to be 27 people turning up, but instead half turned up. Anyway, we did Napkin Folding, Towel Animal, Balloon Sculpting and Gel Candle. I was so hungry in the midst of the activities! We only had refreshments/lunch break at 12.40. But nvm, after it ended I went straight to Downtown East.
Which is the next segment that I'm about to say. I went to Downtown East (hmm, or more like Escape Theme Park) with Sabrina, Wei Ting, Jing Wen, Natalie, Jasveen, Regina and Vithika. Cos now the adult ticket only costs $9 each. This promotion lasts from now till the end of the year. And since I haven't been to ETP for 3-4 years, I thought I'd just give it a try.
Escape, the place itself, is very small, and there's really little rides. Nowonder they can afford to give such great discounts, cos I think they have not much business, even though it's the holidays already. I heard from my friends that many rides have already been done away with, and yes, I also think so too. Even though I haven't been there for a long time, I remember sitting rides that I don't see now anymore.
Well, I shall just fast forward to the highlight of the day: the VIKING SHIP! :D Can you believe this, I have never sat on an actual Viking Ship before. Yes, I only sat on the small, mini, pasar malam kind. Haha! Cos I was scared, you know. Haha, but now I think I'm more brave (braver?), so I just went to try. And it paid off, man! I mean, one has to be more adventurous right? ;) I sat on the third-last row, together with Sabbie and Jasveen. Oh my, it was so cool! Exciting! Exhilarating! :D:D You just feel like you're going to fall off your seat when you're at the highest point, or some where that's very high. Hahs, it was so funnn! I was screaming and screaming until my mouth went dry after the ride! Oh, not to mention that Sabbie's screaming was awesome! Haha, awesome? Yeah, kinda awesome, cos she was screaming more than me, practically every time the boat goes up she screams, even when it's not that scary, in my opinion. Haha. And she screams the high-pitched one. Hah, leave it to your imagination to visualise it!
After some breaks of going to other rides, like the Wet&Wild, which was not bad, quite thrilling too, we went for the Viking Ship again. Yay! Actually some of them went for a second time first, then I joined in later, cos my stomach was still a bit full after eating. So when I went again, I sat at the row that's closest to the middle, to avoid any discomfort during and/or after the ride.
Guess what happened? There were 3 boys who sat opposite us, but facing us, and they were acting so foolishly. When the ride just started, a girl who was sitting right at the back shouted/screamed, then one of them said "Diam lah!" Ho, I was like, people want to scream then let them scream! Lol! Then they themselves just started shouting and screaming (err, wait, I don't think boys scream) unneccessarily. Oh well, then Sabbie suddenly said, "I feel challenged." HAHA! DON'T YOU THINK IT'S SO FUNNY? Haha, ok, probably it doesn't sound funny here. Anyway, then when the ride started getting intense, Sabbie and I started screaming, then the boys opposite us were asking us to shut up. Soon, Sabbie got pissed, haha, and purposely did the contrary of their requests - scream louder! HAHAHAH, when the boy opposite us ask us to "Diam", Sabbie opened her mouth wide and screamed at them! Right in his face! LOL! Especially when it's not the scary part, she still screamed at them! HAHAHAHAHAH!
Alright, we now name Sabbie the 'Leader of the Screams', when sitting on the Viking Ship! Haha! So funny! Well, I guess it's just this last ride on the Viking Ship that was the highlight of the trip. The others like the Wet&Wild, which I mentioned already, was very good, and the Family Coaster is not bad too. We went twice. Just that it seemed like they haven't oiled the tracks or sthg for years. I didn't go into the Haunted House, cos I was scared. Yes, haha, for this I'm not ready to go for it yet. :P
All in all, I think ETP is going downhill, cos there's so little rides left. And for those rides, less than half are actually enjoyable, in my opinion. So, when the Resorts World Sentosa (RTS) opens next year, they'll surely have no business. Haiii, so sad. But it's not as if I have a liking for that place. :/
Alrightalright, enough about ETP. Let's progress to today. In the morning and half of the afternoon, we had the New Leaders Welcome. The games were quite fun, yes, and I feel that this whole session really bonded CPB a lot! Previously I didn't feel bonded or attached to this board, but today, everyone made an effort to get to know one another better, and bonded together! Yeah, that's cool. :)
Aiyo, I didn't get wet during the water balloon game! So sad, I was looking forward to getting wet, you know, have some fun. But apparently, we weren't agressive in 'attacking' each other, so not many got wet.
Lunch was delicious! They catered food for us! How nice. :) Then after lunch at about 1.30, when the sun was burning hot, we had to walk out off school and walk on the Homecoming Day route! The entire thing, not just one side of it! The full, two routes combined! First we walked through Wan Tho Ave, then walked along Upper Serangoon Rd on the hill top, then walked along Upper Aljunied Rd, and back to Willow Ave outside Cedar Primary, then back into our school. I'm telling you, it's not easy ok. I mean, with the scorching hot sun? I bet it's 34 or 35 degrees Celsius then man! I was hot and thirsty! But anyway, there's always a purpose and motive for doing such things.
Ok, have to go eat now. See ya. ;)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I've changed my blogskin!

Haha, I've enlarged it so that maybe you can appreciate this photo too! LOL! xD
Hoho, actually it's the same one as Orchid Patrol's blogskin, but since I was the one who found it, HAHA, I think it's alright to use it as mine too.
I feel it's time for a change, even though I liked the old one too.
Ahhh, I'm really missing Perak trip! :/
I shall post the same picture that I posted a few days back one more time, to reinstate how much I love that photo! :D
Haha, I've enlarged it so that maybe you can appreciate this photo too! LOL! xD
Friday, November 20, 2009
Ahh geesh, today I felt like some... totally distracted person! I said sthg that was weird and nonsensical!
What did I say? When she asked us whether we were tired, I said, "Ermm, no, cos the pizza was... very... energising!" ?!?!?! Haha, come to think of it, I also don't know what and why I said that! I was trying to say that "I feel energised after eating the pizza, so I'm not tired!" ARGH! Thanks a lot man!
But I'm sure she did understand what I was trying to say. =.= Sigh.
Today I went back to school at Cedar Ave for Guides store unpacking. Hoho, yes, that was when the incident above happened. =.= When we were about to go home after eating the pizza that Mdm Faridah treated us. :D
First time back to Cedar Ave after it was renovated. Hmm, I would have to say that it's very classy, haha, very nice. :) I think the campus is quite big, hearing from my friends who already more or less walked around the school. But I haven't, so I have to wait till other times. :)
Our Guides store was alright. It turned out pretty messy at first, when I first reported there. Haha. But then as more people came to help out, the mess gradually cleared up! :) Yay, the efficiency of us, Guides! :D But I'm sure now it's a bit different, cos we just put the stuff that we placed outside the door inside. Haha. Still, I'm sure we'll do a good job packing it. :) The next packing session is next week, done by Sec 3s only. Haiii, I want to go and help...! Haha, really, I want to do sthg good. Help out. Cos I'm so bored at home! :/:/:/
Alright. GAHHH stop brooding over the blunder that you made! Anyway, for those who haven't read my Perak trip post yet, scroll down yeah? ;D
Thanks for making me realise
that it will not end here.
Or now.
It's just goodnight,
andnot never not goodbye.
How I wish that it'll never be goodbye...
What did I say? When she asked us whether we were tired, I said, "Ermm, no, cos the pizza was... very... energising!" ?!?!?! Haha, come to think of it, I also don't know what and why I said that! I was trying to say that "I feel energised after eating the pizza, so I'm not tired!" ARGH! Thanks a lot man!
But I'm sure she did understand what I was trying to say. =.= Sigh.
Today I went back to school at Cedar Ave for Guides store unpacking. Hoho, yes, that was when the incident above happened. =.= When we were about to go home after eating the pizza that Mdm Faridah treated us. :D
First time back to Cedar Ave after it was renovated. Hmm, I would have to say that it's very classy, haha, very nice. :) I think the campus is quite big, hearing from my friends who already more or less walked around the school. But I haven't, so I have to wait till other times. :)
Our Guides store was alright. It turned out pretty messy at first, when I first reported there. Haha. But then as more people came to help out, the mess gradually cleared up! :) Yay, the efficiency of us, Guides! :D But I'm sure now it's a bit different, cos we just put the stuff that we placed outside the door inside. Haha. Still, I'm sure we'll do a good job packing it. :) The next packing session is next week, done by Sec 3s only. Haiii, I want to go and help...! Haha, really, I want to do sthg good. Help out. Cos I'm so bored at home! :/:/:/
Alright. GAHHH stop brooding over the blunder that you made! Anyway, for those who haven't read my Perak trip post yet, scroll down yeah? ;D
Thanks for making me realise
that it will not end here.
Or now.
It's just goodnight,
How I wish that it'll never be goodbye...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Ok, now for the detailed account of the Peral trip! :D
Day 1, Saturday
It's a long, long journey ride there! :/ Ahh well, but no one can help it, cos Perak is so far north. It's above the state of Selangor, where KL is situated. It's about 3-4 hours longer than the journey to KL from Singapore.
Do I have to describe what we did in the bus? Haha, sleep, listen to music, read (a bit), practise blowing the bubble of the bubblegum, and taking unglam photos of Teo with her gum. But actually it's not unglam, since she doesn't mind it at all. And she always does these kinda things, so, yeah. Haha.
We were supposed to go to Kellie's Castle in the evening, but when we reached Perak, it was too late to go there cos it'll be dark already, and it's not advisible to go there at night, cos that place is reputed to be haunted... :/:/:/ Instead, we had 40 minutes to walk at a shopping centre. Yes, I know, so short right? But anyway, it doesn't matter, cos I didn't go to Perak with the intention of shopping. It's an adventure trip, my dear. Haha, the fact that they let us stop by the shopping centre was good enough. I didn't buy anything, cos of the time constraint and cos I didn't see anything that I liked.
The hotel was very nice, just like other standard hotels. I love the atmosphere! It's very grand, and there was someone playing the grand piano downstairs, so there's this very... special feeling. Not like some quiet hotel. Anyway, we had quite a lot of time, so we camwhored, not really camwhore, just take random shots. Hahaha.
Day 2, Sunday
I was so excited for this day! It's like, WHITE WATER RAFTING and WATERFALL ABSEILING! :DDD We sat off to the Riverbug place via bus and van. There was a change in plans, erm, well, not really plans, but you know the day before the teachers told us to bring extra clothes, sandals whatever stuff we want to change into, then on the day itself it seems like whatever you bring along to the place will be whatever you will carry to the white water rafting itself. No place to put your whatsoever stuff. So I kinda brought so many things till my small bag wanted to burst, then in the end it was quite good that we didn't actually have to bring anything with us.
Thankfully, there were no leeches! :D Actually I don't understand where the leech can strike you. As in bite. Cos it's not really a forest. Ohkay, then the briefing was so funnyyyy! The guide was speaking in a really cute and funny accent! And he loves to crack lame jokes, maybe not jokes, but then he will always pause a while, then say, "Kidding onlehh!" HAHAHA. Can you imagine that? Ohk, at first we didn't see it as sthg special or funny, but then after the 2nd time it became like a new joke of the century! HAHA. Then we just kept laughing over "Kidding onlehh"!
Fast forward to when we were carrying our rafts to the river. Hoho, so cool! You could see that the water was fast flowing, and there were rocks, so it's very exciting and thrilling! :) When we got in, I thought we could 'take off' already, but the guide just kept circling us around and around that same area, I think to get us warmed up, or to wait for the other rafts to go first. During this period of time, it was quite boring, cos we haven't actually travelled through the rapids yet.
