Monday, June 8, 2009

Today has just been weird. We wanted to do BillyBanja. But apparently our mood was... destroyed? I dunno.

We had a very 'inspirational' talk/debrief today. What you said is true. We are too childish/immature? to handle things right. Sometimes I have this thought that whenever we're left in charge of something, an activity, it doesn't turn out all that right. We have so many loopholes. We just can't get hold it! We still need help, which isn't supposed to be like that. They have stepped down. We can't always depend on them. I think it's time we put in more effort. AND USE OUR BRAINS. Yes, use our brains. They're just little kids. Surely we know something that suits them. After all, we've been kids ourselves! We have brains for a reason. I can't stand this.

This is our second time. I really hope that we'll do much, much better next time. We need encouragement too, please. Now that we know our mistakes, we need people to cheer us on to do better. Not always about the negative...

P/S: Is not wearing black shoes counted?

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