It's time I updated, right? Hahaha. This week has been pretty boring for me. The only two interesting events that happened were on Tues and Wed.
On Tuesday I held this 'movie marathon' at my house with XY, WT and Nat. Actually, it wasn't exactly like an MM, cos we only watched 2 movies! But what can we do, we only had 4 hours! Watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and She's the Man. I love both movies! The former is one that I've always enjoyed, of course, because Harry Potter is just so amazing, and I love Chamber of Secrets! Hohoho, She's the Man is so hilarious! Yes, it's my first time to really sit down and watch the whole movie. Previously I only caught snippets of it, but this time, I watched the entire movie. Boy, the movie's great! A real laugh. Haha, it's a chick flick, for those who do not know. :)
On Wednesday, I had patrol outing! :D Yay, finally, a patrol outing outside school. :) However, the turn up wasn't very ideal. Less than half the patrol came. But it's alright, we still proceeded with the plans. Went to Iluma to watch The Princess and the Frog. Well, it's quite a ncie movie. The twist in the story is very nice, somewhat unexpected! I think the movie is also a bit similiar to that of a musical. Because sometimes there will be songs, and the characters will sing and dance etc. Hahaha, but what surprised me the most was that I was kind of freaked out (a bit) by the evil parts. As in the parts that showed the evil character... :X
After the movie, we walked around Bugis Street for a while. Then after that was goodbye. :)
I really hope more people can turn up next time. Sigh. But I guess there's still plenty of chances. :)
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