Then finally, we set off, and there comes the bumpy rides! The rocks and rapids were so fun! The command, "Boomboom" is to signal that we get into the raft, meaning sit on the bottom of it. Cos we were only sitting on the edge of the raft, with our legs inside, that's all. So when it's time to boomboom, it means that there's a huge rapid or some 'dangerous' (in my opinion, exciting) part. Hehe. So at the first part of the journey, there were many of these nice rapids and boomboom-s, hah, so we were enjoying ourselves! HAHA, then that Sabrina and Charlene, who ask them to sit together, whenever there's a boomboom, they keep crashing into each other, and always have a hard time getting up again. Oh yes, and they kept laughing as if it's their last chance to laugh. =.= Gosh! Laugh within your own territory man, Sabbie! You always make laughter seem so contagious, yes, even though I know it is! Haha, that's why I say it's a mistake to make you and Charlene sit together!
Ahhhh, the boomboom is always so fun! Seriously, I want to go again! Haha. Oh, did I mention that it's tiring too? Yeah, it is, cos you have to keep pedalling. Even though there were breaks, like we rowed to one side and rested for a few minutes, your arm can't help but get tired.
Ohh, and then during this longest break, we all got down from our rafts and just, get completely wet! Haha, oh, I guess I was smart enough not to get my whole head wet by submerging it, haha, or falling with the others to the ground! But still, I don't mind getting wet, cos it was so fun! Haha, we sang a lot of songs and cheers together as Cedar Guides! :D:D:D So funnnn! I want it again, man!
Oh, then the next half of the journey gradually became more and more dull. There were no more rapids, and it was really just, nothing. Haiyo, just when we were hoping for more boomboom-s, there came none. I think there was only one after that, but that one wasn't fun at all. Haha, never mind, at least I'm glad that I got to experience such a fun activity! :D
Then after lunch, the weather turned awry! D: Boo. When we got to the waterfall abseil venue, the sky began to turn dark, and then after the instructor briefed us about the safety precautions, it started to pour. :(:(:( I was so angry! And disappointed! I was so looking forward to the waterfall abseiling! Not only was the activity thrilling, I have not abseiled before, so I'm positive it will be a refreshing experience! :( Boo. Speaking of this, I'm so fumed ok. During P6 camp, I was next to go for the abseiling (normal one), then suddenly the instructor said that there's no more time, and that we had to go for dinner. My friend and I were begging the instructor like mad, yet he didn't budge at all. =.= Then when we got to the dining hall, we were the first group there, and had to wait for half an hour for the rest to come. =.==.= Super pissing can? Haizzzz. But anyway, that was during my P6 camp. Yesyes, so I was really looking forward to the waterfall abseiling, but unfortunately the weather spoiled it all. And did I tell you that I was shivering in the cold? Yes, I was, but I recovered soon enough. Thankfully. :) Sigh, so of course, I wasn't the only one who was disappointed. My friends and other people were equally disappointed. Oh well, I guess we can't have control over the weather. It's just my fate that I have to wait till OAC next year to get to abseil.
So then we had our tea break, which there was hot tea! Yay, not that I like tea, in fact I don't drink tea, but for survival purposes, it was hot, and I do mean hot, so it was great for warming myself up! After having a nice shower, we had dinner. :) And I really mean that the shower was nice and refreshing ok. Everyone was so recharged after the shower! After dinner we played Truth or Dare. Whoa, I tell you, that was the best Truth or Dare game I've ever played in my whole life! Hahaha, we played as Sec 2s to 4s man! Haha, I don't know whether it's my fortune or unluckiness to not get picked. Haha.
Night game was so, so fun! It was hilarious I tell you! Hahaha. The games were alright, all played before in Singapore. But it's the team that made everything so enjoyable! All the Sec 2s and Deryn and Melissa. :) Haha, our group name was called 'Orange Juice 20 cents', cos we were all wearing the orange-coloured Farewell tee, and who knows where did that extra '2o cents' come from! I think that instructor just added it there without telling us! Anyway, CHARLENE TEO WAS HILARIOUS! SO COMICAL! She as the paper doll was indeed very suitable! So funny! HAHAHA. And she did not take any advantage of you, okay, Charlene! HAHAHAHAHAA! Alright, yay, because our group was so coordinated and thoughtful, we won the champion prize!Hahaha, for all three games combined together! :D Good job Orange Juice 20 cents, I will miss you guys! ;)
Day 3, Monday
After eating breakfast, we went around the place/resort to take photos. :) The scenery is really nice. :) Then after that we stood at the back of the lorry and they drove us to Gua Tempurung. :) Oh gosh, it got me so excited to be standing on the back of the lorry man! Haha, this really shows how suaku we were. Sigh. It was really relaxing and cooling, haha, our lorry was like, shouting and making a lot of sound effects along the way!
Gua Tempurung was fine, not bad, but not what I expected to be. I thought we had to climb through holes, 'battle' with bats etc. Haha, it turns out that I just had to climb the stairs, and enjoy the view, that's all! No bats! Haha! The shapes formed by the stallectites and stallecmites were really a wonder, from animals to humans to other weird creatures, like cats, goats, horse, woman, batman?! Haha. Cool. :) But the climb was kinda tiring.
After lunch we went to Kellie's Castle. Ho, the ghost stories that the teacher narrated to us were indeed freaky! :/ The castle was alright. I think Mr Chai was kinda right, it reminded me of the tragedy of WWII, where the Japanese bombed part of the place... Anyway, the rooftop was really nice! A bit dangerous, cos there's totally no railings at the side and anyone who goes too near the edge of the roof will just fall. Four storeys, I think. But still very dangerous. But anyway, it's a nice phototaking place! :D
After that we went to the Mangrove place. Haha, I shall fast forward that one cos I don't have anything to say about that. Then we went to the Charcoal Factory. Very interesting! The boss was very enthusiastic, and kept thanking us for visiting his factory. Oh, I finally learnt hor charcoal was made, and it really taught me to use charcoal wisely! It takes one whole month (and slightly more than that) to make charcoal, from the mangrove trees etc! Very long! And the hands on activities were fun. :) Ohh, the sweet potato that was cooked by the charcoal way was very sweet! Nice. :)
Then it was dinner. Hahaha, sthg weird and kinda extraordinary, or so they call it, happened to Sabrina and Charlene! Hohoho. Shall not elaborate. They were in pain, yet they still could laugh. =.= Laughing in pain! HAHAHA! I think that night, everyone seemed to go crazy or sthg, cos the Sec 3s were laughing like mad too, and I think the Sec 4s were also laughing a little more than usual... Or is it my imagination? Oh well, you can't deny the fact that laughing is contagious! :D
The hotel was alright, I would say very modern, but it's very small, so I definitely prefer the Ipoh hotel from the first night to this one. It's small, not kidding onlehh!
Day Four, Tuesday
We went to Taiping Lake Gardens in the morning. Not bad, quite scenic, especially since the sky was very blue! :) Took some photos there. :)
Then after that was just travelling, travelling, all the way.
All in all, I loved Perak trip very much. Ahhahaha, just blogging about this makes me feel all I-miss-Perak-trip!
Till we meet again.
Day 1, Saturday
It's a long, long journey ride there! :/ Ahh well, but no one can help it, cos Perak is so far north. It's above the state of Selangor, where KL is situated. It's about 3-4 hours longer than the journey to KL from Singapore.
Do I have to describe what we did in the bus? Haha, sleep, listen to music, read (a bit), practise blowing the bubble of the bubblegum, and taking unglam photos of Teo with her gum. But actually it's not unglam, since she doesn't mind it at all. And she always does these kinda things, so, yeah. Haha.
We were supposed to go to Kellie's Castle in the evening, but when we reached Perak, it was too late to go there cos it'll be dark already, and it's not advisible to go there at night, cos that place is reputed to be haunted... :/:/:/ Instead, we had 40 minutes to walk at a shopping centre. Yes, I know, so short right? But anyway, it doesn't matter, cos I didn't go to Perak with the intention of shopping. It's an adventure trip, my dear. Haha, the fact that they let us stop by the shopping centre was good enough. I didn't buy anything, cos of the time constraint and cos I didn't see anything that I liked.
The hotel was very nice, just like other standard hotels. I love the atmosphere! It's very grand, and there was someone playing the grand piano downstairs, so there's this very... special feeling. Not like some quiet hotel. Anyway, we had quite a lot of time, so we camwhored, not really camwhore, just take random shots. Hahaha.
Day 2, Sunday
I was so excited for this day! It's like, WHITE WATER RAFTING and WATERFALL ABSEILING! :DDD We sat off to the Riverbug place via bus and van. There was a change in plans, erm, well, not really plans, but you know the day before the teachers told us to bring extra clothes, sandals whatever stuff we want to change into, then on the day itself it seems like whatever you bring along to the place will be whatever you will carry to the white water rafting itself. No place to put your whatsoever stuff. So I kinda brought so many things till my small bag wanted to burst, then in the end it was quite good that we didn't actually have to bring anything with us.
Thankfully, there were no leeches! :D Actually I don't understand where the leech can strike you. As in bite. Cos it's not really a forest. Ohkay, then the briefing was so funnyyyy! The guide was speaking in a really cute and funny accent! And he loves to crack lame jokes, maybe not jokes, but then he will always pause a while, then say, "Kidding onlehh!" HAHAHA. Can you imagine that? Ohk, at first we didn't see it as sthg special or funny, but then after the 2nd time it became like a new joke of the century! HAHA. Then we just kept laughing over "Kidding onlehh"!
Fast forward to when we were carrying our rafts to the river. Hoho, so cool! You could see that the water was fast flowing, and there were rocks, so it's very exciting and thrilling! :) When we got in, I thought we could 'take off' already, but the guide just kept circling us around and around that same area, I think to get us warmed up, or to wait for the other rafts to go first. During this period of time, it was quite boring, cos we haven't actually travelled through the rapids yet.
Then finally, we set off, and there comes the bumpy rides! The rocks and rapids were so fun! The command, "Boomboom" is to signal that we get into the raft, meaning sit on the bottom of it. Cos we were only sitting on the edge of the raft, with our legs inside, that's all. So when it's time to boomboom, it means that there's a huge rapid or some 'dangerous' (in my opinion, exciting) part. Hehe. So at the first part of the journey, there were many of these nice rapids and boomboom-s, hah, so we were enjoying ourselves! HAHA, then that Sabrina and Charlene, who ask them to sit together, whenever there's a boomboom, they keep crashing into each other, and always have a hard time getting up again. Oh yes, and they kept laughing as if it's their last chance to laugh. =.= Gosh! Laugh within your own territory man, Sabbie! You always make laughter seem so contagious, yes, even though I know it is! Haha, that's why I say it's a mistake to make you and Charlene sit together!
Ahhhh, the boomboom is always so fun! Seriously, I want to go again! Haha. Oh, did I mention that it's tiring too? Yeah, it is, cos you have to keep pedalling. Even though there were breaks, like we rowed to one side and rested for a few minutes, your arm can't help but get tired.
Ohh, and then during this longest break, we all got down from our rafts and just, get completely wet! Haha, oh, I guess I was smart enough not to get my whole head wet by submerging it, haha, or falling with the others to the ground! But still, I don't mind getting wet, cos it was so fun! Haha, we sang a lot of songs and cheers together as Cedar Guides! :D:D:D So funnnn! I want it again, man!
Oh, then the next half of the journey gradually became more and more dull. There were no more rapids, and it was really just, nothing. Haiyo, just when we were hoping for more boomboom-s, there came none. I think there was only one after that, but that one wasn't fun at all. Haha, never mind, at least I'm glad that I got to experience such a fun activity! :D
Then after lunch, the weather turned awry! D: Boo. When we got to the waterfall abseil venue, the sky began to turn dark, and then after the instructor briefed us about the safety precautions, it started to pour. :(:(:( I was so angry! And disappointed! I was so looking forward to the waterfall abseiling! Not only was the activity thrilling, I have not abseiled before, so I'm positive it will be a refreshing experience! :( Boo. Speaking of this, I'm so fumed ok. During P6 camp, I was next to go for the abseiling (normal one), then suddenly the instructor said that there's no more time, and that we had to go for dinner. My friend and I were begging the instructor like mad, yet he didn't budge at all. =.= Then when we got to the dining hall, we were the first group there, and had to wait for half an hour for the rest to come. =.==.= Super pissing can? Haizzzz. But anyway, that was during my P6 camp. Yesyes, so I was really looking forward to the waterfall abseiling, but unfortunately the weather spoiled it all. And did I tell you that I was shivering in the cold? Yes, I was, but I recovered soon enough. Thankfully. :) Sigh, so of course, I wasn't the only one who was disappointed. My friends and other people were equally disappointed. Oh well, I guess we can't have control over the weather. It's just my fate that I have to wait till OAC next year to get to abseil.
