Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm so right. The atmospheric temperature now is 35 degrees Celsius! Believe it or not! Actually it's not unbelieveable, cos it's extremely hot now. And I do mean HOT.

Ahh, I thought today will rain, since it didn't rain for the past 2 days, and it's the 'winter' season now.

Anyway, I just read from Asiaone that the Top PSLE student this year is from Qifa Primary. Whoo, a neighbourhood school man! Take that, all the top schools! HAHAHA. Not that I'm from that school (Vithika is), but I just want people to know that their kids can also strive very well in neighbourhood schools, and not just the top and ming xiao are always the best in everything.

Mankind must put an end to war, if not war will put an end to mankind.
- John F. Kennedy

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