Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Oh no, right now I'm so confused about Harry Potter! I just read finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince... Aiyo, it's so sad that Dumbledore died... Haha, anyway, I refuse to carry on reading the last book, if not I'm determined that I'll keep feeling like I'm living in the wizarding world...! Information overload, I say!

Anyway, I'm so bored in the holidays, I know it's kinda expected to say this, but if I'm not reading HP then I'm practising piano, if not I'll just linger around in the house...? Oh well, I notice I've been using a lot of 'dot-dot-dot'! :/ See, see how bored I am, even to anaylse how I write my post?!

There's nothing much to update about, only that I've visited the exhibition 'Vignettes in Time' in the National Library. Hmm, I think it's a little bit too profound for my liking. It's about maps in Singapore's history, from the pre-1819 till today. I've been wanting to go there for quite some time, but I guess I didn't really appreciate the stuff there as much as I thought I would...

Shopping at FEP was alright. Bought some stuff.

Ok, that's all for now. :)

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