So then we had our tea break, which there was hot tea! Yay, not that I like tea, in fact I don't drink tea, but for survival purposes, it was hot, and I do mean hot, so it was great for warming myself up! After having a nice shower, we had dinner. :) And I really mean that the shower was nice and refreshing ok. Everyone was so recharged after the shower! After dinner we played Truth or Dare. Whoa, I tell you, that was the best Truth or Dare game I've ever played in my whole life! Hahaha, we played as Sec 2s to 4s man! Haha, I don't know whether it's my fortune or unluckiness to not get picked. Haha.
Night game was so, so fun! It was hilarious I tell you! Hahaha. The games were alright, all played before in Singapore. But it's the team that made everything so enjoyable! All the Sec 2s and Deryn and Melissa. :) Haha, our group name was called 'Orange Juice 20 cents', cos we were all wearing the orange-coloured Farewell tee, and who knows where did that extra '2o cents' come from! I think that instructor just added it there without telling us! Anyway, CHARLENE TEO WAS HILARIOUS! SO COMICAL! She as the paper doll was indeed very suitable! So funny! HAHAHA. And she did not take any advantage of you, okay, Charlene! HAHAHAHAHAA! Alright, yay, because our group was so coordinated and thoughtful, we won the champion prize!Hahaha, for all three games combined together! :D Good job Orange Juice 20 cents, I will miss you guys! ;)
Day 3, Monday
After eating breakfast, we went around the place/resort to take photos. :) The scenery is really nice. :) Then after that we stood at the back of the lorry and they drove us to Gua Tempurung. :) Oh gosh, it got me so excited to be standing on the back of the lorry man! Haha, this really shows how suaku we were. Sigh. It was really relaxing and cooling, haha, our lorry was like, shouting and making a lot of sound effects along the way!
Gua Tempurung was fine, not bad, but not what I expected to be. I thought we had to climb through holes, 'battle' with bats etc. Haha, it turns out that I just had to climb the stairs, and enjoy the view, that's all! No bats! Haha! The shapes formed by the stallectites and stallecmites were really a wonder, from animals to humans to other weird creatures, like cats, goats, horse, woman, batman?! Haha. Cool. :) But the climb was kinda tiring.
After lunch we went to Kellie's Castle. Ho, the ghost stories that the teacher narrated to us were indeed freaky! :/ The castle was alright. I think Mr Chai was kinda right, it reminded me of the tragedy of WWII, where the Japanese bombed part of the place... Anyway, the rooftop was really nice! A bit dangerous, cos there's totally no railings at the side and anyone who goes too near the edge of the roof will just fall. Four storeys, I think. But still very dangerous. But anyway, it's a nice phototaking place! :D
After that we went to the Mangrove place. Haha, I shall fast forward that one cos I don't have anything to say about that. Then we went to the Charcoal Factory. Very interesting! The boss was very enthusiastic, and kept thanking us for visiting his factory. Oh, I finally learnt hor charcoal was made, and it really taught me to use charcoal wisely! It takes one whole month (and slightly more than that) to make charcoal, from the mangrove trees etc! Very long! And the hands on activities were fun. :) Ohh, the sweet potato that was cooked by the charcoal way was very sweet! Nice. :)
Then it was dinner. Hahaha, sthg weird and kinda extraordinary, or so they call it, happened to Sabrina and Charlene! Hohoho. Shall not elaborate. They were in pain, yet they still could laugh. =.= Laughing in pain! HAHAHA! I think that night, everyone seemed to go crazy or sthg, cos the Sec 3s were laughing like mad too, and I think the Sec 4s were also laughing a little more than usual... Or is it my imagination? Oh well, you can't deny the fact that laughing is contagious! :D
The hotel was alright, I would say very modern, but it's very small, so I definitely prefer the Ipoh hotel from the first night to this one. It's small, not kidding onlehh!
Day Four, Tuesday
We went to Taiping Lake Gardens in the morning. Not bad, quite scenic, especially since the sky was very blue! :) Took some photos there. :)
Then after that was just travelling, travelling, all the way.
All in all, I loved Perak trip very much. Ahhahaha, just blogging about this makes me feel all I-miss-Perak-trip!
Till we meet again.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Perak trip was indescribably awesome! The activities, the instructors and guides, the teachers, and msot of all, the COMPANY!
The trip was priceless. The experience gained, and the feelings and thoughts that went through my mind was just... priceless! Yes!
Well, I'll explain about the details another day. Right now I just want to say something to my fellow guidemates who went along with me to this trip.
Sec 1s, even though I didn't really talk or did anything with you guys, I think you guys also enjoyed this trip very much right? I can see that you guys were also having a fun time between your level mates. :)
Sec 2s, you guys were awesome too! :DDD Haha, we really bonded a lot through this trip, haha, mostly because of our clown, Charlene Teo, haha, and many other things that happened. :) Be it during the activities, in the hotel/lodge, mealtimes, or anything that happened in the bus. :) Cool. :) I enjoyed myself during this trip, cos you guys were so funny! We rock man!
Sec 3s, haha, you guys were also very comical, I loved Abigail's and Melinda's quirky outbreaks of laughter! (I don't mean anything bad.) Vidhya's singing, Charlotte's coolness + quietness? Haha, sorry, and Beaunice's photography. :) Thanks a lot. :)
Sec 4s, I don't know what to say. You're just wonderful as usual, caring for us, not that the Sec 3s didn't, haha, but yeah. This will be your last overseas trip with Cedar Guides, and probably the last time that we'll meet? Oh ho, I don't think so now. Thanks a lot for everything that you've done for us. All the best. :)

You make me crazier,
Watched from a distance as you,
Made life your own.
Every sky was your own kinda blue.
The trip was priceless. The experience gained, and the feelings and thoughts that went through my mind was just... priceless! Yes!
Well, I'll explain about the details another day. Right now I just want to say something to my fellow guidemates who went along with me to this trip.
Sec 1s, even though I didn't really talk or did anything with you guys, I think you guys also enjoyed this trip very much right? I can see that you guys were also having a fun time between your level mates. :)
Sec 2s, you guys were awesome too! :DDD Haha, we really bonded a lot through this trip, haha, mostly because of our clown, Charlene Teo, haha, and many other things that happened. :) Be it during the activities, in the hotel/lodge, mealtimes, or anything that happened in the bus. :) Cool. :) I enjoyed myself during this trip, cos you guys were so funny! We rock man!
Sec 3s, haha, you guys were also very comical, I loved Abigail's and Melinda's quirky outbreaks of laughter! (I don't mean anything bad.) Vidhya's singing, Charlotte's coolness + quietness? Haha, sorry, and Beaunice's photography. :) Thanks a lot. :)
Sec 4s, I don't know what to say. You're just wonderful as usual, caring for us, not that the Sec 3s didn't, haha, but yeah. This will be your last overseas trip with Cedar Guides, and probably the last time that we'll meet? Oh ho, I don't think so now. Thanks a lot for everything that you've done for us. All the best. :)
You make me crazier,
Watched from a distance as you,
Made life your own.
Every sky was your own kinda blue.
Friday, November 13, 2009
I'm so excited! Hehehe. TOMORROW! :O
Alright. I've finally finished Maths homework, ahh, I'm so slow, can't stand it, it's the only homework that I've accomplished. :(
I've got into Triple Science. Hmm, I would be lying if I said I was surprised, but I was indeed surprised that there are many, many people who also got in there, so there should be 4 Trip Sci classes.
Alright. I've finally finished Maths homework, ahh, I'm so slow, can't stand it, it's the only homework that I've accomplished. :(
I've got into Triple Science. Hmm, I would be lying if I said I was surprised, but I was indeed surprised that there are many, many people who also got in there, so there should be 4 Trip Sci classes.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Oh no, right now I'm so confused about Harry Potter! I just read finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince... Aiyo, it's so sad that Dumbledore died... Haha, anyway, I refuse to carry on reading the last book, if not I'm determined that I'll keep feeling like I'm living in the wizarding world...! Information overload, I say!
Anyway, I'm so bored in the holidays, I know it's kinda expected to say this, but if I'm not reading HP then I'm practising piano, if not I'll just linger around in the house...? Oh well, I notice I've been using a lot of 'dot-dot-dot'! :/ See, see how bored I am, even to anaylse how I write my post?!
There's nothing much to update about, only that I've visited the exhibition 'Vignettes in Time' in the National Library. Hmm, I think it's a little bit too profound for my liking. It's about maps in Singapore's history, from the pre-1819 till today. I've been wanting to go there for quite some time, but I guess I didn't really appreciate the stuff there as much as I thought I would...
Shopping at FEP was alright. Bought some stuff.
Ok, that's all for now. :)
Anyway, I'm so bored in the holidays, I know it's kinda expected to say this, but if I'm not reading HP then I'm practising piano, if not I'll just linger around in the house...? Oh well, I notice I've been using a lot of 'dot-dot-dot'! :/ See, see how bored I am, even to anaylse how I write my post?!
There's nothing much to update about, only that I've visited the exhibition 'Vignettes in Time' in the National Library. Hmm, I think it's a little bit too profound for my liking. It's about maps in Singapore's history, from the pre-1819 till today. I've been wanting to go there for quite some time, but I guess I didn't really appreciate the stuff there as much as I thought I would...
Shopping at FEP was alright. Bought some stuff.
Ok, that's all for now. :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It's Thursday already. Almost a week into the holidays. I shall start from Monday.
On Monday, we (2I) had our long-awaited class outing! :D Yay, it was totally fun and memorable and enjoyable and all-other-more-bombastic-words-that-I-can-use! I'm so glad that more than half of the class could make it. I've counted, and 27 people went for the class outing. :) I see that's an advantage of holding your class outing on the first week of the holidays.
We said that we meet at 2pm at Jing Wen's house, but then in the end, by 3pm, not everyone was there. =.= I guess that's what happens when too many people are coming, and when it's such an informal event. So I just mingled around, then after that when more people came, we played Werewolf. Yup, remains me of AYG, cos when we were playing this game, we closed our eyes, and a Caucasian couple walked by and asked aloud, "Oh, it's praying session, erh?" Sthg like that. Hahaha. Played a little bit of Truth or Dare, then we all went down to prepare the BBQ. Good thing Jing Wen has a guitar. :) Hee, cos some of us know how to play the guitar, while the others were busy preparing the food, some people went one side to play the guitar. Sometimes I joined in too, and Jing Wen was telling me, "We provide the food, they provide the entertainment!" Hahaha.
Once the food started to BBQ, there became a constant increase in the amount of food, and some of us became full. So we just played at the playground, wading pool, or simply fooled around! Haha. Oh, did I mention that the food was great? Usually, the chicken wings would be the 'main course', and to me, it's the 'highlight of theday BBQ'! I would say that the chicken wings are very tasty, but this time round, I think it's the 2I cake that was the highlight of the BBQ! :D Xin Yu and Chiew Ling (and I think Jaime and Wong Lei too) went to buy a cake from some 'no-name' shop. Haha, it was cheap and good! Surprisingly, haha sorry, that a cake would taste nice despite not being baked from a renowned shop. xD
Yeah, when it was dark already, and some people did not want to eat the food anymore. We gathered around, sang a few 'Farewell' songs, blew the candles, and cut the cake. Haiiii, I think it was really sad that this would most probably be the last time that we're seeing our friends in 2I. Not that we won't meet each other in school anymore, but you know what I mean.
