Hello everyone!
You are reading the blog of someone who hasn't gone on Facebook for 9 days! Wow, isn't that just so great? Haha, no, I'm not being sacarstic, neither am I kidding. I really haven't gone on FB for 9 days! I'm glad because this shows that I have control over my 'virtual explorations'. AND I HAVE SELF-CONTROL! Haha!
Yeah, Jing Wen and Sabrina are trying to tempt me to log in. But I told myself that the most that I'll 'give way' is until I reach 10 days. Yes, 10 days! Perfect 10. :)
CEYD! AHHH! It's just so cool. We still don't know whether 2I wants a class theme or not. I think most of them doesn't want... But I personally think that if we have a class theme then it's more... fun! United? Haha, that I don't know. I thought of maybe we could all wear something off the same identity, need not be the colour, or a specific theme, but maybe everyone of us wears the same type of accessories. Hmm, but that'll be quite tough cos not all will want.
Should we just forget having a class theme? Sigh.
I realised that since I'm the organising committee, I will have very little time with my class, and 1C, whom I think the whole class is taking part. They'd better be! I spent quite some time convincing 1I last year, and I really didn't regret anything. It was such a fun day! Ok, anyway, I want to spend more time with my classmates and schoolmates, since it's a 1-in-365-days-chance to be wearing home clothes to school. Yeah, will take lots of pictures, like during AYG! Hahaha.
Enough about CEYD. I just have to talk about Malay Oral. I know it's depressing, but yeah, it's a reality. I passed, thankfully. (I can't imagine what will happen if I fail.) For a moment while having the oral, I really thought that I was going to fail. I mean, my mind suddenly went blank. Completely. And I couldn't formulate anything to say. I was stumped. I kept staring up and ahead, thinking of how I should reply Cikgu's question. It was seriously almost a torture. Then Cikgu was looking at me like, 'Is this really Rachel?' Or sthg like that, cos I fumbled a lot. Mind blank. That's how it goes. Yes, it's sad. Shocking too. But I'll move on. Hopefully my written test will pull my overall marks up.
Btw, how is this blogskin? Haha, I've found this blogskin almost 2 months ago, and ever since then I've sort of been lazy to change it. After seeing Wei Ting change her blogskin (a number of times), I decided it was time for me to change too. (:
Tmr! :)
Countdown to my 14th birthday: 13 more days!
Countdown to CEYD: 14 more days!
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