After that, I decided to wade in the wading pool. Oh, I also forget to mention that we had tons of fun playing at the playground! Oh gosh, the swing was funfunfun! Childhood memories! ;D As of Sabrina and Wei Ting, we were butt-toning on the see-saw! HAHAHAHA. And we were having the time of our lives balancing on the see-saw, having a mini rollarcoaster ride, and scaring each other (me and WT) with the act of Dementors! LOL!
Ahhh, on the whole, I enjoyed this class outing so, so, so much! It's going to be the one of the last times that we had so much fun as a class man. :( So sad... Anyway, many thanks to Jing Wen and her mother, for helping out so much in our class BBQ! So sorry we made such a din. :/:/ Haha, I cannot forget the part when Tan Si Min simply shouted out, "Sorry to those who're taking 'O' Levels!" And I was like ---?! Haha, she's such a clown!
Right, on to Tuesday. Nothing happened on Tuesday. Only went to Plaza Singapura at night to get my trackpants. And I saw this very nice and sweet heels (is it platform heels?) that is out of my budget for shoes. :( But it's very sweet, quiet comfy, and it's the type of heels that Ms Ong would wear! Hahaha!
Yesterday I also had fun during the Guides Urban Hike. Haha, actually, going to the Henderson Waves wasn't sthg new to me, but anyway, going with your friends is a different thing altogether. I wonder why my shoes can't stop me from sliding down! When we were leaning on the wave, I just kept sliding down, and I was struggling! Haha, weird.
After a break and rest because it rained, we set off for the Marang Trail, which brings us to Vivo City. We were so excited to go to Vivo, cos we were hot and sweaty and I think a bit tired. And hungry! We thought we could walkwalk over there cos we were 'supposed to be dismissed from Vivo', but it turned out that the bus would bring us back to school. =.=What a disappointment.
Anyway, we had this trail, sort of like The Amazing Race, but the questions/tasks are really random. Haha, thankfully, we kept to the time limit and solved every question/did every task to the best of our abilities! Hehehe. :) Good job Orchid, we came in first! FIRST! Yay! :D Thanks to our 'quick-wittedness'? Hah.
When we were released back in school, me, Sabrina, Charlene, Sonita, Claudia, Rou Hui and Hazirah went to Tampines 1/Mall. I was in a great shopping mood then, and I felt like spending money! LOL! But I knew I had to buy sandals for the Perak trip... We wanted to standardize, so we were looking around for any cheap Crocs. Of course it's the fake one. But in the end we came up with nothing, so we just decided to buy on our own. I'm so looking forward to the Perak trip! :D
Yesterday's Singapore Idol was clearly a Ladies' Night, as what Dick Lee mentioned. So why did Mae have to go out? Not that I really support her, but it's just that there are people who deserve (much more) to be ousted than her! This is so unfair. If there was no payment for voting, I would have voted a million times for the ladies to remain in this competition!
Today I went to school to help touch up the Homecoming Banner with Xin Yu. Unfortunately, due to some reasons that I cannot disclose, we still can't hand in the banner yet! ): Well, then it rained, and being typical Xin Yu, she didn't bring any umbrella, so she attempted to use one of the used cardboards to shelter herself. But of course, how can I leave her in the lurch? Haha, LOL, it sounds so drama. Both of us didn't get really wet, thanks to my umbrella! Went to Hougang Mall to eat lunch. Then went to Popular to buy my SS TB and AB. It was still early to meet Rachel for her to pass me the Harry Potter movies, so I went to the library, and lo and behold, I met her there! Haha, so after collecting them, I went straight home.
I'm also looking forward to the Harry Potter movie marathon + sleepover! :D
On Monday, we (2I) had our long-awaited class outing! :D Yay, it was totally fun and memorable and enjoyable and all-other-more-bombastic-words-that-I-can-use! I'm so glad that more than half of the class could make it. I've counted, and 27 people went for the class outing. :) I see that's an advantage of holding your class outing on the first week of the holidays.
We said that we meet at 2pm at Jing Wen's house, but then in the end, by 3pm, not everyone was there. =.= I guess that's what happens when too many people are coming, and when it's such an informal event. So I just mingled around, then after that when more people came, we played Werewolf. Yup, remains me of AYG, cos when we were playing this game, we closed our eyes, and a Caucasian couple walked by and asked aloud, "Oh, it's praying session, erh?" Sthg like that. Hahaha. Played a little bit of Truth or Dare, then we all went down to prepare the BBQ. Good thing Jing Wen has a guitar. :) Hee, cos some of us know how to play the guitar, while the others were busy preparing the food, some people went one side to play the guitar. Sometimes I joined in too, and Jing Wen was telling me, "We provide the food, they provide the entertainment!" Hahaha.
Once the food started to BBQ, there became a constant increase in the amount of food, and some of us became full. So we just played at the playground, wading pool, or simply fooled around! Haha. Oh, did I mention that the food was great? Usually, the chicken wings would be the 'main course', and to me, it's the 'highlight of the
Yeah, when it was dark already, and some people did not want to eat the food anymore. We gathered around, sang a few 'Farewell' songs, blew the candles, and cut the cake. Haiiii, I think it was really sad that this would most probably be the last time that we're seeing our friends in 2I. Not that we won't meet each other in school anymore, but you know what I mean.
After that, I decided to wade in the wading pool. Oh, I also forget to mention that we had tons of fun playing at the playground! Oh gosh, the swing was funfunfun! Childhood memories! ;D As of Sabrina and Wei Ting, we were butt-toning on the see-saw! HAHAHAHA. And we were having the time of our lives balancing on the see-saw, having a mini rollarcoaster ride, and scaring each other (me and WT) with the act of Dementors! LOL!
Ahhh, on the whole, I enjoyed this class outing so, so, so much! It's going to be the one of the last times that we had so much fun as a class man. :( So sad... Anyway, many thanks to Jing Wen and her mother, for helping out so much in our class BBQ! So sorry we made such a din. :/:/ Haha, I cannot forget the part when Tan Si Min simply shouted out, "Sorry to those who're taking 'O' Levels!" And I was like ---?! Haha, she's such a clown!
Right, on to Tuesday. Nothing happened on Tuesday. Only went to Plaza Singapura at night to get my trackpants. And I saw this very nice and sweet heels (is it platform heels?) that is out of my budget for shoes. :( But it's very sweet, quiet comfy, and it's the type of heels that Ms Ong would wear! Hahaha!
Yesterday I also had fun during the Guides Urban Hike. Haha, actually, going to the Henderson Waves wasn't sthg new to me, but anyway, going with your friends is a different thing altogether. I wonder why my shoes can't stop me from sliding down! When we were leaning on the wave, I just kept sliding down, and I was struggling! Haha, weird.
After a break and rest because it rained, we set off for the Marang Trail, which brings us to Vivo City. We were so excited to go to Vivo, cos we were hot and sweaty and I think a bit tired. And hungry! We thought we could walkwalk over there cos we were 'supposed to be dismissed from Vivo', but it turned out that the bus would bring us back to school. =.=What a disappointment.
Anyway, we had this trail, sort of like The Amazing Race, but the questions/tasks are really random. Haha, thankfully, we kept to the time limit and solved every question/did every task to the best of our abilities! Hehehe. :) Good job Orchid, we came in first! FIRST! Yay! :D Thanks to our 'quick-wittedness'? Hah.
When we were released back in school, me, Sabrina, Charlene, Sonita, Claudia, Rou Hui and Hazirah went to Tampines 1/Mall. I was in a great shopping mood then, and I felt like spending money! LOL! But I knew I had to buy sandals for the Perak trip... We wanted to standardize, so we were looking around for any cheap Crocs. Of course it's the fake one. But in the end we came up with nothing, so we just decided to buy on our own. I'm so looking forward to the Perak trip! :D
Yesterday's Singapore Idol was clearly a Ladies' Night, as what Dick Lee mentioned. So why did Mae have to go out? Not that I really support her, but it's just that there are people who deserve (much more) to be ousted than her! This is so unfair. If there was no payment for voting, I would have voted a million times for the ladies to remain in this competition!
Today I went to school to help touch up the Homecoming Banner with Xin Yu. Unfortunately, due to some reasons that I cannot disclose, we still can't hand in the banner yet! ): Well, then it rained, and being typical Xin Yu, she didn't bring any umbrella, so she attempted to use one of the used cardboards to shelter herself. But of course, how can I leave her in the lurch? Haha, LOL, it sounds so drama. Both of us didn't get really wet, thanks to my umbrella! Went to Hougang Mall to eat lunch. Then went to Popular to buy my SS TB and AB. It was still early to meet Rachel for her to pass me the Harry Potter movies, so I went to the library, and lo and behold, I met her there! Haha, so after collecting them, I went straight home.
I'm also looking forward to the Harry Potter movie marathon + sleepover! :D
Monday, November 2, 2009
Aiyo, I feel so sad and sorry for other people. There are many people out there who are still stressing out about their subject combinations! While I'm really happy and relieved for myself that there's only one option that I can choose from and it's the best for me, I really pity those people who are still worrying about what to put for their subject combinations next year! Like XY, sigh. Yeah, most of my very good and best friends might not be in the same class as me anymore. How I wish it didn't need to happen. But I cannot deny the fact that not everyone can remain in the same subject combination, cos different people have different interests and abilities. E.g. me and Xin Yu, we're best friends but we cannot always stay together. Based on results, we'll definitely be going to different classes. ): I admit I don't like Sciences, of course I like Humanities much more, but I think the Science stream is obviously better for me, since I don't think I can score well for History, no matter how much I love the subject. See, it works differently for different people.
Haiz. What with this and that and everything, at least I have sthg to look forward to later. :) We shall sit in a circle and everyone shall say (and maybe explain?) the subject combinations that they chose.
I have a feeling this holiday is going to pass by very, very quickly. :/
Haiz. What with this and that and everything, at least I have sthg to look forward to later. :) We shall sit in a circle and everyone shall say (and maybe explain?) the subject combinations that they chose.
I have a feeling this holiday is going to pass by very, very quickly. :/
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Last day of school was sad. :( But still, it wasn't as bad as what I expected.
In the morning we had the report presentation for the top 3 in class. In the school hall. With parents. In front of the whole school. Okay, I can say that I'm very proud to go up there for the second time! Hahaha. :) Then we had the Principal's Address to close up the school year. Mrs Ouyang makes me so excited for the new school campus! :D
After that we just went back to class and cherished every remaining moment that we had with our class. Took tons of photos. :) Yay. It was really fun, with no teachers bothering about us. Haha! So we just had the whole time for ourselves to bond, and spend the last day in 2I '09 together.
The last few moments and minutes were spent doing Friendship Dance and 2I Banja. :D We did the Friendship Dance last year too! Well, this year it had much more meaning to do this. :) 2I Banja was the best. :) Almost the whole class joined in! Then Jeslyn starting to cry. And I think Carin caught the 'virus' first, then she went to hug Sabrina, and I think that's how it all started. I'm not going to elaborate on this, but clearly, it was an emotional moment for all of us. But like what I always feel, this time will always have to come. It's the sad reality, and we always have to resign to this horrible fate. Of leaving, and parting with 2I. I will really, really miss 2I a lot. 2 years makes a huge difference. Right from our Orientation till yesterday, you can see that we have grown together and went through thick and thin. We belong to 2I. 2I '09 rocks forever, and well, we will stay in contact no matter what. :)
To think on the brighter side, we have our class outing on Monday. :) I'm going to have all the fun that I can, and I'm really glad that majority of the class can make it!
As for now, I shall really enjoy the start of my holidays, and reward myself for this joyous occasion, of doing so well this year. :) Actually, I can't believe it myself. Of course, I will spend my holidays wisely, and brush up on what there needs to be done.
To tell the truth, I'm very excited for next year! Haha, yes, I know that it's going to be the busiest year of the 4, but there's this sense of anticipation of what lays ahead. Will the road be tough? Will the road be too tough for me to handle? Will the road be as smooth as what I expect? The truth only opens on 4 January 2010.
In the morning we had the report presentation for the top 3 in class. In the school hall. With parents. In front of the whole school. Okay, I can say that I'm very proud to go up there for the second time! Hahaha. :) Then we had the Principal's Address to close up the school year. Mrs Ouyang makes me so excited for the new school campus! :D
After that we just went back to class and cherished every remaining moment that we had with our class. Took tons of photos. :) Yay. It was really fun, with no teachers bothering about us. Haha! So we just had the whole time for ourselves to bond, and spend the last day in 2I '09 together.
The last few moments and minutes were spent doing Friendship Dance and 2I Banja. :D We did the Friendship Dance last year too! Well, this year it had much more meaning to do this. :) 2I Banja was the best. :) Almost the whole class joined in! Then Jeslyn starting to cry. And I think Carin caught the 'virus' first, then she went to hug Sabrina, and I think that's how it all started. I'm not going to elaborate on this, but clearly, it was an emotional moment for all of us. But like what I always feel, this time will always have to come. It's the sad reality, and we always have to resign to this horrible fate. Of leaving, and parting with 2I. I will really, really miss 2I a lot. 2 years makes a huge difference. Right from our Orientation till yesterday, you can see that we have grown together and went through thick and thin. We belong to 2I. 2I '09 rocks forever, and well, we will stay in contact no matter what. :)
To think on the brighter side, we have our class outing on Monday. :) I'm going to have all the fun that I can, and I'm really glad that majority of the class can make it!
As for now, I shall really enjoy the start of my holidays, and reward myself for this joyous occasion, of doing so well this year. :) Actually, I can't believe it myself. Of course, I will spend my holidays wisely, and brush up on what there needs to be done.
To tell the truth, I'm very excited for next year! Haha, yes, I know that it's going to be the busiest year of the 4, but there's this sense of anticipation of what lays ahead. Will the road be tough? Will the road be too tough for me to handle? Will the road be as smooth as what I expect? The truth only opens on 4 January 2010.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Results. Yes, results. At first I was disappointed, especially in my History. After all, I spent so much time and effort in revising and studying for History, in the end, I still didn't get what I expected. Bummer. :(
Others were alright, I guess, even though I think the languages could have been a little bit better. Science was frustrating. One more mark! I didn't realise how important one mark could cost me. There goes my silly mistake of forgetting to do the last MCQ, which if I had done, I could have gotten A1 for the whole year's of Science! Gahhh! See how important and crucial one mark can be in this situation?
Maths was okay. Met my expectations. Geography was nice. :) At first I thought I could have done slightly better. Actually up till now, I still think that I could have done better. I could have scored better in Map Reading. Sigh, anyway, at least the grade is good. :) Literature was sooo unexpected. I'd rather exchange my Lit with my History. Hahaha. But after all the calculations, I would say that the grades in general are good. Hopefully my report book will look nice! HAHAH.
But anyway, I don't really have anything to worry about. Meaning that I don't have to worry whether my grades would allow me to enter the stream that I want to go. It's just that I have to plan ahead, not just stop at whether I'll do well for O Levels... What about JC/Uni? I don't want to take Science next time. I want Geog! But taking History in Upper Sec can be tedious too. So I'm thinking which stream is better... I need to consult a teacher!
Yesterday's Guides Day Camp distracted me from my results. Finally, we resumed our Guides sessions, even though O Levels is being held. Oh well, yesterday was such a hothot day. Then we had Outdoor Cooking. I think it accumulated, until now. Which is why I'm not in school today. ): Sad to be missing all the fun that 2I had for Inter-class Games. ): And the second day of Day Camp. Tent pitching today. I love tent pitching! Haha, Shirley said it was my 拿手, but I told her I had already forgotten most of the steps! :/
I wanted to change my blogskin just now. But I think I kinda didn't bear to change this nice one, although I'm a bit tired of it. I just love to change the picture after a few weeks, to refresh up the blogskin. Did you notice it? Haha.
I'm looking forward to the holidays (even though I'm not looking forward to this Friday...)! I bet there's many activites planned for us. Yay, yes, actually, there already are. What with Guides and PC and overseas trips. ;)
Others were alright, I guess, even though I think the languages could have been a little bit better. Science was frustrating. One more mark! I didn't realise how important one mark could cost me. There goes my silly mistake of forgetting to do the last MCQ, which if I had done, I could have gotten A1 for the whole year's of Science! Gahhh! See how important and crucial one mark can be in this situation?
Maths was okay. Met my expectations. Geography was nice. :) At first I thought I could have done slightly better. Actually up till now, I still think that I could have done better. I could have scored better in Map Reading. Sigh, anyway, at least the grade is good. :) Literature was sooo unexpected. I'd rather exchange my Lit with my History. Hahaha. But after all the calculations, I would say that the grades in general are good. Hopefully my report book will look nice! HAHAH.
But anyway, I don't really have anything to worry about. Meaning that I don't have to worry whether my grades would allow me to enter the stream that I want to go. It's just that I have to plan ahead, not just stop at whether I'll do well for O Levels... What about JC/Uni? I don't want to take Science next time. I want Geog! But taking History in Upper Sec can be tedious too. So I'm thinking which stream is better... I need to consult a teacher!
Yesterday's Guides Day Camp distracted me from my results. Finally, we resumed our Guides sessions, even though O Levels is being held. Oh well, yesterday was such a hothot day. Then we had Outdoor Cooking. I think it accumulated, until now. Which is why I'm not in school today. ): Sad to be missing all the fun that 2I had for Inter-class Games. ): And the second day of Day Camp. Tent pitching today. I love tent pitching! Haha, Shirley said it was my 拿手, but I told her I had already forgotten most of the steps! :/
I wanted to change my blogskin just now. But I think I kinda didn't bear to change this nice one, although I'm a bit tired of it. I just love to change the picture after a few weeks, to refresh up the blogskin. Did you notice it? Haha.
I'm looking forward to the holidays (even though I'm not looking forward to this Friday...)! I bet there's many activites planned for us. Yay, yes, actually, there already are. What with Guides and PC and overseas trips. ;)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Ahh no, it's 9.05pm already? Okok, it's been an alright-weekend for me. Went to Geylang East Library on Friday. I can't stand that library! It's too quiet! :/
Anyway, tmr we'll be getting back our results and papers (finally)! Yes, I'm so looking forward to it man. No matter what kind of results I'll get, I'll try my best not to fret over it so much, cos there's nothing I can do to salvage what has been done, but can only work hard for the future. I can't wait! Seriously. :)
I'm bored, and I've finished Harry Potter and the Order of Pheonix. I'm trying very hard not to read Half Blood Prince. Cos I don't want to read finish the whole series so fast! :O Hahaha. I'm 'taking a break' from the magical world. But apparently now, when I read normal teenage books/young adult books, it does not appeal that much to me... Hahaha. The power of JK Rowling's creativity! :D
I'm so not looking forward to the last week of school (which means starting from tmr)! I can't believe that time just flies ahead of you. And pooft! There goes your two years with your class. Sigh. Trying hard not to think about it now...
I just can't stand people who are just sooo pampered and spoiled, and they can't take a little amount of hardship or suffering. I mean like come on, just doing that little bit is harmless right? Gosh, I was not like that last time man. Don't act like some 千金小姐 please.
Anyway, tmr we'll be getting back our results and papers (finally)! Yes, I'm so looking forward to it man. No matter what kind of results I'll get, I'll try my best not to fret over it so much, cos there's nothing I can do to salvage what has been done, but can only work hard for the future. I can't wait! Seriously. :)
I'm bored, and I've finished Harry Potter and the Order of Pheonix. I'm trying very hard not to read Half Blood Prince. Cos I don't want to read finish the whole series so fast! :O Hahaha. I'm 'taking a break' from the magical world. But apparently now, when I read normal teenage books/young adult books, it does not appeal that much to me... Hahaha. The power of JK Rowling's creativity! :D
I'm so not looking forward to the last week of school (which means starting from tmr)! I can't believe that time just flies ahead of you. And pooft! There goes your two years with your class. Sigh. Trying hard not to think about it now...
I just can't stand people who are just sooo pampered and spoiled, and they can't take a little amount of hardship or suffering. I mean like come on, just doing that little bit is harmless right? Gosh, I was not like that last time man. Don't act like some 千金小姐 please.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I finally went to school today. Like I said in the previous post, I was dead bored at home! (Even with Harry Potter waiting for me to finish it!)
Today we had 'Angel Clay Making'. Now I know why it is called 'angel'. Because the clay was so soft and light that it reminds you of paradise/heaven, hence the name 'angel'. Well, I guess that's my interpretation. It was alright, the session. Something different from the usual post-exam activities. We made a rabbit. Now my rabbit is kinda spoiled, because I placed it in my bag. And one of the ears came off. =.= Haha.
Then we had a boring video shown to us. No one in class was listening to it! So sad. It's called 'Planet Earth'. Hmm, it seems like a very expensive documentary, because the teacher kept saying that. It's about some nature wonders in New Zealand. Coupled with the poor audio and visual stuff, it did not capture the interests of students.
After that we had a Sexuality Education talk/skit. Yeah, about STIs and HIVs, and how to protect yourself from such viruses. I think it's alright, it's good of the school to expose us to these kind of stuff, because a few months ago it was hitting the news here and there. Yeah.
Finally, the UPPER-SEC SUBJECT COMBINATIONS BRIEFING! I've been waiting for this since the start of the year. Haha, kanchiong much? I've been thinking of going to the Double class in the first half of the year, but seeing my inconsistent results in my Humanities, I think I'd better go to the Triple class, to be more practical and realistic, even though Humanities is so my interest! But nevertheless, I'll continue and pursue my Humanities interest in JC/University, should I get into the Triple stream.
Why did it had to rain just now? Boo. Spoiled my plans. Anywayanyway, there's SINGAPORE IDOL today! <3 I'm proud to say that I know 7 out of 9 songs that the Idols are going to sing today. However, since the theme is 'For Someone Special', it's going to be quite emo, cos the songs are slow and sad. Looking forward to tonight!
Happy Birthday!
Today we had 'Angel Clay Making'. Now I know why it is called 'angel'. Because the clay was so soft and light that it reminds you of paradise/heaven, hence the name 'angel'. Well, I guess that's my interpretation. It was alright, the session. Something different from the usual post-exam activities. We made a rabbit. Now my rabbit is kinda spoiled, because I placed it in my bag. And one of the ears came off. =.= Haha.
Then we had a boring video shown to us. No one in class was listening to it! So sad. It's called 'Planet Earth'. Hmm, it seems like a very expensive documentary, because the teacher kept saying that. It's about some nature wonders in New Zealand. Coupled with the poor audio and visual stuff, it did not capture the interests of students.
After that we had a Sexuality Education talk/skit. Yeah, about STIs and HIVs, and how to protect yourself from such viruses. I think it's alright, it's good of the school to expose us to these kind of stuff, because a few months ago it was hitting the news here and there. Yeah.
Finally, the UPPER-SEC SUBJECT COMBINATIONS BRIEFING! I've been waiting for this since the start of the year. Haha, kanchiong much? I've been thinking of going to the Double class in the first half of the year, but seeing my inconsistent results in my Humanities, I think I'd better go to the Triple class, to be more practical and realistic, even though Humanities is so my interest! But nevertheless, I'll continue and pursue my Humanities interest in JC/University, should I get into the Triple stream.
Why did it had to rain just now? Boo. Spoiled my plans. Anywayanyway, there's SINGAPORE IDOL today! <3 I'm proud to say that I know 7 out of 9 songs that the Idols are going to sing today. However, since the theme is 'For Someone Special', it's going to be quite emo, cos the songs are slow and sad. Looking forward to tonight!
Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Yesterday I went shopping with Xin Yu, Joyce, Sabrina, Jing Wen and Natalie. It was fun, being able to go out with so many people. :)
Firstly, we went to Ion Orchard. I am so disappointed in Ion Orchard! It's so boring, and it is definitely not as interesting as what it seems. More than half of the shops there are all the high-end shops, the branded retailers etc. Starting from B1 onwards, it's the luxury brands already. So that means only three levels are more... local? Meaning more common, like shops that you will see in neighbourhood shopping centres or the other shopping centres in Orchard Road. There's nothing to see there man.
Oh, but there are a few things that I find it cool. Their directory is touched-screen, on a pillar. So cool! The Prologue bookshop is not as mighty as what I thought it to be. Apart from the fact that the setting and decorations are nice. Okok, we ate at Swensen's! :D Haha, I didn't really expect to eat there, honestly, because I thought it was expensive for a student like me. ><>
We went to Far East Plaza after that. :D I think that place is very nice. But it'll be more fruitful if you go with an adult/parent. Hahaha. Cos some clothes are nice, but might be out of my budget. Yeah, we just shopped there. Hmm, I was looking for flats. But somehow, given my picky character, I didn't buy anything from there. As in I didn't buy the flats that I wanted to buy. Instead, I bought leggings! :D One pair. Bought it at a cheap price. The quality is not so bad too. I've been scouting for leggings since... two months ago? I saw some nice accessories there. Wanted to buy, but somehow, I know that I won't use/wear it often.
Next we moved on to Orchard Cineleisure. Haha, that place is so small! ): And the shops there aren't very interesting. Went there just to take Neoprints. Yay, first time taking with Joyce and Nat. The photos were quite nice. :) Yay.
TODAY, another shopping trip. To Bugis this time round. Yes, I will never forget that place. It seems like I rekindled my love for it. HAHAHA. I went with Regina and Vithika. Cool outfit, Regi! ;) Yeah, this time, I had much enthusiasm for buying stuff, cos the things there are cheap and affordable, and are not that inferior of quality. I was so tempted to buy the grey pair of leggings! ):):): Hahaha. The cheapest one that I saw was $8. You know me, I resisted once again. I WILL GO BACK THERE ANOTHER DAY. :) Then I bought... an overall sort of dress? Haha, the type where you have to wear another layer inside. Ok, yeah, not bad. Even though I think it could do well with a belt. Speaking of belts, I saw this very nice ribbon belt! I wanted to buy it! OKOK, actually, I myself am tired of my not-buying-anything-mindset-even-though-I-liked-it mindset man! Yesyes, I didn't buy it. ): BUT I WILL BUY IT BACK ANOTHER DAY TOO. :) Yeah, saw some nice T-shirts. I think that T-shirt is worth buying. It's so cute, it's a talltall cartoon giraffe! Hahahah. Bought a handphone sock in Bugis Junction too. After that I was bored, so I went home first. Haha, partly because I wanted to read HARRY POTTER! :D (See my stong love and bond for HP!)
Yay, there's Singapore Idol tmr. AND SCHOOL TMR. GUDIES TMR! Hohoho, I'm so bored at home! Sometimes I feel like going out, but I also don't know what to do when I go out. When you go shopping too many times, you might feel numb towards it already. I still have not go library-hopping yet. Yeah, no rush, cos I'm still halfway through Harry Potter and the Order of Pheonix. I don't find it boring! I don't know why ppl say that that book is boring. =.=
Anyway, I was talking about Singapore Idol. To all you fans of SI out there, go see this blog: http://summerr-in-the-shower.blogspot.com. It has great coverage of SI and things related to it there. :)
I want to go to school! I miss school already! I'm so going to treasure all the times that we, 2I, spend together, cos we only have 7 more (school) days left together! ):
Firstly, we went to Ion Orchard. I am so disappointed in Ion Orchard! It's so boring, and it is definitely not as interesting as what it seems. More than half of the shops there are all the high-end shops, the branded retailers etc. Starting from B1 onwards, it's the luxury brands already. So that means only three levels are more... local? Meaning more common, like shops that you will see in neighbourhood shopping centres or the other shopping centres in Orchard Road. There's nothing to see there man.
Oh, but there are a few things that I find it cool. Their directory is touched-screen, on a pillar. So cool! The Prologue bookshop is not as mighty as what I thought it to be. Apart from the fact that the setting and decorations are nice. Okok, we ate at Swensen's! :D Haha, I didn't really expect to eat there, honestly, because I thought it was expensive for a student like me. ><>
We went to Far East Plaza after that. :D I think that place is very nice. But it'll be more fruitful if you go with an adult/parent. Hahaha. Cos some clothes are nice, but might be out of my budget. Yeah, we just shopped there. Hmm, I was looking for flats. But somehow, given my picky character, I didn't buy anything from there. As in I didn't buy the flats that I wanted to buy. Instead, I bought leggings! :D One pair. Bought it at a cheap price. The quality is not so bad too. I've been scouting for leggings since... two months ago? I saw some nice accessories there. Wanted to buy, but somehow, I know that I won't use/wear it often.
Next we moved on to Orchard Cineleisure. Haha, that place is so small! ): And the shops there aren't very interesting. Went there just to take Neoprints. Yay, first time taking with Joyce and Nat. The photos were quite nice. :) Yay.
TODAY, another shopping trip. To Bugis this time round. Yes, I will never forget that place. It seems like I rekindled my love for it. HAHAHA. I went with Regina and Vithika. Cool outfit, Regi! ;) Yeah, this time, I had much enthusiasm for buying stuff, cos the things there are cheap and affordable, and are not that inferior of quality. I was so tempted to buy the grey pair of leggings! ):):): Hahaha. The cheapest one that I saw was $8. You know me, I resisted once again. I WILL GO BACK THERE ANOTHER DAY. :) Then I bought... an overall sort of dress? Haha, the type where you have to wear another layer inside. Ok, yeah, not bad. Even though I think it could do well with a belt. Speaking of belts, I saw this very nice ribbon belt! I wanted to buy it! OKOK, actually, I myself am tired of my not-buying-anything-mindset-even-though-I-liked-it mindset man! Yesyes, I didn't buy it. ): BUT I WILL BUY IT BACK ANOTHER DAY TOO. :) Yeah, saw some nice T-shirts. I think that T-shirt is worth buying. It's so cute, it's a talltall cartoon giraffe! Hahahah. Bought a handphone sock in Bugis Junction too. After that I was bored, so I went home first. Haha, partly because I wanted to read HARRY POTTER! :D (See my stong love and bond for HP!)
Yay, there's Singapore Idol tmr. AND SCHOOL TMR. GUDIES TMR! Hohoho, I'm so bored at home! Sometimes I feel like going out, but I also don't know what to do when I go out. When you go shopping too many times, you might feel numb towards it already. I still have not go library-hopping yet. Yeah, no rush, cos I'm still halfway through Harry Potter and the Order of Pheonix. I don't find it boring! I don't know why ppl say that that book is boring. =.=
Anyway, I was talking about Singapore Idol. To all you fans of SI out there, go see this blog: http://summerr-in-the-shower.blogspot.com. It has great coverage of SI and things related to it there. :)
I want to go to school! I miss school already! I'm so going to treasure all the times that we, 2I, spend together, cos we only have 7 more (school) days left together! ):
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Cedar Girls' Secondary Two End-of-Year Examination is officially OVER!
Hahahahaha. I've been waiting for this day, for since, more than two months ago! Yay, I bet everyone's going to revive their blogs/Facebooks/computers because most of them haven't been updating since the exam period began.
Hah, I have not been blogging here for exactly one month! Sorry, I just left this blog like that without a word saying that my blog would be on a major hiatus. :/ I actually wanted to post a quick one just to announce that I'll be putting my blog on a hold during the Hari Raya long weekend (19/9 to 21/9), but as I was 'too in the mood for studying', I just aborted that idea. :)
Which means, this is the first time I'm updating since 16 September. Today is 16 October. Hee. :) I hope I don't miss the exam period, haha, even though I know I will one day, cos I'll miss that period where I'll be pulling my hair out, sitting at my study table for don't-know-how-long, and missing the days where I get to reach home at 10.30am, and feeling that the day just stretches and lasts forever.
I'm going to talk about the exams, sorry, I just can't help myself. I think the exams, in general, was manageable, except probably Science, which is a tradition in Cedar (and probably other schools too) to make it a difficult one. I couldn't stand myself on the day before Science! I was so figedty and can't sit still, cos I have that overwhelming nervousness within me, because Mrs Yeo said that the paper will be very difficult! It really scared me out of my skin. I guess if not for Singapore Idol, I would have broken down on that night! HAHA. English, Chinese, History, Geography, Literature, Malay Special Programme (which I took today), was quite alright. But I think my Geog won't do as well as what I expect...
Never mind, I'll just wait and see for the results! I can't wait to know my results ok. Hahaha. I'm a weird person. xD
So just how did I get by this one month without blogging? Well, mostly ranting and complaining to Xin Yu, haha! Poor girl, she has to suffer so much under my constant complaints and rants and raves. Haha, nah, I'm not that bad, I won't torture her! xD Yup, sometimes Jeslyn, Jing Wen, Nat, Sabrina, Wei Ting, Shirley. And my precious diary. :) I think writing in your diary is still the best. It's 100% private. You can write anything you want to write.
There were times, of course, when I felt like I badly wanted to post and say something, oh well, but I guess, it's the discipline and self-control to enforce over yourself. To those people who have been somewhat like me (didn't use the computer/log on to FB/blog) over the exam period because you want to control, GOOD JOB! That's the spirit of overcoming your temptations and 'desires'. Hahaha.
Ahh, I realise that I'm talking a lot. Hmm, make up for the 30 days that I haven't been posting? Actually, come to think of it, not posting for 30 days isn't really that long a period. Haha. But I'm not sure how long I can go without posting though. xD
Up till now, I still can't believe that exams are over already. Sigh. My Malay paper was just this morning, and it seemed such a long time ago! Haha. Yay, now I can decide how I want to spend the days after school and the weekends. And the school holidays (e.g. Marking, Promotion Day).
Yes, SHOPPING!<3> I can't wait for shopping! And library-hopping too! :)
Okie, I'm going off to relax further now! I will update either tmr or Sunday yeah? Bye.
Hahahahaha. I've been waiting for this day, for since, more than two months ago! Yay, I bet everyone's going to revive their blogs/Facebooks/computers because most of them haven't been updating since the exam period began.
Hah, I have not been blogging here for exactly one month! Sorry, I just left this blog like that without a word saying that my blog would be on a major hiatus. :/ I actually wanted to post a quick one just to announce that I'll be putting my blog on a hold during the Hari Raya long weekend (19/9 to 21/9), but as I was 'too in the mood for studying', I just aborted that idea. :)
Which means, this is the first time I'm updating since 16 September. Today is 16 October. Hee. :) I hope I don't miss the exam period, haha, even though I know I will one day, cos I'll miss that period where I'll be pulling my hair out, sitting at my study table for don't-know-how-long, and missing the days where I get to reach home at 10.30am, and feeling that the day just stretches and lasts forever.
I'm going to talk about the exams, sorry, I just can't help myself. I think the exams, in general, was manageable, except probably Science, which is a tradition in Cedar (and probably other schools too) to make it a difficult one. I couldn't stand myself on the day before Science! I was so figedty and can't sit still, cos I have that overwhelming nervousness within me, because Mrs Yeo said that the paper will be very difficult! It really scared me out of my skin. I guess if not for Singapore Idol, I would have broken down on that night! HAHA. English, Chinese, History, Geography, Literature, Malay Special Programme (which I took today), was quite alright. But I think my Geog won't do as well as what I expect...
Never mind, I'll just wait and see for the results! I can't wait to know my results ok. Hahaha. I'm a weird person. xD
So just how did I get by this one month without blogging? Well, mostly ranting and complaining to Xin Yu, haha! Poor girl, she has to suffer so much under my constant complaints and rants and raves. Haha, nah, I'm not that bad, I won't torture her! xD Yup, sometimes Jeslyn, Jing Wen, Nat, Sabrina, Wei Ting, Shirley. And my precious diary. :) I think writing in your diary is still the best. It's 100% private. You can write anything you want to write.
There were times, of course, when I felt like I badly wanted to post and say something, oh well, but I guess, it's the discipline and self-control to enforce over yourself. To those people who have been somewhat like me (didn't use the computer/log on to FB/blog) over the exam period because you want to control, GOOD JOB! That's the spirit of overcoming your temptations and 'desires'. Hahaha.
Ahh, I realise that I'm talking a lot. Hmm, make up for the 30 days that I haven't been posting? Actually, come to think of it, not posting for 30 days isn't really that long a period. Haha. But I'm not sure how long I can go without posting though. xD
Up till now, I still can't believe that exams are over already. Sigh. My Malay paper was just this morning, and it seemed such a long time ago! Haha. Yay, now I can decide how I want to spend the days after school and the weekends. And the school holidays (e.g. Marking, Promotion Day).
Yes, SHOPPING!<3> I can't wait for shopping! And library-hopping too! :)
Okie, I'm going off to relax further now! I will update either tmr or Sunday yeah? Bye.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I realise that now I have come to many realisations. There are so many things where are so interesting in my life: family, Cedar, 2I, Cedar Guides, Orchid patrol etc etc. Life is so full of interesting ups and downs. Yay, I'm looking forward to next week's Orchid study group! :D
Today's Guides session was really interesting today. I love Orchid more by the day/week! Patrol corners have become so fun after Patrol Day. (: And we've settled that we'll have a study group next week. Even though I admit that I usually prefer to study alone at home, I really don't mind studying with friends, especially with a different group of awesome people! Oh, I believe everything will be fine and the whole study session will be PRODUCTIVE. Haha. People, I trust that we'll all be concentrating on what we're studying/revising yeah? All the best to all Orchidians AOA! :D
I love my art now! I realised (again) that it isn't very difficult to finish my art. Cos I think that my idea is good, quite unique, hah, and it's sthg that I like doing. So naturally I'll put in more effort and pride in it right? Haha, some of my friends already finished it. But what was the price they paid? Sleeping late at night, which I do not agree to. :)
Maybe it's just me
Couldn't you believe
That everything I said and did
wasn't just deceiving
And the tear in your eye
and your calm, hard face
Makes me wish that
I was never brought into this place
I lose myself in all these fights
I lose my sense of wrong and right
I cry, I cry
It's shaking from the pain that's in my head
I just wanna crawl into my bed
And throw away the life I led
But I won't let it die, but I won't let it die
But it's over, it's over, why is it over?
We had the chance to make it
Now it's over, it's over, it can't be over
I wish that I could take it back
Today's Guides session was really interesting today. I love Orchid more by the day/week! Patrol corners have become so fun after Patrol Day. (: And we've settled that we'll have a study group next week. Even though I admit that I usually prefer to study alone at home, I really don't mind studying with friends, especially with a different group of awesome people! Oh, I believe everything will be fine and the whole study session will be PRODUCTIVE. Haha. People, I trust that we'll all be concentrating on what we're studying/revising yeah? All the best to all Orchidians AOA! :D
I love my art now! I realised (again) that it isn't very difficult to finish my art. Cos I think that my idea is good, quite unique, hah, and it's sthg that I like doing. So naturally I'll put in more effort and pride in it right? Haha, some of my friends already finished it. But what was the price they paid? Sleeping late at night, which I do not agree to. :)
Maybe it's just me
Couldn't you believe
That everything I said and did
wasn't just deceiving
And the tear in your eye
and your calm, hard face
Makes me wish that
I was never brought into this place
I lose myself in all these fights
I lose my sense of wrong and right
I cry, I cry
It's shaking from the pain that's in my head
I just wanna crawl into my bed
And throw away the life I led
But I won't let it die, but I won't let it die
But it's over, it's over, why is it over?
We had the chance to make it
Now it's over, it's over, it can't be over
I wish that I could take it back
Monday, September 14, 2009
Today was a bright start for Term 4. I really wish that everything will be ok. Everything, that my grades, etc will be stable, and promising. I just have to believe in myself. THAT I CAN DO IT. And achieve my goals. So that I can enjoy my holiday 100%.
Back to the first sentence, we had three interesting lessons today - SEL, English and Lit. Haha, surprisingly, Lit (no offence). I shan't go into detail about SEL, but we were discussing on the topic of BGR.
During English, we were majoring on Singlish, especially the 'Ris Low' one. Hah, watched the video and it was so funny! Hahaha. No offence once again, but my whole class can speak better than her! We had a short roleplay about an interviewer, two beauty pageant --- one who speaks proper English, and another one who speaks Singlish. Lol, and I was the interviewer, Carin was the 'proper person' and Jeslyn was the Singlish, as expected. Hahaha.
On to Lit. Hah, still on the same topic of Singlish, and tone. The people that Mrs Menon mentioned were so rude! How could people be so rude when Mrs Menon did not even do/say anything offensive? Hah. Claris, your 'huh-what?' joke really did get on Mrs Menon's and our nerves! Haha.
It turns out that Art only needs to be handed in next week. Thank goodness! :D Oh, and I changed my picture on this blogskin!
Can't I have a little break?
Back to the first sentence, we had three interesting lessons today - SEL, English and Lit. Haha, surprisingly, Lit (no offence). I shan't go into detail about SEL, but we were discussing on the topic of BGR.
During English, we were majoring on Singlish, especially the 'Ris Low' one. Hah, watched the video and it was so funny! Hahaha. No offence once again, but my whole class can speak better than her! We had a short roleplay about an interviewer, two beauty pageant --- one who speaks proper English, and another one who speaks Singlish. Lol, and I was the interviewer, Carin was the 'proper person' and Jeslyn was the Singlish, as expected. Hahaha.
On to Lit. Hah, still on the same topic of Singlish, and tone. The people that Mrs Menon mentioned were so rude! How could people be so rude when Mrs Menon did not even do/say anything offensive? Hah. Claris, your 'huh-what?' joke really did get on Mrs Menon's and our nerves! Haha.
It turns out that Art only needs to be handed in next week. Thank goodness! :D Oh, and I changed my picture on this blogskin!
Can't I have a little break?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Today is Sunday. Yep, Sunday. It's about time for me to go down to the park now... Shall I rollarblade or cycle? Hahaha there goes me and my talking-to-myself-habit again. :/
I haven't finished art yet, I know I've been dragging it ever since thisholiday one-week break started. And I've only studied for Science throughout this week, if you're talking about revision. :( But if you count the Geog mindmap in, then, well, that's another one too. I feel so inferior to some of my friends! People like Joyce, Jing Wen, XY, Jeslyn, Carin etc; makes me feel like I'm not doing the right things. They're muggers! :X
My name is not funny. Thankyouverymuch.
I haven't finished art yet, I know I've been dragging it ever since this
My name is not funny. Thankyouverymuch.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sorry I forgot to wish you here on 090909. Hee. Thanks for being such a lovely patrol mate! :D
Today we had South Division Healthy Lifestyle Day. No offence, but I think it's somewhat a waste of time. :X Cos only a few people selected from each school/company can take part in the games. And the rest will just sit and do... something else. Which is just wasting your whole morning away... ): I've become so conscious of my time now, esp. since EYE is drawing near... Hah, I'm sure the others are too. But at least this event today is a quick getaway from my study table. Hehe.
Oh, and I should have said that I am familiar with that place ok. Seriously! I've been there every year, since 5 years ago or sthg, and based on my 'great photographic memory', do you think that I'll lose my way? (I'm not being sacarstic here.) I was sad when I couldn't eat at the hawker centre, then pop by Queenstown Library just now. :( I had so much urge to visit that library again, after such a long time! Oh well, it's partly my fault, cos I didn't voice out my opinions and everything properly. In the end, I just had to follow everyone else and take MRT. :( And feed on fastfood. D:D:D: Ahh, whatever. :/
Revision is getting along quite alright, I guess. I realised that I don't have to write out notes for Thermometric Propoerties, Transmission of Heat and Solutions and Suspensions (I)! :D Saves me time. But of course, I still have to go through the notes thoroughly.
Sorry I forgot to wish you here on 090909. Hee. Thanks for being such a lovely patrol mate! :D
Today we had South Division Healthy Lifestyle Day. No offence, but I think it's somewhat a waste of time. :X Cos only a few people selected from each school/company can take part in the games. And the rest will just sit and do... something else. Which is just wasting your whole morning away... ): I've become so conscious of my time now, esp. since EYE is drawing near... Hah, I'm sure the others are too. But at least this event today is a quick getaway from my study table. Hehe.
Oh, and I should have said that I am familiar with that place ok. Seriously! I've been there every year, since 5 years ago or sthg, and based on my 'great photographic memory', do you think that I'll lose my way? (I'm not being sacarstic here.) I was sad when I couldn't eat at the hawker centre, then pop by Queenstown Library just now. :( I had so much urge to visit that library again, after such a long time! Oh well, it's partly my fault, cos I didn't voice out my opinions and everything properly. In the end, I just had to follow everyone else and take MRT. :( And feed on fastfood. D:D:D: Ahh, whatever. :/
Revision is getting along quite alright, I guess. I realised that I don't have to write out notes for Thermometric Propoerties, Transmission of Heat and Solutions and Suspensions (I)! :D Saves me time. But of course, I still have to go through the notes thoroughly.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I realise that I'm very fortunate. If I just have to think on the brighter side, everything will be fine. Just that sometimes I don't like it if people don't understand what I'm trying to tell them. I'm not like XY who 'has problems expressing herself', but people just don't understand. I want to curb that particular problem, but things are like, in my way! Silly obstacles. Just wanna kick them.
I realised that 4 days of not blogging isn't very long. Which means I can even go blogging-less for one week! Hohoho. But still, I was very hardworking for the past few days, especially yesterday! xD Yeah, I have to compliment myself. :) I didn't even switch on the computer yesterday! Not even for research etc! Haha. I was depending on my knowledge. And the textbook. Haha. Okok.
I've been stuck with art for the past few days, since Saturday. I wasn't spending all day for the past few days to do art, of course, if not I would have finished it long ago. I was spending the night away doing art. Which means... Three nights of doing art. *yawn* It's very tedious, especially for me, cos I have to draw out the landmarks! Hah, but I'm not regretting my idea, cos I know it's quite unique. :)
I'm getting on alright with homework. YEAH RIGHT. I'm not even halfway through it! Bleh. The art was taking up a lot of my time. And it IS still taking up my time now...
I keep thinking that today is Thursday, and yesterday I kept thinking that that day was Wednesday. Hmm, what's wrong man? I seem to want this holiday to end soon. There're both good and bad points of ending it fast, SO THAT I CAN QUICKLY GET OVER THIS MISERY! But I need time to revise too... I haven't started on any single revision this holiday! :O
I think it's also kinda difficult to get A1 for the Maths EYE. After finishing the Maths papers, my score and grade was so lousy! I mean, you can totally tell whether I was putting in effort or not man. Yeah, I admit that I was very careless. ): Could have snatched at least 5 more marks. =.=
Don't talk about it anymore! Urgh. I'm struggling with Geog now. Alright bye. :)
I've been stuck with art for the past few days, since Saturday. I wasn't spending all day for the past few days to do art, of course, if not I would have finished it long ago. I was spending the night away doing art. Which means... Three nights of doing art. *yawn* It's very tedious, especially for me, cos I have to draw out the landmarks! Hah, but I'm not regretting my idea, cos I know it's quite unique. :)
I'm getting on alright with homework. YEAH RIGHT. I'm not even halfway through it! Bleh. The art was taking up a lot of my time. And it IS still taking up my time now...
I keep thinking that today is Thursday, and yesterday I kept thinking that that day was Wednesday. Hmm, what's wrong man? I seem to want this holiday to end soon. There're both good and bad points of ending it fast, SO THAT I CAN QUICKLY GET OVER THIS MISERY! But I need time to revise too... I haven't started on any single revision this holiday! :O
I think it's also kinda difficult to get A1 for the Maths EYE. After finishing the Maths papers, my score and grade was so lousy! I mean, you can totally tell whether I was putting in effort or not man. Yeah, I admit that I was very careless. ): Could have snatched at least 5 more marks. =.=
Don't talk about it anymore! Urgh. I'm struggling with Geog now. Alright bye. :)
Friday, September 4, 2009
I feel very sad after reading your blog...
You know now I wonder why, why is everyone around slowly starting to feel sad, to feel dejected, to feel useless and worthless? Not just you, but a few people I know too. I admit that I do feel sad sometimes, I mean, who doesn't?
Life is like a rollar coaster ride, full of ups and downs. But come on, always look on the brighter side yeah? The glass is always half full. You are the one that shape and mould what you want in your life. If you keep thinking negatively, of course whatever you do will turn out to be negative.
Come on, it's really sad to see that your friends are feeling pessimisstic. I know I can't do anything, or say anything to you. I feel helpless! But if you read this, I'll be happy. :) Don't feel sad anymore, ok? ;)
You know now I wonder why, why is everyone around slowly starting to feel sad, to feel dejected, to feel useless and worthless? Not just you, but a few people I know too. I admit that I do feel sad sometimes, I mean, who doesn't?
Life is like a rollar coaster ride, full of ups and downs. But come on, always look on the brighter side yeah? The glass is always half full. You are the one that shape and mould what you want in your life. If you keep thinking negatively, of course whatever you do will turn out to be negative.
Come on, it's really sad to see that your friends are feeling pessimisstic. I know I can't do anything, or say anything to you. I feel helpless! But if you read this, I'll be happy. :) Don't feel sad anymore, ok? ;)
I need to clarify this.
It's not that I don't like outdoors, or I'm not interested in COALS. I love the outdoors, in fact, and I love rock climbing, abseiling, kayaking etc. I love camps, yes! But, but, but (there's always a 'but'), I am really more attracted to Perak trip. I know you might be giving up a rare opportunity, but my heart is sorta with Perak trip. The itinerary really attracts me and interests me! Absolutely ok! I just really hope that I can get in... (I would take part in COALS if there weren't the Perak trip.)
Right, it's the last school day of Term 3. September holidays! Whee! I said 'whee' because it's revision time! It's time to bury my nose in the books! Hahaha. You might think I'm insane. Just trying to be positive here. :)
There's a lot of things to do this week of break. Revision for almost all subjects, Art ideas and A2 board, Malay Oral... Ok, I shall conquer them one by one.
With motivation and determination, I will succeed! :D
It's not that I don't like outdoors, or I'm not interested in COALS. I love the outdoors, in fact, and I love rock climbing, abseiling, kayaking etc. I love camps, yes! But, but, but (there's always a 'but'), I am really more attracted to Perak trip. I know you might be giving up a rare opportunity, but my heart is sorta with Perak trip. The itinerary really attracts me and interests me! Absolutely ok! I just really hope that I can get in... (I would take part in COALS if there weren't the Perak trip.)
Right, it's the last school day of Term 3. September holidays! Whee! I said 'whee' because it's revision time! It's time to bury my nose in the books! Hahaha. You might think I'm insane. Just trying to be positive here. :)
There's a lot of things to do this week of break. Revision for almost all subjects, Art ideas and A2 board, Malay Oral... Ok, I shall conquer them one by one.
With motivation and determination, I will succeed! :D
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I realised I've been blogging very often nowadays. Hahaha.
I was so overjoyed when the announcement this morning said that the EXAM TIMETABLE is already in the class mail tray! :D:D:D Yay! Just yesterday I was complaining to Shirley that we still haven't gotten our timetable yet. And that's irritating. Cos you want to revise but you don't know when the dates are. =.=
Yeah, now that the timetable is in my hands... Hehehe. I can plan my revision plan! Hahaha. I know I sound very kiasu, but you'll be surprised that a lot of people out there (whom you might not know) also do that... But I'll not stress myself out too much (like Jeslyn) and black out during the exam. That's the worse thing that could happen to you! I mean, you study so much, so hard, and then when you're sitting for the paper, your mind suddenly goes blank. =.= Boo man.
I also realised that Joyce loves Maths a lot too. :) She had the same reaction as me when we received 2 sets of Maths revision papers! Hahaha. Now this proves to Xin Yu that I'm not a weirdo who loves doing revision papers. :)
Ok, shall go and start planning for EYE! Haha, bye. (:
I was so overjoyed when the announcement this morning said that the EXAM TIMETABLE is already in the class mail tray! :D:D:D Yay! Just yesterday I was complaining to Shirley that we still haven't gotten our timetable yet. And that's irritating. Cos you want to revise but you don't know when the dates are. =.=
Yeah, now that the timetable is in my hands... Hehehe. I can plan my revision plan! Hahaha. I know I sound very kiasu, but you'll be surprised that a lot of people out there (whom you might not know) also do that... But I'll not stress myself out too much (like Jeslyn) and black out during the exam. That's the worse thing that could happen to you! I mean, you study so much, so hard, and then when you're sitting for the paper, your mind suddenly goes blank. =.= Boo man.
I also realised that Joyce loves Maths a lot too. :) She had the same reaction as me when we received 2 sets of Maths revision papers! Hahaha. Now this proves to Xin Yu that I'm not a weirdo who loves doing revision papers. :)
Ok, shall go and start planning for EYE! Haha, bye. (:
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Today's Guides session is alright. Such a mix of emotions.
At first I thought it was compulsory for me to join COALS. Then throughout footdrills and the Total Defence Badge I was thinking about this. Not really that I don't want to join COALS, but I very much want to go for the Perak trip! Really!
So I was quite disappointed, then my friends were trying to cheer me up, and convincing me that COALS is good! Yeah! Then my mentality is quiet alright already.
Then after taps, me and Carin went to ask Kaushi whether it's compulsory for all PCs and PSLs to join COALS or not. Then she said that it's not compulsory, but if you wanna go you can, through CPB. But it doesn't matter which board you enter through.
Thanks a lot. Not in a sacarstic way, but then afterwards, I became so confused. Cos I don't know what to choose! Hahaha. Weird. After a few hours of consideration, I decided to go for Perak. I know it's not confirmed whether I'll get in or not, but it's on first-come-first-serve basis, so hopefully tmr I'll be one of the first few to sign up. This time round, the application is quite tight, I know, cos this trip is open to all UGs in Cedar. And the Sec 4s are going, so it's more 'competition' to get in, with more ppl. Hopefully, I'll be able to go.... The itinerary sounds really, really, really interesting! :)
I had quite an interesting conversation with Shirley today on the way home. Yay, I love meaningful conversations that set me thinking...! :)
At first I thought it was compulsory for me to join COALS. Then throughout footdrills and the Total Defence Badge I was thinking about this. Not really that I don't want to join COALS, but I very much want to go for the Perak trip! Really!
So I was quite disappointed, then my friends were trying to cheer me up, and convincing me that COALS is good! Yeah! Then my mentality is quiet alright already.
Then after taps, me and Carin went to ask Kaushi whether it's compulsory for all PCs and PSLs to join COALS or not. Then she said that it's not compulsory, but if you wanna go you can, through CPB. But it doesn't matter which board you enter through.
Thanks a lot. Not in a sacarstic way, but then afterwards, I became so confused. Cos I don't know what to choose! Hahaha. Weird. After a few hours of consideration, I decided to go for Perak. I know it's not confirmed whether I'll get in or not, but it's on first-come-first-serve basis, so hopefully tmr I'll be one of the first few to sign up. This time round, the application is quite tight, I know, cos this trip is open to all UGs in Cedar. And the Sec 4s are going, so it's more 'competition' to get in, with more ppl. Hopefully, I'll be able to go.... The itinerary sounds really, really, really interesting! :)
I had quite an interesting conversation with Shirley today on the way home. Yay, I love meaningful conversations that set me thinking...! :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Boredom! Hohoho. I'm just blog-hopping and facebooking now. And watching the Sports' Day cheers on Youtube. Waiting for it to load...
Well, I shan't say that this whole day isn't productive. I did Science in the morning and a bit of History in the afternoon... Haha. But still, as I'm studying, I don't get why. As in I don't even know when are the dates for the other exams beside the language ones.
Till then!
P/S: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is done! I read finished it last night. Yay! It was awesome. :)
Well, I shan't say that this whole day isn't productive. I did Science in the morning and a bit of History in the afternoon... Haha. But still, as I'm studying, I don't get why. As in I don't even know when are the dates for the other exams beside the language ones.
Till then!
P/S: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is done! I read finished it last night. Yay! It was awesome. :)
Monday, August 31, 2009
This is my 223th post. Hahaha. Which means the previous one is the 222th! Haha.
Ok, today was Teachers' Day. I was looking forward to the concert! Yeah.
One regret of the day was that firstly, I wasn't there with the class when the class comm members presented the gifts to Mdm Er and Ms Ong. :(
They had loads of fun! Alicia did this weird facial experiment on Mdm Er by cutting out the cucumbers and placing them on Mdm Er's face! Lol!
And Sarah did this 'dramatic proposal' to Ms Ong? Like present the fake rose to her, saying that 'she was captivated by her style' and wondering how she had 'so many belts'! Hahaha. Yes, I was indeed amused at the fact that Ms Ong has so many different type of belts, outfits, dresses, that she wore a different set of clothes every single day, for at least a whole month! Imagine that! Haha!
One thing I don't really like about Teachers' Day is that after the concert, I have to go around the school, looking for teachers to give my gifts and cards to. =.= It's kinda irritating, not that I don't like to give them things, but it's the thing that you have to squeeze through the crowd, search for them among the sea of Cedarians. Bleh. But this year, I didn't really make a lot of cards, only 4, and very little gifts. Very little and small in size. Hah, but I know it's the thought that counts. However, seeing all the other Cedarians giving such wonderful and beautifull presents... Hahaha. But I know that 'what I do and make will always be special'! :) (Trying to gain some individuality here... xD)
Yes, I do trust you. :)
Ok, today was Teachers' Day. I was looking forward to the concert! Yeah.
One regret of the day was that firstly, I wasn't there with the class when the class comm members presented the gifts to Mdm Er and Ms Ong. :(
They had loads of fun! Alicia did this weird facial experiment on Mdm Er by cutting out the cucumbers and placing them on Mdm Er's face! Lol!
And Sarah did this 'dramatic proposal' to Ms Ong? Like present the fake rose to her, saying that 'she was captivated by her style' and wondering how she had 'so many belts'! Hahaha. Yes, I was indeed amused at the fact that Ms Ong has so many different type of belts, outfits, dresses, that she wore a different set of clothes every single day, for at least a whole month! Imagine that! Haha!
One thing I don't really like about Teachers' Day is that after the concert, I have to go around the school, looking for teachers to give my gifts and cards to. =.= It's kinda irritating, not that I don't like to give them things, but it's the thing that you have to squeeze through the crowd, search for them among the sea of Cedarians. Bleh. But this year, I didn't really make a lot of cards, only 4, and very little gifts. Very little and small in size. Hah, but I know it's the thought that counts. However, seeing all the other Cedarians giving such wonderful and beautifull presents... Hahaha. But I know that 'what I do and make will always be special'! :) (Trying to gain some individuality here... xD)
Yes, I do trust you. :)
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